1/2 live is this standard?
Join Date: Jan 2010
Posts: 2,094
i had been there for like 2 hours, and the guy in the hand was there for bout 15 hands and played fairly normal poker was kinda TAG. we both have 200 bucks roughly
pre he limps, im in SB with 77 i make it 10 every1 folds he calls.
flop 10d 7s 6d i bet 15 he makes it 40 i make it 100 he goes all in for like 140 more call my last 100ish. and he has 8 9 for straight and it holds up.
would you have played it differently? maybe just flat his 40? or is raising to 100 and calling off the right move?
Join Date: Jun 2008
Posts: 3,210
I wouldn't have raised to 5bb OOP PF (probably wouldn't raise at all)
~90 to call ~297 (I think?) means u can't fold
...as played, instead of 4betting to $100 I probably just shove