200bb deep multi way 25nl
Join Date: May 2020
Posts: 3
This weird hand came up yesterday, 25nl stars reg tables. I'm 200bb+ deep with 2 of the villains. Thoughts on what to do pre and post?
Hero in CO with KK i open 2.5xbb
BU 3b to 9bb
BB minr to 16.5bb (or 15.5, i forgot exactly but it was small. i had a note on him from a diff session that he calls down light but his stats are normal reggy ,so it has no bearing on his preflop play)
first decision? i figure i dont want to 5b/fold, so i just flatted, and BU flat as well.
BB bets 20bb into 48-49bb
second decision? i really have no clue at this point
Join Date: May 2020
Posts: 837
Flatting pre isn't terrible.
In regards to the flop, BTN easily could have a lot of JJ/QQ/TT/88
Flat. Raising just runs you into AA/TT/88 and you fold out JJ from BTN a good % of time, presuming he's no whale.