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 HUSNG reg speed, Shove flop??  HUSNG reg speed, Shove flop??

06-16-2010 , 05:48 PM
equity win tie pots won pots tied
Hand 0: 52.378% 52.24% 00.14% 20169 54.00 { 99-66, AQo, A5o }
Hand 1: 47.622% 47.48% 00.14% 18333 54.00 { JsTs }

apart from that hands (which are hands that would call ur shove) there are so many stone cold bluffs in his range that ur fold equity is huge. and even if he has you beat, your only a very small underdog. the dead money in the pot might compensate for that.
shove seems +EV to me.
 HUSNG reg speed, Shove flop?? Quote
06-16-2010 , 07:50 PM
Originally Posted by spamz0r
just scribbled that down really fast tbh, should be okay i think though just a small wall of text; someone can confirm? 30% equity when called seems about right
In the worst case scenario, we have ~23% equity if villain holds KsQx for a flush/BD straight blocker + redraw. Most of the time we have ~27% equity vs. Qx.
 HUSNG reg speed, Shove flop?? Quote
06-17-2010 , 10:17 AM
I don't like a shove. I think I'd rather 3b smallish to like ~380-420 and call a shove than shove myself. I raise smaller if he can jam a 5 here for protection, so that we don't have to worry about being floated, though it should be pretty clear he has a 5 or a draw a lot when he does float.

A shove is overkill. Yeah, it's EV+, but we lose the maximum when he has something, and we don't need to risk that many chips to fold out his air. Plus, 3b/call should weaken the range against which we get it in, because he can spaz out and shove with a worse FD/no pair, no draw-type hand, but he's pretty much never calling a jam with those.

I still prefer a call, though.
 HUSNG reg speed, Shove flop?? Quote
06-17-2010 , 03:21 PM
this is the spot u have to call the flop,even though shoving is another option but less optimal here
 HUSNG reg speed, Shove flop?? Quote
