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10nl Donked into with aces 10nl Donked into with aces

10-28-2008 , 03:52 PM
vill is 18/4/inf CO% 17 over only 28 hands.

the only hand i can see someone doing this with is a set, 22-jj are all in his calling range and the donk leads seems to be a bet made in excitement.
still i dunno if laying this down would ever be proper at 10nl.
can we get away from this hand and be happy with ourselves?

$0.05/$0.1 No Limit Holdem
7 players
Converted at

Hero ($10.30)
UTG 1 ($10.00)
MP ($9.55)
CO ($0.65)
BTN ($23.75)
SB ($10.05)
BB ($3.10)

Pre-flop: ($0.15, 7 players) Hero is UTG A A
Hero raises to $0.40, 3 folds, BTN calls $0.40, SB calls $0.35, 1 fold

Flop: J 2 8 ($1.30, 3 players)
SB bets $1, Hero raises to $3, BTN folds, SB raises to $9.65, $6.65 to Hero ($6.9)?
10nl Donked into with aces Quote
10-28-2008 , 04:08 PM
Raising the flop is awful if you are doing so with the intention to fold to a shove. This is in part because it allows draws to play perfectly against us and take down a very nice pot by abusing their fold equity. Either flat the flop and reeval the turn, or raise with the intention of calling a shove. As played call.
10nl Donked into with aces Quote
10-28-2008 , 05:02 PM
i stoved his range of JJ+,22,88 and i come out a slight faveorite so if i called i suppose i played it well?

21,780 games 0.005 secs 4,356,000 games/sec

Board: Jd 2h 8h

equity win tie pots won pots tied
Hand 0: 45.944% 43.77% 02.17% 9534 472.50 { JJ+, 88, 22 }
Hand 1: 54.056% 51.89% 02.17% 11301 472.50 { AcAd }
10nl Donked into with aces Quote
10-28-2008 , 05:08 PM
Originally Posted by Sabotawj
i stoved his range of JJ+,22,88 and i come out a slight faveorite so if i called i suppose i played it well?

21,780 games 0.005 secs 4,356,000 games/sec

Board: Jd 2h 8h

equity win tie pots won pots tied
Hand 0: 45.944% 43.77% 02.17% 9534 472.50 { JJ+, 88, 22 }
Hand 1: 54.056% 51.89% 02.17% 11301 472.50 { AcAd }
There will be some FD hands in there too. I definitely raise, but a bigger amount. You could shove too, but it's a huge overbet of the pot.
10nl Donked into with aces Quote
