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1/2NL Live: QQ SB vs float 1/2NL Live: QQ SB vs float

02-09-2009 , 01:31 PM
QQ SB vs UTG raiser -
raiser is a fish who has it out for me - ok player does not respect position - he slowrolled some new guy earlier and i made a comment on it, after that he is always in pots with me. My image here is tight/aggressive, my cbets keep getting called down so they don't believe me however won some big pots with good hands too.

my stack = $650
His = $134
UTG Bets to 7, folds to me in SB
I 3bet to 20 (mistake should have made it 25-30 in this game so he is 4x to call)
UTG calls
Flop J-10-3DD
I bet 25
I bet 30
He shoves for $59 more

I smell set/2 pair but call, dont think he hit the flush but that is a maybe - i think his PFR would be more like a small pair. Call $59 to win $181 = just under 3:1.
Outs = any K, any 8, 2 Qs = 10 outs if a set. If 2 pair I add 6 outs (any 9, any 3). 10 outs = 20 percent, 16 outs = 32 percent, borderline call. I think there is a good chance he is bluffing and call. Do you think:
1) Calling turn shove is justified?
2) Should I have check/called turn? If so how much would you call? What is your folding threshold here?

Thanks guys
1/2NL Live: QQ SB vs float Quote
02-09-2009 , 01:46 PM
More pre, more on flop, ship turn.

All assuming, of course, he's an aggro-donk who can open with a relatively wide range pre (like 2 broadways).
1/2NL Live: QQ SB vs float Quote
02-09-2009 , 01:48 PM
Originally Posted by lagomatic
All assuming, of course, he's an aggro-donk who can open with a relatively wide range pre (like 2 broadways).
This would be a correct assumption in this case.
1/2NL Live: QQ SB vs float Quote
02-09-2009 , 02:00 PM
Yeah then this is a super-trivial commitment decision for you on the flop. Don't overthink this hand in case you lost. If he's capable of calling with stuff like AJ pre, then you'll always want to stack off in a 3b pot whenever your big pair makes an overpair. It's a pretty mechanical stackoff given his stack size and his preflop range. (But again, don't give him good odds by betting too small.)
1/2NL Live: QQ SB vs float Quote
02-09-2009 , 02:15 PM
You can't possibly fold that hand at any point post flop after 3-betting. I'm sure you lost, oh well. Turn is an easy bet/call ANY given stacks/action/read.
1/2NL Live: QQ SB vs float Quote
02-09-2009 , 05:14 PM
Yes, I snapcalled, river bricked and he turned over JTo for 2 pair.
Thanks for the advice guys, I think i just need to fine tune this hand and raise to $25-30 pre and PSB on flop then shove turn. Considering villain and his emotional play I think he will call me down light (TPGK more than good for this type) 75%+ of the time.
1/2NL Live: QQ SB vs float Quote
