Join Date: Feb 2015
Posts: 79
Just recently moved up to playing 10nl after playing 5nl for about 2-3 years. Only played about 2.5k hands so far at 10nl but it seems like (to me) it is much much worse in terms of bad players. I don't like using the term fish, after all it is micro-stakes and i understand a lot of people will be just playing for fun/as a hobby etc.
Just wondered if anyone else thinks the same? Seems to be a lot more shortstacks (less than 100BB) at those tables than i ever saw at 5nl. Loads more limp callers, chasers, people who can't fold a pair etc etc.
Not complaining or anything, i know it's good news for me as in the long run i'm going to win money playing against them, i was just expecting a little more of a challenge, but instead it's worse so far lol.