Pretty solid reg. As soon as I cbet turn, he snapped his stack in the middle. Part of me is saying he's semi-bluffing a draw thinking he has bulk fold equity vs my overpair. Part of me wants to say he flatted 78s OOP and just got there. Part of me thinks he has a set (although I've seen him raise flop once before and would expect him to raise sets OTF).
How often am I up against hands like 89dd here? He has 33% fold to 3bet so I guess he can have some high SC's in his range but not sure how keen he would be to play them vs a reg OOP.
I'm just struggling to see what value hands villain has that are ahead of me that x/jam this turn? Even vs the range of hands I'm ahead of (draws), he still has a lot of equity so it's an easy fold I think but not sure. Second opinion?