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10NL - I hate these spots. 10NL - I hate these spots.

08-31-2010 , 08:53 PM
Just super standard pre-flop spots I seem to always have and have no idea what to do. Where I am usually in BB, occasionly SB and I have hands like KQ and AJ where there are a couple limpers and there is an iso-raise I may or may not have position on. Is this just a clear fold everytime?

Full Tilt No-Limit Hold'em, $0.10 BB (6 handed) - Full-Tilt Converter Tool from

CO ($9.13)
Button ($10)
SB ($8.62)
Hero (BB) ($9.40)
UTG ($3.88)
MP ($10.50)

Preflop: Hero is BB with Q, K
UTG calls $0.10, 2 folds, Button calls $0.10, SB bets $0.60, Hero???,
10NL - I hate these spots. Quote
08-31-2010 , 08:55 PM
completely depends on sb and the limpers, if sb is aggressive its an easy call ip and if the limpers are big fish then its also a clal since we wanna be playing pots with them and we can assume that we'll get atleast one clal behind giving us better odds to call.

Also buy in full or use auto-top up
10NL - I hate these spots. Quote
08-31-2010 , 09:03 PM
Originally Posted by Bigheadarch1
completely depends on sb and the limpers, if sb is aggressive its an easy call ip and if the limpers are big fish then its also a clal since we wanna be playing pots with them and we can assume that we'll get atleast one clal behind giving us better odds to call.

Also buy in full or use auto-top up
If we know the person isoing is aggro and we have position i dont mind 3 betting in these spots some of the time because we should know that if they are an aggro, thinking player then they can iso light to try and play pots with the passive limpers, so we can exploit that.

Good or bad idea?
10NL - I hate these spots. Quote
08-31-2010 , 09:04 PM
Originally Posted by Bigheadarch1
completely depends on sb and the limpers, if sb is aggressive its an easy call ip and if the limpers are big fish then its also a clal since we wanna be playing pots with them and we can assume that we'll get atleast one clal behind giving us better odds to call. it useful to also do this at 2nl and 5nl? Or is the quality of players a lot different. when i've been put in spots like this i've almost always folded, and if its more profitable for me to flat sometimes then i'd like to know lol
10NL - I hate these spots. Quote
08-31-2010 , 09:48 PM
This is Rush poker and I have no stats on any villains really. Usually most people aren't iso'ing from the blinds light but I have a decent hand and position. I am fully confident in my post-flop play but I just wanna know if this is EV+
10NL - I hate these spots. Quote
08-31-2010 , 10:23 PM
When I played rush, I had stats 95% of the time. Hard to believe people still don't.

Don't limp the button - iso the limper. KQ is a monster compared to the crap they limp with.
10NL - I hate these spots. Quote
08-31-2010 , 11:41 PM
I am folding this hand all day long to SBs raise unless hes an absolute moron.
Reasons: 1) yes SB might do this w not much, but he is also doing it w AQ, AK not to mention from time to time AA, KK, QQ. 2) It will be hard to play if you flop tp because most likely we will have a multiways pot, as all the players behind u will probly call.
3) there is still the small chance someone behind will repop this up.
If your hand was suited I would consider calling
10NL - I hate these spots. Quote
09-01-2010 , 01:24 AM
Fold all day long you have position on the SB but will be OOP against the EP and Button if they decide to call. Calling is the last option here. If you raise here you're only getting called/shoved by hands that beat you and you'll have to play a over inflated pot with a sub standard hand.
10NL - I hate these spots. Quote
09-01-2010 , 02:36 AM
FOLDDD, its a dominated hand, if you have AK/AA/KK/QQ maybe AQ/JJ as well, you can squeeze, but if your dominated, you have 30% equity, against Ax's you have 40%, its too marginal to be calling here.
10NL - I hate these spots. Quote
09-01-2010 , 02:47 AM
Originally Posted by G_train24
If we know the person isoing is aggro and we have position i dont mind 3 betting in these spots some of the time because we should know that if they are an aggro, thinking player then they can iso light to try and play pots with the passive limpers, so we can exploit that.

Good or bad idea?
but be careful not to overuse it, and that you know villain is both capable of as you say isoing passive limpers but also folding to 3bets.

the problem with your comment is, theoretically flatting KQo is good also because his range for isoing is much wider so we dominate more often
10NL - I hate these spots. Quote
09-01-2010 , 04:39 AM
I really like 3 bettting here if the first limper wasn't UTG. I know at 10NL people are still limping UTG with like QJo and stuff. How do you feel 3 betting agaisnt a CO limp and a button limp versus a UTG limp and UTG +2 limp?
10NL - I hate these spots. Quote
