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2-4 6 max, KK OOP after flatting 3-bet on wet board vs. a reg, stack to pot ratio 3.5 to 1 2-4 6 max, KK OOP after flatting 3-bet on wet board vs. a reg, stack to pot ratio 3.5 to 1

03-29-2010 , 05:03 AM
Villain is a reg playing many tables (6 or 7) and is on the LAGgy side (VPIP >25%, PFR 20%). Looks to me to be a consistent winner and a strong player.

Full Tilt Poker $2/$4 No Limit Hold'em - 5 players
The Official 2+2 Hand Converter Powered By

CO: $967.70
BTN: $425.00
SB: $433.90
Hero (BB): $489.25
UTG: $435.20

Pre Flop: ($6.00) Hero is BB with K K
UTG raises to $14, 1 fold, BTN raises to $40, 1 fold, Hero calls $36, 1 fold

Flop: ($96.00) 4 J 9 (2 players)
Hero checks, BTN bets $50, Hero ??

I flat the 3-bet, as I think a 4-bet folds out his whole range that's behind except for AK and QQ.

That being said, given how many tables he is playing, I have to think he has to have a strong hand pre to 3-bet the UTG raiser (or is this necessarily true, are good regs so good that they are able to play 6-7 tables and still 3-bet UTG raisers pre from the button with suited connectors or little pairs?).

I'm looking to check-raise all-in on most flops, and probably but reluctantly including this one as I don't like seeing the J or the 9

(Mathematically is this right: ruling out a set of 44's, each set of JJ's or 99's has 3 possible combos, QQ is 6 possible combos, AA is 6 possible combos, AQ is 16 possible combos, AJs is 4 possible combos, AK is 8 possible combos given I have the KK).

I'm expecting villain to bet about 70% of the pot and I then ship (280 more into a 240 pot) but when he bets just 50 I'm not sure what to do.

Shipping becomes a 50% overbet and I can see how I'm only called when I'm way behind.

WWYD and why and if we just call what's the plan if an offsuit 5 hits the turn?

Another question is: given I am in the blinds and have to play a bloated pot OOP post-flop vs. a strong player, should I generally flat the KK's and AA's less often in this spot and just 4-bet them even when I know a good reg is going to just fold a lot? I don't like the idea of 4-betting a good player who's just 3-bet the UTG raiser as it turns my hand face up and I'm unable to get value on my KK or AA. But if I just flat I have to walk a tightrope post-flop against tough opponents and risk getting stacked a lot.

Would a small 4-bet, say to 80, be better than either flatting or a standard sized 4-bet to 90-100? This may induce villain to make a loose and incorrect call of the 44 more, and more importantly if he calls the small 4-bet it makes the pot 180 on the flop with 310 behind, I can then lead the flop for say 140.

Last edited by PokerChamp; 03-29-2010 at 05:19 AM.
2-4 6 max, KK OOP after flatting 3-bet on wet board vs. a reg, stack to pot ratio 3.5 to 1 Quote
03-29-2010 , 05:48 AM
125 snap

this hand is standard. I probs just 4b pre as flatting is close to the same range for me and ppl snap stackoff 1010+ and ak regardless of the action.
2-4 6 max, KK OOP after flatting 3-bet on wet board vs. a reg, stack to pot ratio 3.5 to 1 Quote
03-29-2010 , 05:51 AM
125 / snap imo
2-4 6 max, KK OOP after flatting 3-bet on wet board vs. a reg, stack to pot ratio 3.5 to 1 Quote
03-29-2010 , 07:00 AM
95$ish raise do the job and allow you to cold 4b with either bluffs or nuts (not too expensive, let the possibility to shove for your opponent as you seem less committed to the pot)
2-4 6 max, KK OOP after flatting 3-bet on wet board vs. a reg, stack to pot ratio 3.5 to 1 Quote
03-29-2010 , 09:14 AM
4b pre, if you think it looks too strong it means you don't do it enough as a bluff. As played I'm not sure that just crai is not better, It looks like a draw, I'm often called by AJ or TT.
2-4 6 max, KK OOP after flatting 3-bet on wet board vs. a reg, stack to pot ratio 3.5 to 1 Quote
03-29-2010 , 01:40 PM
Yup, if youre not gonna 4b pre you have to raise this flop. Make it $122 and call it off
2-4 6 max, KK OOP after flatting 3-bet on wet board vs. a reg, stack to pot ratio 3.5 to 1 Quote
03-29-2010 , 01:49 PM
flat pre is fine. good board to raise.
2-4 6 max, KK OOP after flatting 3-bet on wet board vs. a reg, stack to pot ratio 3.5 to 1 Quote
03-29-2010 , 02:04 PM
I dont mind pre, You have ideal spr and I think given your read and villans pf range you have to include a few draws/combo draws
2-4 6 max, KK OOP after flatting 3-bet on wet board vs. a reg, stack to pot ratio 3.5 to 1 Quote
03-29-2010 , 04:46 PM

a) If I'm going to call it off anyway, why not just ship? If I make it 125, villain flats and the flush hits, should I generally just check-fold the turn or if it goes check check on the turn should I generally check-fold the river to any reasonable sized bet?

b) Ditto what if I make it 125, villain flats and an offsuit ten comes down on the turn. Just ship the turn and hope I'm good?
2-4 6 max, KK OOP after flatting 3-bet on wet board vs. a reg, stack to pot ratio 3.5 to 1 Quote
03-29-2010 , 06:28 PM
Originally Posted by PokerChamp

a) If I'm going to call it off anyway, why not just ship? If I make it 125, villain flats and the flush hits, should I generally just check-fold the turn or if it goes check check on the turn should I generally check-fold the river to any reasonable sized bet?
You don't ship because you want to give villain room to do something silly with gutterballs or bottom pair and get value from J,x, QQ and Q,10. If he flats and the turn brings the flush then you are still stacking off, pokerstove it.

Originally Posted by PokerChamp
b) Ditto what if I make it 125, villain flats and an offsuit ten comes down on the turn. Just ship the turn and hope I'm good?
Shove if u have psb left. bet call otherwise.
2-4 6 max, KK OOP after flatting 3-bet on wet board vs. a reg, stack to pot ratio 3.5 to 1 Quote
