1/2 Limit Player brunt out playing & wants To Switch to NLH
Join Date: May 2008
Posts: 852
Hey guy,
I know you see these threads often and there kind of annoying but, could you guys just help me one time. I played limit hold'em seriously for a bit and managed to get up to 1/2 6max which I hit a hot streak and a down swing all in the span of few days which really tilted me. So I took a few weeks break and want to try NLH. I used to play before but really didnt know what I was doing. Which are the best Books or Videos to watch? I am a DC member if any can hook me up with some good titles to watch to make the switch. I used to calling down light and value betting way to thin so like not cbeting the flop is kinda odd for me but hoping to get a better understanding. Thanks Guys & rare girls lol
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