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1/2 Live - I thought the live pokars was supposed to be easy 1/2 Live - I thought the live pokars was supposed to be easy

09-01-2007 , 02:30 AM
Yet I keep finishing around even every session I play lately. Here are a few trouble hands from tonight at $1/$2. Please to be commenting.

Hand 1
Me - $170
SB - $60
Donkey - $200

Bunch of limpers and I check 69o in the BB. Flop comes 57T two clubs and it gets checked around. Turn is an 8s putting a second spade on the board and making my gutshot. SB checks and I lead for $10, folds to donkey on the button who calls and then SB pushes for $40-$50 more (just sat down no read on him). I don't think about it much and shove on top of him. Donkey thinks for a long time and folds two pair. SB obv has J9 and it holds. I'm thinking I should have raised less to get some extra money off the donkey but I hadn't seen him fold a flush draw all night and that's what I had put him on so I wanted to charge him as much as possible to see the river. I was very surprised when he folded.

Hand 2
Me $150
Donkey $50

Same donk from before open raised from the button to $7 and I looked down at AQd in the big. Figured I was probably ahead of his range and threw in a stack to put him all-in. Hello KK! Should I just see the flop here and fold pairless? That seems awful weak to me, but I guess that's what full ring is all about!!! Eh?

Hand 3

Me - $200
Little man to my right - $80

I don't really think there's much I could have done about this one but figured it's best to ask anyway. Few limps to me in LP, I look down at KK and make it $15 to go. Everyone folds but the little man to my right who seemed rather clueless from what little I'd seen of him. Flop came 962 rainbow, LMTMR checked, I bet $25, he hollywood-minraised to $50 and I put him all-in for $15 more knowing I was beat by his 222. Does anyone actually find a fold here?
1/2 Live - I thought the live pokars was supposed to be easy Quote
09-01-2007 , 06:19 AM
I know it sucks reading hands that aren't in the traditional format but they're not THAT long are they?

Little help please people
1/2 Live - I thought the live pokars was supposed to be easy Quote
09-01-2007 , 07:40 AM
All 3 hands look fine.

Don't be results oriented.
1/2 Live - I thought the live pokars was supposed to be easy Quote
09-01-2007 , 07:49 AM
Hand 1:
Sounds good I think I would play it exactly the same.

Hand 2:
This one is read dependent, if you think he is stealing a lot, pushing is fine. You can also call hoping for A/Q and then go all in.

Hand 3:
He made such a mistake preflop with calling, that even if he stacks you every time he flops a set, you will still be a long term winner with KK vs him.
1/2 Live - I thought the live pokars was supposed to be easy Quote
09-01-2007 , 10:36 AM
Hands are standard, you're simply running bad against some shortstacks.
1/2 Live - I thought the live pokars was supposed to be easy Quote
09-01-2007 , 01:32 PM
Is hand 2 really that standard. Going from 7 to 50 is a pretty big jump. We saw him fold two pair in the previous hand, so we know he's capable of folding some things and isn't a complete idiot. You're probably ahead of his all-in calling range, but I bet not by much.

What about raising to 25ish, with a plan to call any re-raise or flop bet. And pushing the flop if it gets checked to you and you're not all in. Seems like this will extract more value from him.
1/2 Live - I thought the live pokars was supposed to be easy Quote
