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10nl Rush, AKos oop with TPTK, facing turn bet around 2/3 psb 10nl Rush, AKos oop with TPTK, facing turn bet around 2/3 psb

06-23-2010 , 03:08 AM
Villain is running at 19/18/2 over 78 hands. His 3b is 5%, but based off a small sample of only 20 hands. No other reads aside from that. I have a hard time with a hand like AK oop, anything lower than AK I usually just fold to a 3b. In this hand I opt to call oop, and the hand hits with tptk.

My thought's for his hand range pf are hands like AJ+, JJ+ after he 3bets me from the CO.

With his flop cbet I'm more inclined to think he has some sort of lower pp than the board, like JJ, or a weaker ace like AQ or AJ and he's betting to see if I can fold out easy.

The turn bet he bumps it up to a 2/3 psb and I'm just at a lost, either he has AK, or he has AQ and thinks his hand is good, or he now has a draw to go with his pair like AcQc, or even just a draw like AcJc.

Let me know what you guys think on what hands he could be making these wonky bets with on both streets and what you think my action should have been on each street as well.

Full Tilt Poker $0.05/$0.10 No Limit Hold'em - 9 players
The Official 2+2 Hand Converter Powered By

UTG+2: $7.37
MP1: $11.92
MP2: $7.20
CO: $10.00
BTN: $14.94
SB: $4.32
BB: $10.07
UTG: $6.54
Hero (UTG+1): $10.95

Pre Flop: ($0.15) Hero is UTG+1 with A K
1 fold, Hero raises to $0.40, 1 fold, MP1 raises to $1.50, 5 folds, Hero calls $1.10

Flop: ($3.15) 9 K Q (2 players)
Hero checks, MP1 bets $0.80, Hero calls $0.80

Turn: ($4.75) 4 (2 players)
Hero checks, MP1 bets $3, Hero ?
10nl Rush, AKos oop with TPTK, facing turn bet around 2/3 psb Quote
06-23-2010 , 04:53 AM
Raise the flop all day, and fold to a shove.

Doubt AQ would play this way and still fire on the turn, especially since he seems like a decent reg running 19/18. The 3bet pre is easily AA/KK/QQ. As played, I'm folding the turn.
10nl Rush, AKos oop with TPTK, facing turn bet around 2/3 psb Quote
06-23-2010 , 06:57 AM
Originally Posted by Cassiez
especially since he seems like a decent reg running 19/18
Originally Posted by decent reg
MP1 bets $0.80
Does not compute..

I don't think I'm marking someone down as a decent reg when I only have 78 hands on him (could've just got dealt crap, even fish fold sometimes) and he bets so bizarrely on the flop.

I can see AQ here the way you flatted the flop.

EDIT: That said, you can also see a weirdly played AA/AK.. I don't like it. Raising the flop solves a lot of these problems I think.
10nl Rush, AKos oop with TPTK, facing turn bet around 2/3 psb Quote
06-23-2010 , 06:37 PM
Originally Posted by Cassiez
Raise the flop all day, and fold to a shove.

Doubt AQ would play this way and still fire on the turn, especially since he seems like a decent reg running 19/18. The 3bet pre is easily AA/KK/QQ. As played, I'm folding the turn.

What does raising the flop accomplish? We turn our hand face up which allows him to play perfectly against us. Also if I bet out on the flop he only folds out any hands we beat, if not with the flop bet then definitely with the turn bet. We also risk getting raised on the turn, any hand that he thinks is good on that flop is probably also good on that turn card.

Last edited by liquid2093; 06-23-2010 at 06:39 PM. Reason: Forgot to add quote
10nl Rush, AKos oop with TPTK, facing turn bet around 2/3 psb Quote
06-23-2010 , 06:44 PM
I didn't read anything past I have a hard time playing AK OOP. That would be the issue. Either 4 bet or fold, and depending on your stats I would lean toward a fold until you know more.
10nl Rush, AKos oop with TPTK, facing turn bet around 2/3 psb Quote
06-23-2010 , 10:58 PM
Originally Posted by stranglylucid
I didn't read anything past I have a hard time playing AK OOP. That would be the issue. Either 4 bet or fold, and depending on your stats I would lean toward a fold until you know more.
I think this is one of the most useless pieces of advice I've gotten on these forums, but thank you for reading my post. What would 4 betting accomplish, AK isn't a made hand? Also why would I fold until i know more, its part of the learning process, hence the reason i posted the hand to see what reasoning people have for what action I should take in their opinion. Ill take your "either 4 bet or fold" with a grain of salt since there is no reasoning behind it.
10nl Rush, AKos oop with TPTK, facing turn bet around 2/3 psb Quote
06-24-2010 , 07:44 AM

I think that what Lucid is saying is that if villain's 3bet range is wide enough (which it may or may not be, since we have like no sample here) that you can call out of position, that you can/should 4bet instead to collect dead money.

It beats playing out of position without initiative and definitely beats being lost in the hand when you hit a flop exactly like the one that we hit here.

So, yeah, 4bet or fold. This guy likely isn't a super nit or anything, but let's say that he was... folding AK in this spot would be okay and totally standard.
10nl Rush, AKos oop with TPTK, facing turn bet around 2/3 psb Quote
06-24-2010 , 08:18 AM
his "fishy" flop bet i understand it as KK/QQ(more likely) who hit a set. Doubt AA will make such a stupid bet. I'd **** my pants and fold turn
10nl Rush, AKos oop with TPTK, facing turn bet around 2/3 psb Quote
06-24-2010 , 06:58 PM
Originally Posted by AnAnonymousCoward

I think that what Lucid is saying is that if villain's 3bet range is wide enough (which it may or may not be, since we have like no sample here) that you can call out of position, that you can/should 4bet instead to collect dead money.

It beats playing out of position without initiative and definitely beats being lost in the hand when you hit a flop exactly like the one that we hit here.

So, yeah, 4bet or fold. This guy likely isn't a super nit or anything, but let's say that he was... folding AK in this spot would be okay and totally standard.
You know, I shouldn't have wrote that about his reply. It was helpful and he did take the time to even read my post. I was on tilt when I wrote that, I had just lost 3 buy ins at rush at the time. But looking at it after i calmed down it was helpful. 4betting to get it in with the best equity or folding if I think he has me beat would have been better.
10nl Rush, AKos oop with TPTK, facing turn bet around 2/3 psb Quote
