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10NL i has a draw i shoveeeeeeeeee 10NL i has a draw i shoveeeeeeeeee

10-25-2009 , 08:16 PM
Villain in this hand is 28/17 (but only over 56 hands).

Poker Stars $0.05/$0.10 No Limit Hold'em - 6 players
The Official 2+2 Hand Converter Powered By

SB: $9.60
BB: $4.20
Hero (UTG): $11.00
MP: $26.00
CO: $9.40
BTN: $14.85

Pre Flop: ($0.15) Hero is UTG with 5 6
Hero raises to $0.40, 2 folds, BTN calls $0.40, 2 folds
People fold a lot to cbets, so i thought its fine to open this UTG. Leak?

Flop: ($0.95) Q 9 4 (2 players)
Hero bets $0.70, BTN calls $0.70

Turn: ($2.35) 3 (2 players)
Hero bets $1.50, BTN raises to $3.40, Hero raises to $9.90 all in, BTN calls $6.50

What do you think about my turn betsize?
Is this shove bad? maybe i'm better off calling the minraise?

10NL i has a draw i shoveeeeeeeeee Quote
10-25-2009 , 08:19 PM
c/f the turn
10NL i has a draw i shoveeeeeeeeee Quote
10-25-2009 , 08:21 PM
What dynamic does the table have? Why do you think 56s is a +EV UTG open?

Definitely bet/fold turn.
10NL i has a draw i shoveeeeeeeeee Quote
10-25-2009 , 08:22 PM
fold pre
10NL i has a draw i shoveeeeeeeeee Quote
10-25-2009 , 08:23 PM
Fold pre.
If you don't fold pre Cbet this dry flop.
Once you get called on flop and you pick up a draw I wouldn't barrel again since the 3s doesn't allow us to rep anything in particular. Just check/call or check/fold if he makes it to expensive. On the plus side if we make a straight on the river it would be very well disguised and we can probably get his stack.

BUT AGAIN FOLD PRE. Unless the table is super nitty (They are not in 10nl) raising 56s from UTG won't be profitable, speculative hands are hard to play oop unless you flop something substatial.
10NL i has a draw i shoveeeeeeeeee Quote
10-25-2009 , 08:27 PM
Not a good card to barrel unless he floats a LOT, you picked up some equity, check for a free card.
10NL i has a draw i shoveeeeeeeeee Quote
10-25-2009 , 08:33 PM
Turn is an easy call

He has a big hand and you are getting good odds to draw to the nuts and then stack him on the river, so call and c/f any misses

lol nits opening 56s is fine on some tables

Turn is a good card to barrel we pick up equity and have FE against worse than Qx...
10NL i has a draw i shoveeeeeeeeee Quote
10-25-2009 , 08:34 PM
I'm folding preflop all day. At 10NL my UTG raising range is something like 22+, AJo+, ATs+ and KQ. I don't like being out of position.

As played, fair enough, fire the cbet out, but when he calls you should be wary. Not sure about firing a 2nd barrel, on the turn I'd probably check and then work out the pot odds for a call. If you have 8 outs that's a 16ish% chance of hitting, so if the pot is $2.35 on the turn I'm folding to a bet bigger than about $1.20 (due to implied odds).
10NL i has a draw i shoveeeeeeeeee Quote
10-25-2009 , 08:59 PM
I would never advocate 3betting this turn. I think you have to bet the turn here because you pick up more equity and have enough FE to make it profitable. I would call the turn raise cos its small and you will stack him if you hit the river.
10NL i has a draw i shoveeeeeeeeee Quote
10-25-2009 , 09:54 PM
You realize you have virtually no FE with your turn shove? With no showdown value this is obviously a pretty bad play.
10NL i has a draw i shoveeeeeeeeee Quote
10-25-2009 , 10:10 PM
dont shove turn. call.
10NL i has a draw i shoveeeeeeeeee Quote
10-25-2009 , 11:33 PM
yeah turn shove is pretty spewy, imo. call and stack him on the river. i think checking turn is better though.

i dont think preflop was bad if they are particularly nitty, and i think bet/calling and playing for stacks on the river is actually ok if he was nittier, but check calling is better against someone who is gonna have a wider range pre and post, if you think you can get his stack when you hit. even then you're only marginally +EV, i think.

i think bet/folding is fine with this fairly poor draw.
10NL i has a draw i shoveeeeeeeeee Quote
10-25-2009 , 11:41 PM
Originally Posted by Kismetdog
Villain in this hand is 28/17 (but only over 56 hands).

Poker Stars $0.05/$0.10 No Limit Hold'em - 6 players
The Official 2+2 Hand Converter Powered By

SB: $9.60
BB: $4.20
Hero (UTG): $11.00
MP: $26.00
CO: $9.40
BTN: $14.85

Pre Flop: ($0.15) Hero is UTG with 5 6
Hero raises to $0.40, 2 folds, BTN calls $0.40, 2 folds
People fold a lot to cbets, so i thought its fine to open this UTG. Leak?
You are playing at a table with mainly shortstacks so it's actually a fairly bad open. At a deeper table this hand would be fine to mix in on occasion but it's the very bottom of any opening range UTG.
10NL i has a draw i shoveeeeeeeeee Quote
10-25-2009 , 11:44 PM
Originally Posted by Brian J
You are playing at a table with mainly shortstacks so it's actually a fairly bad open. At a deeper table this hand would be fine to mix in on occasion but it's the very bottom of any opening range UTG.
From what I can tell there is only 1 shortstack, he's in the BB though so I will concede the point that we probably didn't need to open this.

But whether or not we open this pre isn't really the point. People itt were saying c/f turn or fold to raise or w/e and thats all wrong
10NL i has a draw i shoveeeeeeeeee Quote
10-25-2009 , 11:48 PM
c/c turn then c/r river if you hit. this is a bad spot to 2 barrel if your going to semibluff this turn check/shove is better, it folds out a9, TT, JJ, TJ, plus you get a free river if he checks behind. if there was a flushdraw on the flop then i am definetly c/shoving this turn.
10NL i has a draw i shoveeeeeeeeee Quote
10-25-2009 , 11:48 PM
Originally Posted by Brian J
You are playing at a table with mainly shortstacks so it's actually a fairly bad open. At a deeper table this hand would be fine to mix in on occasion but it's the very bottom of any opening range UTG.
[ ] Table with mainly shortstacks
[x] 1 shortstacker

Originally Posted by cold chillin
c/c turn then c/r river if you hit. this is a bad spot to 2 barrel if your going to semibluff this turn check/shove is better, it folds out a9, TT, JJ, TJ, plus you get a free river if he checks behind
And no.
10NL i has a draw i shoveeeeeeeeee Quote
10-25-2009 , 11:52 PM
thanks for the answers everyone

Well, i'll try to respond to everything:

I raised 56s UTG because, as I said, i expect to take many pots with just a cbet

I barreled the turn exclusively because i got the straight draw, otherwise i c/f

If i check and he pots it, you're calling that, right? or just something like 80% pot?.
But,if we check aren't we in a situation where we can't know our implied odds, because villain may just be trying to steal the pot? so he might have a pair of Q that doesn't want to play for stacks, or TT that doesn't think i have the Q, or w/e. In that case we c/f river if we don't hit and we're unlikely to get paid off if we do (or am i being too pessimistic, lol)

And yeah, a while after i played the hand i realized that my shove really doesnt have a lot of FE (which i need, otherwise i'm just valuetowning myself) because the minraise on the turn is like 100% baluga. Better to just call

@BrianJ: there's only one shortstack

Again, thanks
10NL i has a draw i shoveeeeeeeeee Quote
10-25-2009 , 11:56 PM
Originally Posted by gateswi
From what I can tell there is only 1 shortstack, he's in the BB though so I will concede the point that we probably didn't need to open this.

But whether or not we open this pre isn't really the point. People itt were saying c/f turn or fold to raise or w/e and thats all wrong
oops, i've gotten too used to 25NL
10NL i has a draw i shoveeeeeeeeee Quote
10-26-2009 , 12:02 AM
c/f the turn
10NL i has a draw i shoveeeeeeeeee Quote
10-26-2009 , 12:03 AM
Originally Posted by dspyguy
c/f the turn

ok i'm sorry i don't want to berate you cause your just some random but dude we turned a draw to the nuts are you saying if we check and he bets like 1/4 pot you are folding? And that's not even taking into consideration that we might be able to utilize our newfound equity by double barreling...

10NL i has a draw i shoveeeeeeeeee Quote
10-26-2009 , 12:08 AM
Originally Posted by Ksight3

And no.
it doesnt fold those hands? or he always the nuts here?
10NL i has a draw i shoveeeeeeeeee Quote
10-26-2009 , 12:29 AM
Well, i dont see such a clear 2 barrel spot here readless because if we miss we have to fire river, and on such a dry board Qx is hardly folding.

My reason to check the turn is simply because he will check back most of his range even maybe a weak Q giving us a free card, as played i call because of implied odds and c/f if i miss.

Villains betting range on the turn is of course air ( i would 2 barrel here if he floats a lot), strong to mid Qx, sets and Q9 and maybe a semibluff like JT, but readless i rather c/f this turn (i would barrel an A or a K here 100%)

Villains checking back range is 9x, PP, Weak Q (50%) or any other hand with SD value.

Villains calling range includes most of the checking range plus some of his betting range.

If we bet, he may fold his SD hands but we dont have enough info about him over 59 hands, he may call and we will have to fire a lot of rivers if we miss to make the 2nd barrel profitable.

Barreling the turn is not so terrible since we picked up equity, but i think its marginal readless since hes calling more of his range than hes checking back.

Ill take the free card.
10NL i has a draw i shoveeeeeeeeee Quote
10-26-2009 , 01:09 AM
Oesd is a wierd spot always on the turn for me cos... Its always close between semibluffing or not ( Im kinda new so for me)...
Anyways the min reraise on the turn Is usually and I mean 80% of the time A sign of HUGE () strength at 10NL...Dear god HE MAY HAVE A SET kinds...The fishier the guy the more solid it is....So Here Ill prolly not semi bluff but take my chances with the straight draw or I may even fold...

10NL i has a draw i shoveeeeeeeeee Quote
