Just looking for some tips if anyone has any. Please no trolling serious posts only. I promise you it's not another dropping out of school for poker thread as I'd never even consider that and have no intentions to do so.
Basically here's my dilemma I'm a 20 year old sophomore in college and have picked up online poker last January and have been playing and learning the game ever since. After learning the basics and seeing a friend grind the micros I deposited $175 and now have built that up to around a $5K bankroll. Poker has taken a major role in my life and its something I'm very passionate about.
The friend who introduced me and a friend of his took last summer off from working the typical job for someone my age and played online instead. They made about 3k and 12k respectively. This inspired me to want to do this next summer, thinking to myself I could set my own hours and have more time for my family and friends along with really just enjoying my time off from school while I'm still young. There's no better time to do it than now since I have no large responsibilities and such.
Now the difficulty here is this idea being respected by my parents. When the idea was mentioned they immediately shut me down and told me to be realistic and that they'd never allow me to do such a thing. They see poker like the average parent as a chance for me to gamble away my money and eventually just become broke. My sister (who graduated from an ivy league school and just got a job in D.C.) got it in their heads that I'm playing online illegally and they all compared the idea to selling drugs instead of working. My dad's biggest issue is that a friend of his played online year's ago and supposedly won $15k then proceeded to lose $30K (I'm sure he used good BRM
a) and my mom's biggest issue is that "companies will look at the gap in your resume and ask what you did during those couple of months and it will affect your chances of getting a job if you tell them you didn't have a job or you played poker".
And to sum it up I'm good student and never got into any trouble or been involved with drugs or anything. They have no reason to believe I'd be stupid enough to spend all this time and effort on something without being able to do it profitably. I also have more than enough money to support myself through the summer in the bank if I run bad or something else comes up (over 5 figures).
What's my move here? Any simple way to explain to them the situation and realize how much it would mean to me to be able to have that freedom over the summer? I just want to truly enjoy my life without the hassle of some bs underpaid job that every other kid my age has to carry out during the summer?
Thanks for any help and please only serious posts.