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Wasting Time Wasting Time

10-09-2008 , 02:04 AM
I go to a huge University in Florida (UF) but it seems like I can't meet a single girl, I also feel like im not really experiencing college cause im to busy putting in hands and grinding through cash games and poker-related things. How do you guys go about meeting girls and balancing the whole college\poker dynamic??
10-09-2008 , 02:10 AM
My view is that you're only in college once, so as soon as the opportunity comes to go out (which is like...3-4x a week), I take it.

The other nights I usually spend studying or writing papers. Do you do hw at all?
10-09-2008 , 02:51 AM
I blast through HW, the school work is not a problem, it's just the social aspect. In high school I was never really cool, I just had a lot of popular friends and was never really good at the whole getting girls thing.
10-09-2008 , 11:09 AM
Originally Posted by MOTU79989
I blast through HW, the school work is not a problem, it's just the social aspect. In high school I was never really cool, I just had a lot of popular friends and was never really good at the whole getting girls thing.
try to make some friends who like going out and the rest will come
10-09-2008 , 12:08 PM
There's no magic 'meeting girls' formula, you've just got to put yourself in those situations by getting out.
10-10-2008 , 12:37 AM
Originally Posted by we don't care
try to make some friends who like going out and the rest will come
True- just get some friends that know how to party and its easy.
10-10-2008 , 01:21 AM
or just get really drunk and lower your standards significantly...this never fails to getting laid, NEVER
10-10-2008 , 01:46 AM
I've even tried that and im pretty much 0 for infinite
10-10-2008 , 03:00 AM
try harder. end/
10-10-2008 , 03:48 AM
You can't meet girls at Florida? You suck at life.
10-10-2008 , 04:36 AM
jesus christ stop wasting so much time with poker, plz don't sit in your room on a saturday night grinding out hands seriously you will regret it a few years from now
10-10-2008 , 12:25 PM
Here's my advice: As a starter, talk to 10 random people each day ... try going for 5 guys & 5 girls ... find them in your class, at the library, cafeteria, your res, etc. It doesn't really matter what you talk about; just learn to initiate a conversation and get your social abilities going. Also, if you get brushed off, don't let it discourage you .. it's perfectly ok. Just make a goal to talk to ten people a day, and eventually you'll build a network of friends (and hopefully, a chick you can have a relationship with)!
10-14-2008 , 07:59 PM
going out at least 3 times a week for starters. if you were never good at getting girls I'd suggest reading a few books on dating. you sound like a real poker player you'd end up liking the real 'game'. the hard part is treating it like one. DO NOT be results oriented bc they smell desperation... go talk to girls and expect NOTHING out of it and soon they will start wondering about you. then you move in for the kill. If any of your friends are them.
there are also some great attraction forums with much better dating advice then a poker forum.
10-14-2008 , 09:20 PM
Originally Posted by Kos13
You can't meet girls at Florida? You suck at life.
this. but honestly just be more socially active on the weekend and meet people. make friends with people who go out more than you
10-18-2008 , 10:12 PM
u can retake the class u cant retake the party
10-20-2008 , 02:15 AM
Originally Posted by jarkko5
u can retake the class u cant retake the party
hahaha good philosophy

Originally Posted by rivermetimbers
or just get really drunk and lower your standards significantly...this never fails to getting laid, NEVER
i lol'd

yeah just basically put yourself in a position to create opportunities, make new friends that party and things will fall into place.
10-20-2008 , 02:50 PM
dude just try to manage your time better. i suck at this but i just end up not playing enough poker and go out more so i'm on the opposite side of the fence from you.

during the day, do homework but also study poker and play a few hours. go out any nights you can, because a night out feels great and if you stay in to play poker it feels ****, especially if you lose.

basically i'd try to look at poker as a job. you can have fun playing it, and by all means play on nights where there's nothing happening, but definately go out when you can, who wants to work when they can play? trust me, if you play poker on most nights instead of going out, you really will regret it and will probably find yourself turning slightly socially awkward.

as for girls, i think you're just not picking up because youre not trying. go out and get DRUNK, you'll find it alot easier to introduce yourself to random girls, and if you can remember how you did it, try it slightly less drunk the next time and so on, then you'll be decent at it when youre sober, though most of the time on a night out you'll prob be drunk anyway. good luck lol.
10-20-2008 , 02:52 PM

Seriously, just learn yourself by going out and doing it. try it when youre smashed. if you read up on how to do it, you'll put it on a pedastal as to quote 40yrold, and my friend actually told me stuff he saw in some mag about it, and it was so lol that i couldn't believe people actually would think it works in the real world.
10-20-2008 , 05:32 PM
i'd focus on making guy friends first... you live in the dorms, what year are you?

if you don't make friends in the dorms freshman year, your gonna have to learn to let loose a little and start meeting new people...
10-20-2008 , 06:06 PM
Originally Posted by SmokeyJ
dude just try to manage your time better. i suck at this but i just end up not playing enough poker and go out more so i'm on the opposite side of the fence from you.

during the day, do homework but also study poker and play a few hours. go out any nights you can, because a night out feels great and if you stay in to play poker it feels ****, especially if you lose.

basically i'd try to look at poker as a job. you can have fun playing it, and by all means play on nights where there's nothing happening, but definately go out when you can, who wants to work when they can play? trust me, if you play poker on most nights instead of going out, you really will regret it and will probably find yourself turning slightly socially awkward.

as for girls, i think you're just not picking up because youre not trying. go out and get DRUNK, you'll find it alot easier to introduce yourself to random girls, and if you can remember how you did it, try it slightly less drunk the next time and so on, then you'll be decent at it when youre sober, though most of the time on a night out you'll prob be drunk anyway. good luck lol.
This is a pretty solid post, and I'm like you with regards to poker, SmokeyJ. I end up putting it off and putting it off until the last couple days of the month when I realize I have to grind my ass off to keep my status on Stars.
