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10NL Full Tilt 10NL Full Tilt

09-17-2009 , 01:03 PM
Originally Posted by xxMaquiladoraxx
Not true. There are plenty of laggy players with very good post-flop skills.
10NL Full Tilt Quote
09-17-2009 , 01:06 PM
Originally Posted by kb coolman
Not true. There are plenty of laggy players with very good post-flop skills.
Oh, I don't disagree with this at all- but playing 20/4 or whatever is so usually ultra-exploitable that I have a hard time imagining that being the "best" player imo... doesn't mean he isn't a PITA to play post for sure.
10NL Full Tilt Quote
09-17-2009 , 01:09 PM
There is a blooper video on Split Suits blog page where he is playing 100% VPIP at 10NL, and winnning! It was just sick. He even got coolered for a buy in and still wound up ahead. I think a lot of the time that good players put so much stock in pre-flop aggression that they forget that its post flop where all the money is made and lost.
10NL Full Tilt Quote
09-17-2009 , 01:09 PM
Originally Posted by xxMaquiladoraxx
Oh, I don't disagree with this at all- but playing 20/4 or whatever is so usually ultra-exploitable that I have a hard time imagining that being the "best" player imo... doesn't mean he isn't a PITA to play post for sure.
Very true. Generally, a 20/4 is pretty bad, but I've played against enough guys with a big vpip/pfr gap and sick flop/turn skills that I've learned to pay attention. In my experience, I have to outplay these guys pre-flop, which generally means I'm 3-betting heavy. Problem solved.
10NL Full Tilt Quote
09-17-2009 , 01:15 PM
Originally Posted by kb coolman
Not true. There are plenty of laggy players with very good post-flop skills.
Seems like this is the style of the top pros. (at least when they play against other top pros) Have you guys been watching Poker After Dark the last two weeks? It's been a cash game format rather than the typical SnG. It seems like five people see every flop.
10NL Full Tilt Quote
09-17-2009 , 01:25 PM
Originally Posted by DDAWD
The deep tables are quite a bit better. Not everyone buys up to 200BB, but almost everyone seemed to have at least 100BB. And there's a lot more action at the deep tables at 10NL compared to 5NL. Seems like there's always half a dozen full deep tables running at any given time.
Yes, but the deep tables also tend to be nittier. Sometimes you'll find deep tables with average players/flop in the high 20's, but usually they'll be in the 18-23 range.
10NL Full Tilt Quote
09-17-2009 , 01:26 PM
Do not try to learn "strategy" from TV poker plz.

Originally Posted by stranglylucid
I think a lot of the time that good players put so much stock in pre-flop aggression that they forget that its post flop where all the money is made and lost.
[ ] good players

Think about split playing 100 vpip - a good player know that against the right players his post-flop edge is big enough that preflop play is nearly meaningless. A player who tries hard to keep his stats looking "nice" doesn't fit the bill imo.
10NL Full Tilt Quote
09-17-2009 , 01:29 PM
Originally Posted by KurtSF
Do not try to learn "strategy" from TV poker plz.
You'll be surprised how many people think it's ok to shove with a medium pocket pair since that's what they see on ESPN. Just insane.
10NL Full Tilt Quote
09-17-2009 , 01:33 PM
Originally Posted by jmbreslin
Yes, but the deep tables also tend to be nittier. Sometimes you'll find deep tables with average players/flop in the high 20's, but usually they'll be in the 18-23 range.
Perhaps it's just been a fluke, but I haven't been at many nitty tables. Most of them seem to be incredibly loose. I had one guy on my right who was way too loose and aggressive. For a stretch of like 50 hands, he literally saw every flop. Then he got way too overzealous with trying to force people off. Unfortunately, he would never go to showdown with me, so I couldn't ever make the big score, but I made a lot of medium scores against him to win like 250BB. It was great.
10NL Full Tilt Quote
09-20-2009 , 10:50 PM
Well, here are some more thoughts.

10NL seems to be a good bit more aggro than 5NL. Perhaps on the verge of becoming overly so. I see some really wild players out there. The quality actually seems to be worse. I had a guy shove on me with pocket 10s. I had Ks and stacked him. A lot of crazy bluffing too. 5NL seemed to be a lot more passive.

People tend to be a lot trickier with their monster starting hands. I see lots of limps and smooth calls with AA and KK. This has been KILLING me. I push my Js hard on benign boards only to find that someone had slowplayed his Ks the whole hand.

I think Full Tilt has it in its programming to test me each time I move up a new level. I can't believe how many bad beats I've taken. This happened to me when I moved up to 5NL as well. I had a stretch with As cracked 9 times in a row.

Been happening to me now. Been on the bad end of set over set like 3 times now. Two of the oversets came after all the money went in. Been making some dumb decisions, especially with the slowplayed As and Ks. I think I'll be better at watching out for those. The nature of the tables have kind of reformed me into a more TAG player. I'll let the loose goose out, though when I see a good fish.
10NL Full Tilt Quote
