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07-21-2009 , 05:53 PM
Played some live cash earlier today. Had quite a heavy one at oceana last night and felt awful this morning, so i called work to tell them i'd come in late and slept in a bit. Half way toward central london i decided i couldn't be fecked to go to work at all and decided to go to the Grosvenor Victoria, and settled down to play £1/2 with 100bb's.

After two hours i'm doing fine. Not much action at the table, which is quite unlike the Vic. One guy goes out for a smoke and someone steps in to take his place til he comes back. So no information, but being interested in body language as i am, i can see this player is not carrying himself confidently. Inward posture, head slightly down, I'm sure he isn't a shark. He folds one hand then this:

Hero limps behind a few people on BTN with QJs. Villian raises from BB to £10. Everyone folds, hero calls.

Flop - J,X,X two hearts
Villian bets £15. Hero raises to £40. Villian calls.

Turn - 7
Villian bets £35. Hero calls.

River - A
Villian bets £33. Hero?
08-22-2009 , 02:07 PM
Against an unknown player, the combination of a pre-flop raise, a called raise on the flop and then a bet out of position on the turn means he has TP beat more often than not.

The turn bet is weirdly small (35 into... 100 ?) , its not going to get you off a jack. Probably not a bluff.

After the Ace on the river what is he betting that you are beating? JT??? v unlikely. You are losing to AT, KJ, any Ace, pocket As, KK, QQ, many other things here... i fold without more information
08-22-2009 , 02:30 PM
I think I call just becuase it is 33 into 170 if my math is correct. which is a lot to 1 on a call. The bet on turn is really small which usually means he has you crushed or he he has the heart draw and wants to give himself a fair price at the draw. as long as the flush missed i think i pay this off but am not shocked if i am beat. you only have to be good <20% time for it to be a good call.
08-22-2009 , 02:38 PM
reason for raising flop?
08-22-2009 , 03:25 PM
Flop raise is pretty thin at a live game where someone decided to raise preflop limpers out of position. Also, what are x and x. Is it a paired board? Those cards are pretty important and it's a little scary that you don't remember them. What exactly are you paying attention to when trying to make decisions during the hand, if not the cards on the board and how that relates to ranges?

His line is super strange. He has a pair almost always here, and he's trying in his own unique and bad way to keep the pot small, while still betting each street. If you were deeper I'd raise the river almost always.

The confusion in this hand comes from the fact that you raised the flop, basically over repping your hand. So, it's hard to say what he thinks of his QQ, KK, KJ (if he even ever has that preflop.). It's hard to imagine him having a worse Jx hand than QJ, with out you providing us a read this guy is super aggro preflop.

I guess with the odds you are getting on the river, it would not be a terrible call. But, I think it's a fold given I don't think he plays TT like this, and doesn't have much worse Js in his preflop range.
08-23-2009 , 01:03 PM
I don't like the flop raise but I guess you wanted to define your hand strength. You have to fold against this unknown you're not beating a lot of hands here on the river.
