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Students in the Upstate NY Area? Students in the Upstate NY Area?

08-02-2010 , 04:24 PM
Does any1 go to school in upstate NY? Around the Albany area? Hopin to find a few people that know how to play poker.
08-05-2010 , 12:53 AM
was going to go to albany not sure i live on LI well see
08-05-2010 , 12:54 AM
Just let me know when you find out.
08-10-2010 , 08:21 PM
08-11-2010 , 11:01 PM
What school do you go to? What games/stakes you play?
08-13-2010 , 12:50 AM
I go to Oswego. If you are looking for good games, go to turning stone on friday and saturday nights. Its loaded with stupid college students from su, colgate, cornell, and other schools that have money so the games shouldn't be too tough if you know how to play.
08-13-2010 , 12:59 AM
Thanks for the tip. I'm all over it already though
08-13-2010 , 09:33 AM
Yah, I went to TS once and thought it was very weak...what stakes did you play there?
08-13-2010 , 02:21 PM
just 1/2 nl. I might be going soon and if I win at 200nl, prob move up to 500nl
08-13-2010 , 04:33 PM
i normally play 1-2 and its so easy to make money if you nit it up (and pick spots to play a little laggy against weak players). I met some older guy in one of the daily tournies (had a 50k roll he said) that said hes a reg at 1-2 and 2-5. The guy said he made money too playing which I found shocking bc he ended up folding AK from the BB with like <15bbs to a guy that had a small stack similar to that and he had AQ.
08-13-2010 , 10:16 PM
What school in Albany?
08-17-2010 , 05:42 PM
i pm'd you the school
08-20-2010 , 06:42 PM
new paltzzz
08-21-2010 , 09:50 PM
i went to ualbany we had such a good 1/2 going until peeps graduated. live on LI now tho i do wanna move back up there maybe to ballston spa or watervliet area
08-21-2010 , 09:53 PM
haha nice
09-09-2010 , 01:00 AM
