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10NL AQ in early position 10NL AQ in early position

03-18-2008 , 12:43 AM
Villain's 3rd hand, no read.

Full Tilt No-Limit Hold'em, $0.10 BB (8 handed) Full Tilt Converter Tool from (Format: 2+2 Forums)

Hero ($10.35)
MP1 ($9.20)
MP2 ($2.90)
CO =#A500AF(Villain)/ ($7.55)
Button ($8.30)
SB ($7.25)
BB ($2.90)
UTG ($7)

Preflop: Hero is UTG+1 with A, Q.
1 fold, Hero calls $0.10, 2 folds, CO =#A500AF(Villain)/ raises to $0.3, 3 folds, Hero calls $0.20.

Flop: ($0.75) 8, Q, 2 (2 players)
Hero bets $0.7, Villain raises to $7.25 (All-In), Hero folds.

I hate AQ in early position. Is limp/call here always bad?

As played, I'm starting to think maybe I should have called. If I give Villain a range of AA-QQ,88,AKs,KQs,QJs,JTs my equity is 52%. Not to mention the 5x pot shove seems suspicious. Any thoughts?
10NL AQ in early position Quote
03-18-2008 , 12:48 AM
Ugly spot. I probably snap call and then curse myself for falling into a trap. Then I backdoor our flush draw and scoop!

AQo in EP really depends on the table dynamics. Generally, I think you can get value out of raising it.
10NL AQ in early position Quote
03-18-2008 , 12:49 AM
Why are you open limping with AQo, and then even worse, calling preflop? Seriously what's your plan with AQo OOP? c/f a missed flop? If you're going to play AQ suited or not from EP, you MUST raise.
10NL AQ in early position Quote
03-18-2008 , 12:54 AM
Originally Posted by I vi ii V7
Why are you open limping with AQo, and then even worse, calling preflop? Seriously what's your plan with AQo OOP? c/f a missed flop? If you're going to play AQ suited or not from EP, you MUST FOLD.
I question the value of AQ oop. IF the table is tight you can raise with it. It is a nice hand to squeeze with or punish multiple limpers from the blinds. Mostly you will get in trouble in tougher games though playing from EP.
10NL AQ in early position Quote
03-18-2008 , 12:59 AM
Gotta raise preflop here. If you're re-raised, you can probably fold easily against an unknown. By limp/calling OOP, you're essentially playing in the dark.

I'm also not a fan of donking into a preflop raiser. Are you ever getting better hands to fold? Are you getting weaker hands to come along? I guess top pair with a decent kicker comes along. But does villain raise QJ or worse? Maybe not, so you're only getting value from one hand you beat: KQ. Since you have the As and a Qs is on board, a FD is very unlikely since you're facing a preflop raise from an unknown.

As played, I fold the flop. This looks a lot like villain playing scared with a naked overpair.
10NL AQ in early position Quote
03-18-2008 , 01:17 AM
Originally Posted by steve1238
I question the value of AQ oop. IF the table is tight you can raise with it. It is a nice hand to squeeze with or punish multiple limpers from the blinds. Mostly you will get in trouble in tougher games though playing from EP.
Ok, let me preface: You must raise AQ from EP if you're playing it, assuming you're going to play well postflop. Raising AQo EP >>>>>>> limp caling AQo EP.

Fold > limp call.
10NL AQ in early position Quote
03-18-2008 , 08:44 AM
+1 on the previous post.

Never limp call AQo in early.

I agree:
EP raise > EP fold > EP call

Depends a lot on table reads though. Occasionally I will encounter tables where it is best to fold AQo from EP.
10NL AQ in early position Quote
03-18-2008 , 08:45 AM
Also, I really rarely call any EP raises with AQo. I will either raise or fold.
10NL AQ in early position Quote
03-18-2008 , 08:51 AM
Dear Forums,

You don't have to raise AQ to play it preflop. You can limp in and then decide if you want to fold, call, or reraise depending on how the action goes.
10NL AQ in early position Quote
03-18-2008 , 09:58 AM
I felt I was calling down too often with top pair hands, so I went trough a ton of hands in my PokerTracker, and looked at the outcome of hands where I called bets of more than 20 big blinds with only top pair and no draw. Turns out it was a big leak for me. Sure, I won sometimes, but if I had folded everytime, would have been much better off. Of course, if I try to induce a bluff it's a different story. In these type situations, you're better off folding.
10NL AQ in early position Quote
03-18-2008 , 10:17 AM
Originally Posted by LarryLaughs
+1 on the previous post.

Never limp call AQo in early.

I agree:
EP raise > EP fold > EP call

Depends a lot on table reads though. Occasionally I will encounter tables where it is best to fold AQo from EP.
10NL AQ in early position Quote
03-18-2008 , 11:48 AM
I can't remember the last time where I limped AQ in EP. But it probably had to do with table dynamics and an impending c/r sqeeze PF. But I don't think I have done it once this year......100K+ hands.

To continue past the flop requires ninja skillz. Or a QQQ flop.
10NL AQ in early position Quote
03-18-2008 , 11:50 AM
I play pretty tight from EP and seem to stay out of trouble by folding AQo UTG & UTG+1 unless button, CO and HiJack are extremely passive.
10NL AQ in early position Quote
03-18-2008 , 02:03 PM
I hate the limp-call oop with AQ. This is a raise or fold preflop situation for me.

No way I call the shove readless.
10NL AQ in early position Quote
03-18-2008 , 02:08 PM
Limp calling AQ in EP is disgusting.

If you dont feel confident playing it profitably postflop (which I believe many people can't) just fold. Don't limp call hands you're playing for top pair value.

It's really hard to make money playing AQo in EP so please fold (well, I raise it but I'm a spewmonkey )
10NL AQ in early position Quote
