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200NL Live Casino big check raise river 200NL Live Casino big check raise river

01-24-2016 , 09:50 AM
Hi, I usually play at a local casino in Europe.

I have been playing at this table for the past 3 hours, starting stack 300e, I currently have 950e.

Villain has arrived at the table 10 minutes ago with 1000e. So I know very little.

Here comes the hand.

UTG limp
UTG+1 limp
Hero 10 10 raise 11e
BB (villain) calls
UTG folds
UTG+1 call

9 4 5

Check, Check, Hero bets 21e.
Villain (BB) calls.

9 4 5 K

Check, Hero bets 36e, Call.

9 4 5 K K

Check, Hero bets 55e.
After a minute in the tank, Villain raises 300 euro.

I tank for about 3 minutes and I try to understand why this action from villain. Would he really check/raise a full house? Would he check/raise a K? I don't think he is capable of doing the play so I call.

Thoughts on the hand?
Is the call correct?
200NL Live Casino big check raise river Quote
01-25-2016 , 08:08 PM
I like your line, would have bet bigger on river to protect ourselves from getting bluffed. As played, river sizing appear to indicate thin value, which V can try to blow us off of, even though we could conceivably show up with Kx a lot here. With a bigger river bet, I think our decision would have been easier. It's real close IMO, but all things considered I probably call.
200NL Live Casino big check raise river Quote
01-26-2016 , 01:36 AM
Seems like until the river, the villain played quite passively and was drawing to a busted flush or playing trappy. But I agree with busticator with a larger river bet for protection.

I would also call as the scenario was presented.
200NL Live Casino big check raise river Quote
02-09-2016 , 12:18 PM
Why not just check back the river?
You're either going to:
fold worse hands
get check raised by better
or be check raised off your hand by a bluff (check raise bluffs at this level OTR are rare)
200NL Live Casino big check raise river Quote
02-09-2016 , 09:13 PM

idk why you bet river. only if I know V is a total station and will call with 9x, but you said no reads so play it safe. There's a chance you could fold out JJ but that's such a slim range I would never target exactly 1 hand.
200NL Live Casino big check raise river Quote
02-20-2016 , 08:37 AM

When someone buys in for 1000e chances are low that he is a fish. These ones exist, offcourse, but they are really rare.

Imo it all depends on your history with this guy, you might not remember him, but maybe he saw you playing before. So if he has an aggro image of you, he might consider this bluff or this valueraise with a 44 55 99. By valueraise I mean that he has a really aggro image of you and he's almost sure that you will bet on the river, so he waits for you to bet and go's for max value. This is really a level playing field, don't consider this reasoning to fast on a 2/2 live game with unknown opponents.

If you don't have history, I would give him a range of AK-KQ and maybe KJ on that river, that means that I would not include sets/full houses, I'll tell you why. There's a concept that's called 'the limiting turn call'. This means that, if your opponent only calls you on this turn (and for sure with stacks this deep), it means you can eliminate most of his top range. If he had a strong hand, and sets are nuts on this turn (set over set is just bad luck, I consider all sets as nuts), he would be willing to play for stacks and he would raise the turn definetly, he won't be waiting for the river to come.

There is offcourse also a really really small chance that your opponent is playing the leveling game, but I wouldn't worry to much about this on a 2/2 live game.

Conclusion: nice valuemerge, you may make this valuemerge a bigger bet, so it looks more like a bluf, so all 9x can call you and even 88 77, .. This bet looks like a real valuemerge,

But eventually I would give him some respect on the first rounds to see if he's a real maniac, and I would assign him the AK-KQ range, it makes perfect sense, and if it was a bluf this time, you will notice this for sure in the next 2-3 rounds and you can play against the maniac with each 800 in stacks. FUN FUN FUN
Don't level yourself to fast into calling these bets on the first rounds on these stakes without information.

Does he had AK? maybe diamonds?
200NL Live Casino big check raise river Quote
