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2/5 live, kk postflop. bet into 2/5 live, kk postflop. bet into

12-29-2009 , 01:24 PM
Been an frequent viewer for some time, but first post. Live 2/5, regular game but not casino. Villain is extremely active, in my past I have seen him put in 100 bb's in preflop with KQs and spew off his entire stack multiple times. He plays 5x a week but obviously has a maniac image. Villain respects my game, thinks of me as a solid player, but knows as I am a student I dont have as much money as most players in the game. 2nd hand of night, Hero has 340. Villain covers.

Villian raise utg to 18. folded to hero in c/o, raise to 48 KK. Villain calls.

Flop J 7 3

Villain leads 80. Hero...
2/5 live, kk postflop. bet into Quote
12-29-2009 , 01:40 PM
so he'll call with as little as top pair?

um, get you're money in then i guess.

I dont think shoving is ideal here because he's going to call with FD no matter what, along with any other peice of the board. So i call behind here, let turn peel off. If its scary, re-evaluate based upon what he does (which is 90% of the time is going to be a bet), but you're going to have to fold a decent amount of turn cards, but it sounds like he's calling with damn near anything on the flop, i'd rather make my move on turn when he only has 1 card to come for all his drawing hands.

So i guess pot control is ideal here imo.

But i'm curious to hear someone argue for a fist pump shove. There's a lot of hand combos in villains range that we are vulnerable to imo. Maybe this is too passive. But i've been taking a line like this against aggressive villains lately and liking how its worked out. Previously i was probably shoving saying "im ahead so often, get my money in" but you're never winning this uncontested against villain's range and i say you gain F.E. on turn if it blanks. In other words, i get less crazy with an overpair than i used to.
2/5 live, kk postflop. bet into Quote
12-29-2009 , 01:56 PM
You have less than 100 bb's, kk, a spewy villain and a j high, flush draw board. If you do anything but ship it here, you're wacky.
2/5 live, kk postflop. bet into Quote
12-29-2009 , 02:14 PM
Originally Posted by smokingrobot
so he'll call with as little as top pair?

um, get you're money in then i guess.
So i call behind here, let turn peel off. If its scary, re-evaluate based upon what he does (which is 90% of the time is going to be a bet), but you're going to have to fold a decent amount of turn cards, but it sounds like he's calling with damn near anything on the flop, i'd rather make my move on turn when he only has 1 card to come for all his drawing hands.
Thats very exploitable as there are many cards to come that will kill your action and if villain knows you are folding like this he is going to barrel almost every time.

I shove here almost always.... the almost is when its a complete nit. He is leading with so many hands its not even funny. The only hand you're worried about is JJ, which is plausible, but the least likely. I think he shows up here more often than not with FD, AJ, KJ, QJ and JT with possible backdoor cards. Get it in. Play properly rolled as these decisions become much easier to make.
2/5 live, kk postflop. bet into Quote
12-29-2009 , 02:38 PM
Insta-shove. You got the stack to pot ratio up to about 3 with your reraise pre, and now there's 180 in the pot and you have 300 behind. Against a flop like this, you are committed. If he hit a set of jacks, so be it, but he won't hit that often enough to make calling your reraise profitable. Besides that, based on your read (ignoring the part about him having more money than you), you clearly have the best hand. Push and watch him call you down with a flush draw or even KJ.
2/5 live, kk postflop. bet into Quote
12-29-2009 , 02:47 PM
Originally Posted by AcePlayerDeluxe
Thats very exploitable as there are many cards to come that will kill your action and if villain knows you are folding like this he is going to barrel almost every time.

I shove here almost always.... the almost is when its a complete nit. He is leading with so many hands its not even funny. The only hand you're worried about is JJ, which is plausible, but the least likely. I think he shows up here more often than not with FD, AJ, KJ, QJ and JT with possible backdoor cards. Get it in. Play properly rolled as these decisions become much easier to make.
no you're exactly right.

i compeltely forgot about stack sizes by the end of my post.

yeah, since your basically not buying in full, its a shove.

i have been letting these kinds of players 2nd barrel a variety of turn cards and pick and choose my raise spots dependent upon prior information from other hands etc. and if I feel like i can re-steal his attempt to steal on a scary turn card. additionally, im just trying to not equate overpair with teh nuts. going through hand history, i have bled a lot of money getting it in on flops against a variety of players who will call w/ more of their range on the flop with 2 cards to come than the turn w/ 1 card to come simply because my opponent cant properly put me on KK and count all his spade outs as clean either, so the 9/46 on the turn if he's on just a nut flush or any flush draw isnt legit. of course this is assuming im playing a player who thinks about this ****.

In other words, yes its exploitable, but there are ways to counter that. And the player who is playing a wide range and most likely to be exploiting more often than betting a hand for value against me on the turn here is getting popped on the turn. This way i'm getting value from all the hands he wont call a raise/shove with on the turn and still only facing the hands where i was already behind on the flop.

Is this still flawed in some way? Obviously im describing the ideal where i have a competent read/history with villain.

Also - its true im not taking this line short stacked.
2/5 live, kk postflop. bet into Quote
12-29-2009 , 02:48 PM
Ship ASAP.
2/5 live, kk postflop. bet into Quote
