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200nl river spot 200nl river spot

06-30-2010 , 12:19 AM
Originally Posted by Never Win
if our range is polarized and he thinks we are bluffing enough then he should just call, he wont turn his hand into a bluff unless he has air(not likely). Also, he is risking a lot to win not so much. If he is a good reg, he knows this play can't be profitable w/ air/bluff. No way he thinks we fold greater than 50% of the time and no way he thinks we fold a 5.

Villain never has air here, and almost no villain will turn 2 pair into a bluff.

Also, even if you're polarized to a 5(although I don't think you are), I am not sure a "good reg" would shove here, as a lot of players, and every fish, will call 5. Which is conversely the reason why shoving 10 9 is better than raising smaller.
200nl river spot Quote
06-30-2010 , 12:50 AM
Originally Posted by urubu111
easy call imo, because if he had T9 he wouldn't c/c flop AND turn because obv its a terrible play. (and you said he is good..) same for T9cc....

i think he is turning made hands (A7, 98 etc) into a bluff because he also wouldn't shove for value hands like 75s or A5cc.
Not all people will check-raise T9o at 1/2. Not saying that is good. Just saying not everyone will do it.

bullmarket -
What are his Vpip/pfr from the button? If he is tight/aggr (30/18) , we can eliminate 95s/95o potentially ....
200nl river spot Quote
06-30-2010 , 01:14 AM
I don't see anything wrong with calling 10 9 two streets here. He can bluff flush if he has 109o and value bet the straight as here, or even possibly a 10 or a 9. Effectively he should have 21 outs that he can either bluff or value bet.
200nl river spot Quote
06-30-2010 , 01:20 AM
Originally Posted by hobokes
Not all people will check-raise T9o at 1/2. Not saying that is good. Just saying not everyone will do it.
Well what happened the other time he crai? Like has he crai and you reraise, or snap call and put pressure on him ott? Does he think you are super agro? There could be solid reasons to not crai 109 here.

EDIT: not meaning you hobokes of course, but OP... Anyways I'm a couple bubbley pops past fully coherent so hope I made a solid point here

Last edited by magnanimity; 06-30-2010 at 01:23 AM. Reason: I'm drunk
200nl river spot Quote
06-30-2010 , 02:12 AM
Originally Posted by magnanimity
Well what happened the other time he crai? Like has he crai and you reraise, or snap call and put pressure on him ott? Does he think you are super agro? There could be solid reasons to not crai 109 here.

EDIT: not meaning you hobokes of course, but OP... Anyways I'm a couple bubbley pops past fully coherent so hope I made a solid point here
yah i mean, you don't have to CR T9o here 100% of the time

and some peoples games at 1/2 will CR T9o here literally 5-10% only
200nl river spot Quote
06-30-2010 , 02:33 AM
I think it's way more likely this is T9 played "deceptively" expecting to get paid by a 5 close to 100% of the time than it's a marginal hand turned bluff to fold everything but T9...

imo a goooood reg would size smaller on the river w/ T9 ($235-275ish) and I doubt this guy is that good. This just seems like a jizz in my pants I have the nuts which he won't expect me to have too often/he can't fold a straight so I shove for max value type hand.

(maybe some of that made sense)
200nl river spot Quote
06-30-2010 , 03:03 AM
yah, this really comes down to what you know/think about your villian

if you are 1-tabling, this could be a trivial call/fold
but if you are 5-6 tabling, 5 different guys at 1/2, this could be a very tough spot
200nl river spot Quote
06-30-2010 , 05:51 AM
oh wow I didn't see T9 made a straight as well. I agree it's a fold now =/
200nl river spot Quote
06-30-2010 , 06:02 AM
Originally Posted by I_LI_Jl
Really? If we are reping any hand here it's 10 9, and what can villain possibly have that he would shove? IMO, he never has worse than TP or 2 pair here, and you are seriously implying that he would turn those hands into a bluff 30% of the time? He could possibly have 2s, but if both of them are over he is raising the flop, and if both aren't than he still has made a pair or a str8, and there is simply no way a villain, even one that we know to periodically bluff, is turning a made hand into a bluff 30% of the time here.

Psychologically this is hard to fold, but mathematically and ev-wise this is a snap fold.
i am not saying he is bluffing 30 % or whatever here . I m just saying we don't know what % he would because it's the first time he takes this line. the fact that only T9 is in his range and that he might or might not play it like this, plus the fact that he is good and we have a straight in a spot that we would be bluffing or valuebetting something worse v often makes it a call. This is the strength of taking a line v rarely. because villain gives a lot of respect to it you can have a v high % of bluffs in that line.

If flop didn't have a flush draw or turn was a 6 and river a 4 i'd be much more inclined to fold.
200nl river spot Quote
07-02-2010 , 02:29 AM
only had like 3 secs in my time bank left cause i used it up in another few hands. dident know what to do so spaz clicked call and he had A7s.
200nl river spot Quote
07-02-2010 , 02:31 AM
Originally Posted by urubu111
easy call imo, because if he had T9 he wouldn't c/c flop AND turn because obv its a terrible play. (and you said he is good..) same for T9cc....

i think he is turning made hands (A7, 98 etc) into a bluff because he also wouldn't shove for value hands like 75s or A5cc.
Well done
200nl river spot Quote
07-02-2010 , 03:04 AM
Originally Posted by 0bullmarket0
only had like 3 secs in my time bank left cause i used it up in another few hands. dident know what to do so spaz clicked call and he had A7s.
good call.
200nl river spot Quote
07-02-2010 , 06:25 AM
Was the villain H@LINGGOL? I've had almost exact hand vs him and he showed me A4o AFAIR. Except i slightly OB river and we were lil deeper.

Last edited by PureDiesel; 07-02-2010 at 06:33 AM.
200nl river spot Quote
07-02-2010 , 07:22 AM
Originally Posted by Isura
this is so ridiculous I'm not sure we agree on the definition of a good reg. I'm not basing my decision when he ships 175bb on the river on a vague assumption that he'll play certain hands in his range a certain way 100% of the time.
dude, its just impossible to see T9 on his hand if he is at least ''OKish''. even a bad reg wouldn't make this huge mistake (c/c 2streets w/ T9 or T9cc is a BIG mistake).
200nl river spot Quote
