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10NL Preflop decision w/ QQ 10NL Preflop decision w/ QQ

07-18-2009 , 09:57 AM
he would flat your 3bet with ak a lot of times and he would fold to a 5bet shove with ak sometimes.i won't 3bet a utg opener with qq unless i have a specific reason to do so.
flat call preflop and commit with any low flop probably would be better than 3bet/fold or 3bet/all in.
At nl10 actually some angro donks would 4bet bluff you with a very wide range but decent players probably wouldn't do that.
10NL Preflop decision w/ QQ Quote
07-18-2009 , 10:16 AM
Originally Posted by mg0698
don't 3b QQ Pf if u don't want to get it in

as played get it in

And flatting here is astonishingly awful btw and I’m amazed people have actually suggested it.
10NL Preflop decision w/ QQ Quote
07-18-2009 , 10:46 AM
Isn't folding an option ?
10NL Preflop decision w/ QQ Quote
07-18-2009 , 10:53 AM
As a general rule, don't call 4bets unless deep. I think you can shove here, but I'm not a big fan of 3betting it preflop vs. a tight player given positions and stuff.
10NL Preflop decision w/ QQ Quote
07-18-2009 , 12:03 PM
Originally Posted by lima
small 4bet probably means KK/AA and almost never AK...

dump it...
I agree so much with this, from my experience... But you all say folding is so weak, it is confusing to me.
10NL Preflop decision w/ QQ Quote
07-18-2009 , 12:08 PM
Originally Posted by ooohjoy
As a general rule, don't call 4bets unless deep. I think you can shove here, but I'm not a big fan of 3betting it preflop vs. a tight player given positions and stuff.
The only two options when facing a 4bet are folding or shoving (with 100bb effective stacks) since no hand that is behind preflop will get the correct odds for a call.
In this specific situation calling and shoving on non A/K high flops implies that we put villain on AK. but if we think villain holds AK, we should get it in preflop since it's more likely that he will stack off preflop than on a missed flop.

Also, I think that folding or shoving both are okay and that reads or gameflow are decisive.
10NL Preflop decision w/ QQ Quote
07-18-2009 , 03:28 PM
Definitely fold or shove depending on specific reads, if villain just lost a big pot, villains perception of you, etc

Flatting with the plan to stack off flops w/o A/K is pretty horrible if our range for villain is correct. DUCY?
10NL Preflop decision w/ QQ Quote
07-18-2009 , 04:03 PM
100% agree with the two above me
10NL Preflop decision w/ QQ Quote
