Originally Posted by donationbox
I would like this line much more if your pair was bigger. With TT, there are four overcards you don't want to see, and you probably won't be able to get good three streets of value most of the time. 3betting will make your life 10x better because 1.) fish will call your 3bet if he likes his hand, and 2.) it's much easier to play post when you have a PP and pot is already big
As played, pot turn and pot river. Like you said, he's not folding 2P+ regardless of your bet size.
I can see some mistakes in your logic.
1st- You can't just 3bet a hand because its easier to play. You gotta do what you gotta do. I'm not saying 3-betting isn't the best option in this case though.
2nd- What fish are you talking about? The guys in the blinds? Even if he's bad he won't cold call a 3bet very often. Sure he will do it sometimes but more often than not he will fold. Calling a single raise bet that's a different story and he will call a lot, which favours the call option.
3rd- Although the sample size is small we can tell that the original raiser is a tag with tendencies to the nit side. I assure you that if he fits the style that stats indicate he will fold all worse hands and jam the better ones. So where does your profit come from with such a good hand with this approach?
Just let him continue with his lower pairs, c-bet his air hands on the flop, and play perfectly against him IP.