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2 spots in which i could bluff 2 spots in which i could bluff

11-11-2008 , 07:54 PM
Villain is 44/14 3bet happy and the table fish who likes to call down(120 hands). This minraise pre is standard for him and he is very aggro postflop. He lost some money to us, but isn`t super bad.

Party Poker $2000.00 No Limit Hold'em - 6 players
The Official 2+2 Hand Converter Powered By

CO: $2072.00
BTN: $5554.00
SB: $1966.50
Hero (BB): $3615.50
UTG: $2030.00
MP: $743.50

Pre Flop: ($30.00) Hero is BB with T A
1 fold, MP raises to $40, CO calls $40, 2 folds, Hero raises to $170, MP calls $130, 1 fold

Flop: ($390.00) 8 9 5 (2 players)

I am looking for a good line. I doubt he has a HPP, because he 3bets a lot,although i haven`t seen him 4betting yet. My problem is that after betting i am pretty much commited. What you think about a c/r on flop? He`s seeing lots of showdowns, but i think he will miss flop here quite often

2. Villain is 22/21 and has a 3bet rate of 20 and is aggro postflop. We tangled a bit in 3bet pots before, but nothing special...

Party Poker $2000.00 No Limit Hold'em - 6 players
The Official 2+2 Hand Converter Powered By

BB: $3303.00
Hero (UTG): $1887.00
MP: $2065.00
CO: $608.96
BTN: $1910.00
SB: $3686.00

Pre Flop: ($30.00) Hero is UTG with A Q
Hero raises to $70, 3 folds, SB raises to $240, 1 fold, Hero calls $170

Flop: ($500.00) 6 3 J (2 players)
SB checks

Is a 4bet preflop better vs him, should i bluff here and if yes, what am i doing on turn?
2 spots in which i could bluff Quote
11-11-2008 , 08:05 PM
I like check/shoving on hand one since he isn't folding any pp to a bet but his range includes all types of **** we beat that he would stab with. I would check back hand 2, and I like the 3bet flat preflop.
2 spots in which i could bluff Quote
11-11-2008 , 08:10 PM
Reraise preflop in Hand 1 again is brutal. Nevertheless, here you are. C/r on the flop is insane. If he bets the flop, he is committed. He will never fold to your c/r getting 5/1 or whatever. And even if he bets with a weak hand, he's probably ahead of you. LOL when you c/r and he is forced to call with AJ, 44, etc.
2 spots in which i could bluff Quote
11-11-2008 , 08:21 PM
Originally Posted by Rococo
Reraise preflop in Hand 1 again is brutal. Nevertheless, here you are. C/r on the flop is insane. If he bets the flop, he is committed. He will never fold to your c/r getting 5/1 or whatever. And even if he bets with a weak hand, he's probably ahead of you. LOL when you c/r and he is forced to call with AJ, 44, etc.
Raising preflop in hand 1 is fine if the guy is minraising 40% all hands dealt, and we're not trying to get fold equity from a c/raise, we're allowing him to bet with worse (since it makes up a good portion of his range).

edit: look at it this way, betting folds out everything we beat and gets called by everything that does beat us (even AJ+ I would suspect against this particular villain), thus accomplishes nothing, so checking is our best option. Given that villain is aggro postflop and apt to stab at this flop with ATC, we have too much equity to check/fold against a range of any paint + suited connectors and bull****, thus shoving is most profitable.
2 spots in which i could bluff Quote
11-11-2008 , 09:22 PM
c/r hand 1, 1/2 pot hand 2
2 spots in which i could bluff Quote
11-11-2008 , 10:16 PM
Originally Posted by captainwacky
1/2 pot hand 2
I don't think described villain is checkfolding after 3b OOP enough to make this bet profitable unless we're willing to get it in.
2 spots in which i could bluff Quote
11-12-2008 , 11:38 AM
Citizen James thx for your detailed and good answers. H1 i think bet/? is always worse than c/?. It`s only between c/f and raising. And i think raising has some benefits. We get a aggro bluffy image and can get his money later if we lose and be ahead quite often.

H2: I think we are repping very good hands after raising UTG and calling a 3bet of SB.
He has to c/r or fold, i don`t see him profitably c/c any hand vs my range here.
2 spots in which i could bluff Quote
11-12-2008 , 01:38 PM
The more I think about it, Citizen James may be correct that c/r all in is the best of the various bad options given the p/f action. That being said, I am still dubious that this overall line is a winning strategy for the following reasons.

Let's assume Villain calls or raises OP's three bet with one third of the hands that he opens with, which seems about right given the stats. If that is correct, OP will be behind Villain's calling range by about a 55/45 margin. And some small percentage of the time Villain or the BB will 4 bet with a very strong hand, and OP will have to fold or get it in very bad. In a few other instances, BB will call with a better hand than AT.

If we make the very large assumption that all the money is going in on the flop, no matter what it is, we are going be losing an average of $70 every time Villain calls the 3-bet preflop and we show down.

i haven't done the math, but I suspect that losing that $70, combined with the times we get 4 bet by Villain or the BB, is going to wash out the gains from the times we take it down preflop.

Moreover, if our fundamental assumption that all the money will go in on the flop is wrong, I suspect that we will be even worse off. Given Villain's positional advantage, I suspect that he will get it in bad on the flop less often than OP will.
2 spots in which i could bluff Quote
11-12-2008 , 01:38 PM
CitizenJames is a pretty smart dude.
2 spots in which i could bluff Quote
