um. why do you want to vary your EP play, exactly? are your 51/23 and 79/21 opponents not giving you enough action on your tight value range?

seriously, i don't think you will gain much by playing 89s from UTG+2.
it's probably not necesary when your table selection is good enough, which it obviously is, but if you particularly want to loosen up, it's much better to do it in late position than early position imho;
this is good stuff imo
as played pre, flop bet is meh. you have 2 loose opponents, SB having checked doesn't tell us much since you were PFR, J is a likely card for them, you are beaten by more likely 9x combos than you beat. otoh, you can get some value from FD's/straight draws, and you are 2/3 to act. looseness of vilains makes it more likely they can continue with hands you beat, but that very looseness will also make it difficult for you to play your mediocre hand well on later streets if you get action. on balance i think i prefer check/folding the flop to most sensible bets, but i don't hate betting.

turns one of the hands you were getting value from into a hand that now gets value from you, and you are OOP, so villain gets to decide whether another bet goes in on the river, giving you some reverse implied odds to contend with. so, turn is a check/fold imho.