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10NL -FR- Bovada - Flopped str8 AI on wet flop 10NL -FR- Bovada - Flopped str8 AI on wet flop

01-04-2015 , 08:54 PM
Me(BTN) $10.47 - VP:20 PFR:20 AF:Inf. W:50|0 STL:50|100 3B:0| CB:100| N:-9.68 Hands:10
P2(SB) $3.08 - VP:50 PFR:0 AF:0 W:40|50 STL:0|0 3B:0| CB:|50 N:-1.47 Hands:14
P3(BB) $1.27 - VP:50 PFR:0 AF:0.5 W:50|0 STL: 3B:0| CB:|0 N:-3.37 Hands:6
P4(UTG) $4.86 - VP:21 PFR:7 AF:2.0 W:100|100 STL:0|100 3B:0| CB: N:1.48 Hands:14
P5(MP) $3.24 - VP:14 PFR:0 AF:Inf. W:67|50 STL:0| 3B:0| CB: N:-0.07 Hands:14
P6(MP) $9.90 - VP:0 PFR:0 AF: W:0| STL: 3B: CB: N:-0.10 Hands:4
P7(LP) $10.15 - VP:29 PFR:14 AF:1.0 W:50|100 STL:50| 3B:0| CB:|50 N:10.25 Hands:14
P9(CO) $2.43 - VP:29 PFR:0 AF:0.3 W:25|0 STL:0|100 3B:0| CB:|100 N:-3.89 Hands:14

I'm just getting back into poker seriously (quit in 2008) and I'm trying to make sure I'm not spewing or playing weak-tight for this limit. As I type this out, I'm guessing this is just a bad luck hand...

Pre Flop: Me(BTN) with [Jc,9c]
P4(UTG) calls 0.10, P5(MP) folds, P6(MP) folds, P7(LP) calls 0.10, P9(CO) calls 0.10, Me(BTN) raises 0.50, P2(SB) calls 0.45, P3(BB) folds, P4(UTG) folds, P7(LP) calls 0.40, P9(CO) folds

I put P7 on small to middle pair, suited connector, or two small broadways when he just calls pf (both times). I think he would have iso-raised P4 with anything else (better) in the hijack.

Flop: (8d,7d,Th) (3 players)
P2(SB) checks, P7(MP) checks, Me(BTN) bets 1.35, P2(SB) folds, P7(MP) raises 5.85, Me(BTN) raises 8.62, P7(MP) calls 3.80

Given P7's AF=1, the xr can only mean a set (88, 77, or TT).

Turn: (3h)
River: (3s)
10NL -FR- Bovada - Flopped str8 AI on wet flop Quote
01-05-2015 , 07:34 AM
I have no idea what do u want ppl to comment here? Idea of iso with j9s or flop cbet sizing or what?)
10NL -FR- Bovada - Flopped str8 AI on wet flop Quote
01-05-2015 , 10:51 AM
Originally Posted by nicknameless
I have no idea what do u want ppl to comment here? Idea of iso with j9s or flop cbet sizing or what?)
Good points. All of the above. I'm just trying to make sure I didn't make any glaring mistakes. Thanks.
10NL -FR- Bovada - Flopped str8 AI on wet flop Quote
01-05-2015 , 11:22 AM
10NL -FR- Bovada - Flopped str8 AI on wet flop Quote
01-05-2015 , 11:53 AM
Wp?) seriously?) we play ISo in pot with several ultra short stacks, p9 calls with 23 bbs stack, after our bet and any call pot will be 12-15bb - perfect spot to marginal push from shortie. What shall we do then? Fold our nice hand and miss nuts flop?) well played, surely)

--> OP
to me there is the only option - call/fold pre. IMHO
10NL -FR- Bovada - Flopped str8 AI on wet flop Quote
01-05-2015 , 01:47 PM
Originally Posted by nicknameless
Wp?) seriously?) we play ISo in pot with several ultra short stacks, p9 calls with 23 bbs stack, after our bet and any call pot will be 12-15bb - perfect spot to marginal push from shortie. What shall we do then? Fold our nice hand and miss nuts flop?) well played, surely)

--> OP
to me there is the only option - call/fold pre. IMHO
Doesn't it make sense to try and scoop the pot pf when I'm on the button and there are 3 limpers? Or is your point exactly that since 2 of 3 are shortstackers, it's too risky to go after the dead money? This table was extremely passive thus far, so I wasn't too worried about being 3-bet from anyone behind me. I guess I remembered some things I learned long ago, but not remembered entirely correctly. I thought we should be attacking from the button when the pot is limped in front of us? Perhaps what you're adding is, only when it makes sense to do so (in this case against shortstacks, it doesn't make the most sense) - correct?

10NL -FR- Bovada - Flopped str8 AI on wet flop Quote
01-05-2015 , 03:10 PM
We have certain number of variables in each hand that affects or does not affect hand. iso from btn is good idea, range of hands could be different, depends how u balance ur game. Stacks always make sense, V could push any time, when he sees no reason to call, esp when pot is about his stack and he's afraid of flop. Range of hands V could call def could have small ppairs, some Ax hands etc which he may decide a good idea to push (even it is not). So I don't like iso that type of hand in that certain situation)
10NL -FR- Bovada - Flopped str8 AI on wet flop Quote
01-05-2015 , 03:45 PM
Thank you nicknameless for taking the time to explain your reasoning - very much appreciated.
10NL -FR- Bovada - Flopped str8 AI on wet flop Quote
01-05-2015 , 10:00 PM
Thought about this comment a bit more...

nicknameless: --> OP
to me there is the only option - call/fold pre.

Fold because of loose-passive short-stacks or call but don't expect to get paid off for the same reasons - correct?

Had they been full-stacked and taggish or nitty, then pf raise makes sense - yes?

Don't know why I'm having so much trouble with this...
10NL -FR- Bovada - Flopped str8 AI on wet flop Quote
01-08-2015 , 01:00 PM
J9s is a good enough hand to iso here.
10NL -FR- Bovada - Flopped str8 AI on wet flop Quote
01-08-2015 , 01:24 PM
IMO with short stacks you'd rather have high cards since they could easily push and with 1 SS limped in and 2 to still act its very likely that will happen. J9 is more of a drawing hand where you'd like more IO. Also i think position loses some value here since a SS either folds or goes AI so you can't really use the advantages of position as much.

OTF he could also have some combo draws as well or maybe 87 but i think its pretty irrelevant given you have the nuts. To me you should GII, there's not really any other choice.

This doesn't matter really, but I don't get why you raised to $8. If he calls he's only left with $1. Might as well push.
10NL -FR- Bovada - Flopped str8 AI on wet flop Quote
