Villain is 92/77 3bet: 3 out of 3 over 27 hands. Against this villain I'm happy stacking off pre with AQ. The only problem, is that this is a pot limit table, so I can't make my 4bet any bigger and villain flats. Now what's the plan for the flop? If we cbet he's going to be bluff shoving alot of the time, so I decide to give up here. (obv still calling his 1bb bets)
these villains tend to have some showdown after minbetting. maybe a little bit, but probably more than you. all preflop is played fine. id be inclined to bet the flop or c/r the min bet. i tend to find that the c/r works really nicely against these sorts of villains. and then that way you have a far better chance of winning the pot; c/r half pot and see the response. you havent played it horribly, but you basically played it holding on to the slight showdown value and called accordingly.
oh and also, the biggest mistake was playing PLHE... dont do it!