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Slow internet at apartment....they told me high speed. Line? Slow internet at apartment....they told me high speed. Line?

09-01-2009 , 09:09 PM
So since school just started, all of my poker sessions have been around midnightish or later and the internet was fine. They told me it was highspeed so I didn't think anything of it. I was playing and everything was working out fine, no need to worry right? About two weeks later school starts and I have 8am classes, obv my sessions are going to be evening time because of the schedule change. I just loaded my first sesh of sngs and timed out about 10 times in one hour. This is clearly going to be unacceptable.

Anyways, they said the internet was high speed internet which def was a factor in my choosing this place to live in. I am hooked up through cable so wireless isn't the problem. I guess it is just to many people on the network or something...Poker and coaching are my only form of income atm so what I supposed to tell them? One year lease is signed but obv I can't pay them if I can't work.

Part of the thing is that to be accepted, you had to show proof of a paycheck in from the last month that would cover the expenses. Since I doubt they accept some shady looking stars check and to avoid mess, I just had my parents be the co-signers etc, but the lease is still in my name. Should I just try giving them the whole "I do real time online trading and investing" and see if that works? Maybe I can look into getting the internet off the bill (pay through apartment) and go through a different provider entirely...Anyways, thoughts and suggestions are welcome. Will be talking to them tomorrow. Thanks,

09-01-2009 , 10:57 PM
I don't think you need to even bring up the Poker issue yet. Tell them you are extremely dissatisfied with the internet speeds and ask if there are any solutions (where I live I can pay extra per month to upgrade my internet speeds for example). If they claim there are none, then claim that the ridiculous speeds should void your contract because you wwere promised high-speed internet service.

If all that fails, you might tell them that you can't pay them because you do real-time investing or whatever, but that's a last resort IMO.
09-01-2009 , 11:08 PM
When I first moved down to Indy I had the same problem and there isn't anything more life tilting that dropping 10+ buyins on a problem you can't control.

The two other guys that I live with just got jobs doing what I used to do telecom engineering from home. So essentially we all were f'd. So we basically made false threats to the internet company about leaving. They came in and replaced our 15+ year old copper drop to our apartment. After that we were still having problems staying connected eventually we came to this solution after the technician came out once again, this time knowing us by first name.

Solution: Make sure your cable modem isn't some dumpy modem/router combo. If so ( like ours was ) get them to give you a stable modem only hookup and get your own router (preferably a linksys). This solved our problems and we randomly stumbling upon golden internet because of our line being replaced.

Cliff Notes: nag the cable company...make sure you get a modem standalone and get a good quality router.

09-01-2009 , 11:23 PM
Originally Posted by Reasons14
Maybe I can look into getting the internet off the bill (pay through apartment) and go through a different provider entirely...
grunch, but clearly this is going to be the solution. They won't change their provider/etc because of you (I'm assumign this is a decently sized building) and doing this you'll have your own dedicated line and won't be sharing a private network (good).

EDIT: to the guy above, from my understanding this has nothing to do w/ the internet company and he doesn't deal with them directly. Regarding the buyin drop thing, errrr.... stop after 2?
09-02-2009 , 01:12 AM
Originally Posted by Jim14Qc
EDIT: to the guy above, from my understanding this has nothing to do w/ the internet company and he doesn't deal with them directly. Regarding the buyin drop thing, errrr.... stop after 2?
SNGs sadly... had them all up when I had connection problems. Luckily the first time stars reimbursed for all the ones that I dc'd in though.
09-02-2009 , 01:22 AM
all student apartments have crappy internet. hopefully they let you install a diff provider
09-02-2009 , 09:35 AM
Originally Posted by elgreenhornet
all student apartments have crappy internet. hopefully they let you install a diff provider
If this is a 'student apartment', are you sure it's not just down to your neighbours torrenting vast quantities of 'study material'? Traffic expands to fill the space available and all that...
09-02-2009 , 12:21 PM
Originally Posted by Ohgod
If this is a 'student apartment', are you sure it's not just down to your neighbours torrenting vast quantities of 'study material'? Traffic expands to fill the space available and all that...
cant you let them reprogram the router so that everyone gets his fair share of bandwidth?
09-02-2009 , 12:44 PM
Hey guys, prob going to go talk to them in a few.. Thanks for the input I have goten this far. Will give TR later on today.
09-06-2009 , 05:58 PM
Go to one of those speed check sites (DSLreports)? And see what the speed really is. It's very possible that it is a high-speed connection, but that there is a loose / rusted / wet wire somewhere that's giving you intermittent problems.
