Me(BTN) $121.53 - VP:26 PFR:19 AF:2.4 W:24|57 STL:53|75 3B:6|51 CB:58|52
P2(SB) $100 - VP:14 PFR:14 AF: W: STL:50|100 3B:0|100 CB: N:-5.50 Hands:7
P3(BB) $138.86 - VP:48 PFR:27 AF:5.3 W:21|75 STL:75|31 3B:0|67 CB:56|60 N:20.63 Hands:48
P4(UTG) $102 - VP:50 PFR:50 AF: W:0| STL:50|0 3B:50| CB:0| N:2 Hands:6
P5(MP) $99 - VP:50 PFR:50 AF:2.0 W:100|100 STL: 3B:0|0 CB:0|0 N:106.50 Hands:2
P6(CO) $130.85 - VP:40 PFR:13 AF:5.0 W:17|100 STL:33|50 3B:11|0 CB:100|100 N:19.85 Hands:15
Pre Flop: Me(BTN) with [K
P4(UTG) folds,
P5(MP) raises 3, P6(CO) calls 3,
Me(BTN) raises 11,
P2(SB) folds, P3(BB) folds,
P5(MP) calls 8, P6(CO) calls 8
Flop: (K
) (3 players) (Pot: $34.50)
P5(EP) checks, P6(MP) checks,
Me(BTN) bets $13.25, P5(EP) calls $13.25, P6(MP) folds
Turn: 6
(2 players) (Pot: $61)(Effective stack size: $74.75)
P5(EP) checks,
Me(BTN) bets $17.50,
P5(EP) raises $40.
(Effective stack size $34.75)
So here we have 2 hands on villain.
Pre Flop: Normal, can't say I would do anything different
Flop: I decide to 1/3rd psb since the pot is 3b pre and 3way. It will get the money in easily and we may get away cheaper if someone decides to raise us along the way. P5 villain calls and P6 folds.
Turn: With the effective stacks we can easily get the money in with a small bet here. Interestingly enough the villain "power min raises" hero. Could villain be repping a flopped set or turned straight or 2 pair somehow? Not sure what to make of this.
Should we be calling or folding here?