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10NL 6max: 4bet Ako UTG. Miss flop 10NL 6max: 4bet Ako UTG. Miss flop

01-18-2010 , 10:42 AM
Hi All,

This is a general question about AKo where hero has 4bet pf but missed the flop. I seem to find myself in this spot a lot and I am just wondering how to play it? Sorry no HH but there is no specific hand really where this occurs, as it happens on a daily basis usually. No HUD I'm afraid so no stats on villain.

Ok so,

** I raise AKo utg to 4x.
** UTG+1 3bets to 3x.
** I 4bet to 3.5x his 3bet. (At 10NL my 4bet here is $3.50 so pot on flop is exactly $6.15 with both of us having about $6.50 left, considering we were both 100BB deep to start with.)
**Flop comes 24Q rainbow. Hero....?

Should we just value shove AK or c/f to a bet? I assume we are up against the top of villains range when he is calling a 4bet pf ie QQ, AK, KK. Possibly AQs 1010 and JJ.

Please comment as I'd like some general insight into how others play this kind of spot.

Appreciate the help guys

10NL 6max: 4bet Ako UTG. Miss flop Quote
01-18-2010 , 11:06 AM
With no stats/reads on villan i cant really tell you much.
the texture of that flop dosent get much better to C bet though.
10NL 6max: 4bet Ako UTG. Miss flop Quote
01-18-2010 , 11:15 AM
Originally Posted by YouWishFish
With no stats/reads on villan i cant really tell you much.
the texture of that flop dosent get much better to C bet though.
What can the villain possibly call with that we beat, though? AK for a split; AQ has us beat, as does any pocket pair he would've called with. AJ? A bit implausible.
10NL 6max: 4bet Ako UTG. Miss flop Quote
01-18-2010 , 11:19 AM
Originally Posted by Telrunya
What can the villain possibly call with that we beat, though? AK for a split; AQ has us beat, as does any pocket pair he would've called with. AJ? A bit implausible.
well thats the problem, we dont know who the hell the villan is. he could be a complete nit for all i know in which case i wouldent be 4 betting AK anyway.
The flop is still good to Cbet though he cant really call without a Q in his hand or AAKK obv.
10NL 6max: 4bet Ako UTG. Miss flop Quote
01-18-2010 , 11:41 AM
I think he had [1010;QQ], because these in micro stakes are worth 3betting, but he didn't push all in pre flop, so that mean he didnt have KK AA.
10NL 6max: 4bet Ako UTG. Miss flop Quote
01-18-2010 , 01:14 PM
I just shove it in out of spite, plus I think that AK is the hand that flats 4 bets the most imo.
10NL 6max: 4bet Ako UTG. Miss flop Quote
01-18-2010 , 02:26 PM
Originally Posted by Myrlin
** I 4bet to 3.5x his 3bet.
I know it's not the answer to your question, but I think you could keep your 4bet a little smaller. 2.5x his 3bet would be just fine.
10NL 6max: 4bet Ako UTG. Miss flop Quote
