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10NL Rush: Nut Flush Draw Deep 10NL Rush: Nut Flush Draw Deep

08-19-2010 , 03:00 PM
Apologies, I no longer have the hand history for this hand so it'll be a bit more difficult to read (I don't have PT3 on this computer, my other computer is in repair). But it's mostly a general question anyway.

I don't have reads on this rush opponent, and we were about 180bb deep.

Flop is J74hhc, I have A9hh. He raised utg+2, I called from CO preflop. He cbets about 3/4 pot, I raise to about 14bb, and he reraises about 60bb. Please don't focus on the numbers here as they aren't entirely accurate, they are just there to give you an idea of the hand.

I know that I probably could've played this hand better, but that's why I'm posting. What's the best approach when you flop the nut flush draw deep? Are we just trying to get it in as fast as possible? I made the flop raise because we're deep and I wanted to start building a pot with my nut draw, but his big reraise tells me that he is probably at the very top of his range, I'm thinking JJ, 77, 44 and maybe KK+. He may have QQ as well but it was a pretty quick 4bet so my mind was pretty made up that he had at least AA, but more likely a set.

So what do we do? We got what we wanted, a built up pot with the nut flush draw deep, but it's a sticky situation. There's 0.0000001% fold equity, IMO... so are we just going to quietly lay our hand down after his reraise, or is this what we wanted in the first place?

As previously stated, this was definitely a spot that I don't have much experience in, so I'd like to hear some advice on the proper way to deal with these spots deep.
10NL Rush: Nut Flush Draw Deep Quote
08-19-2010 , 03:23 PM
If you give him a range of sets and KK+ you're 36% against his range, so if effective stacks are 180bb and you have no fold equity then shoving is bad as you'd be putting in roughly 166 to win about 370: you'd need 44% equity. Even if you add in QQ and some weaker flush draws (KQ, 56 w/ OESD) you're only 39% so shoving is clearly -EV if the numbers you gave are close.

Calling pretty much sucks because although you're getting almost 2-1 on the call he's probably shoving any blank turn, to which you have to fold, whereas if you hit one of your (at most) 12 outs, whether it's a FD or an ace, you aren't necessarily getting his stack (if he open-shoves an ace you probably have to fold) whereas he wont necessarily pay you off if the flush hits.

So, raising sucks, calling sucks, so mathematically I think you have to fold. In real time, based on the reads you have I think it's a fold, but don't make it a standard play to fold the nut flush draw to a flopped 3bet, even deep-stacked, as many villains will have a much wider range: e.g. weaker FD's, FD + weak pair, FD+SD and occasional bluffs.
10NL Rush: Nut Flush Draw Deep Quote
08-19-2010 , 04:21 PM
my mind was pretty made up that he had at least AA, but more likely a set.
my rule is always fd + something, so this is a fold for me.
10NL Rush: Nut Flush Draw Deep Quote
08-20-2010 , 12:01 AM
Interesting... thanks for the input. Anyone disagree that this is a fold?
10NL Rush: Nut Flush Draw Deep Quote
