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"Ask Out A Girl" Thread: 2014 Year of the Petite Brunette and Pissing On Dudes "Ask Out A Girl" Thread: 2014 Year of the Petite Brunette and Pissing On Dudes

02-09-2011 , 11:53 AM
re: Smiley Faces

I have a bro/dude/friend that always adds smiley faces to the end of his texts(not always but consistently)...He is like "Yo ill be stopping by later tonight " creeps me the **** out

Then again hes prob just trolling all of us(my other friends who are friends with him also), so if thats the case..wp
02-09-2011 , 11:54 AM
8 years of social isolation= every girl i see checks me out hard.
02-09-2011 , 11:55 AM
Originally Posted by CCuster_911
re: Smiley Faces

I have a bro/dude/friend that always adds smiley faces to the end of his texts(not always but consistently)...He is like "Yo ill be stopping by later tonight " creeps me the **** out

Then again hes prob just trolling all of us(my other friends who are friends with him also), so if thats the case..wp
i only have one gay friend, but this is him.
02-09-2011 , 11:56 AM
and to finish my post run, the best part of that gif is ivey taking out cyril.
02-09-2011 , 02:05 PM
Originally Posted by Christophersen
Yeah about me fwiw:
CG was my first "hookup", obviously I have fooled around at parties and ****, but believe it or not I somehow used to let myself turn down sex while in the ****ing bed. That's how much of a relationship person I am, I guess.

CGR on new years was just a weird thing, I guess.

I'm hanging out with KG tomorrow, definitely going for a kiss. If I don't by the end of the night we will hug, and I will just make some excuse to "try again" and go for it then. Cheesy as **** obv, but it'll either be fine or it won't in any situation.
But yeah, definitely pursuing a relationship here.

She can be rather dry to talk to though, because she is rather shy. I never noticed this before(since only see her at parties), but it really is true. The only thing that sucks is that I have direct/lead a lot of the conversation(at least like, IM type conversations, she is fine face-to-face) but we never have "deep" conversations, so I have no idea for a lot about her. I finally learned stuff like where she was from today. lol
I've had more relationships start as one night stands than any other way, you can have your cake and eat it too imo.
02-09-2011 , 02:16 PM
I guess that the reason I have for the "lines" I take that are usually I think:
If she is wanting to just hookup at a party, she's not the type of girl I want to date.
Granted, this has changed over time a bit, because it narrows the field so much and because I'd be a hypocrite.
02-09-2011 , 02:26 PM
Originally Posted by thebigeasy59
8 years of social isolation= every girl i see checks me out hard.
duurrrr, "i'm too lazy to come up with an insult that makes sense, so i'll just say whatever stupid ideas come to my mind."
02-09-2011 , 02:30 PM
Originally Posted by Christophersen
I guess that the reason I have for the "lines" I take that are usually I think:
If she is wanting to just hookup at a party, she's not the type of girl I want to date.
Granted, this has changed over time a bit, because it narrows the field so much and because I'd be a hypocrite.
You're just over generalizing. Just like most guys are hybrids between just wanting hookups and wanting to be in relationships, so are the girls. Their behavior is more stigmatized than ours so they're socialized to behave more "proper", but they for the most part think the same way we do. Because some girl is willing to hook up with you doesn't mean she's hooking up with every other person she meets (though I have come across these girls - luckily for you the other females who know her will have talked **** about her enough that you'll know who she is and what she does before even being in the same room as her), perhaps the stars have just aligned for that night in your favor. Don't shoot down those opportunities when they present themselves.

You also need to realize that every single relationship you will be in, with perhaps the exception of one, will not last. Searching for the perfect person in a sea of horny college kids is absolutely futile imo. Just enjoy the ride imo.

Last edited by crackedquads; 02-09-2011 at 02:35 PM.
02-09-2011 , 02:47 PM
Originally Posted by scorcher863
just about every sexy girl that i'm around checks me out like hardcore.
duurrrr, "i'm too lazy to come up with an insult that makes sense, so i'll just say whatever stupid ideas come to my mind."
i wouldn't call it laziness. pretty much working with what I've been given here.
02-09-2011 , 02:47 PM
Obviously you're right about basically everything, and I know I am overgeneralizing.

I guess in my experience most of the girls that end up wanting to hook up are the sluts though, and it's just not worth it.
02-09-2011 , 03:19 PM
Originally Posted by El Diablo

I'm with GG on this one.
Upon further reflection, I think you guys are usually right. I've hugged girls that I'm actively interested in before, but never in that context. It has been when I've been out in a group and just met the girl. I guess I parted with a hug even though she was an active interest.
02-09-2011 , 03:23 PM
I'm supposed to meet that hot foreign girl from a couple nights ago today, but it's almost a pain in the ass to have to go meet her. I can't imagine what a pain in the ass it must be for her. At least, though I think I'll be bored, she is a hot chick. She's getting nothing out of this. I'm fairly certain she isn't into me, and she has a boyfriend, so it's just going to be a friends sort of thing.
02-09-2011 , 04:05 PM
She's not going to go out of her way to meet up with a stranger, alone, unless she's interested. Relationships end all the time (including hers), and if she is indeed meeting up with strange new GCG alone, you're money baby.
02-09-2011 , 04:21 PM
Originally Posted by scorcher863
if anyone cares:

i've decided to start working on my building up my life to something more worthwhile, and am gonna put off pursuing any girls until my lifestyle is something i can be proud of. my room's a mess, laundry is all dirty, have no job, have no car, and am coming off about 8 years of near social isolation, so i think jumping right into the dating scene without getting the rest of my kinks worked out is a bad strategy. i'm gonna make a conscientious effort to not post on 2p2 so much, so hopefully u guys will hear from me in a couple months, and i'll have a bunch of good stories to tell you.
Originally Posted by Flyingbanana
See you tomorrow.
Originally Posted by scorcher863
duurrrr, "i'm too lazy to come up with an insult that makes sense, so i'll just say whatever stupid ideas come to my mind."
Nice call.

LKJ, I liked your "relationship/hookup/hybrid" list. If I were single, I'd put myself in the hybrid category, as I had my fair share of hookups before CRC and I got together. I was always open to the idea of a relationship, but didn't actively seek one out, as that tends to work out terribly for me.
02-09-2011 , 04:24 PM
Originally Posted by thebigeasy59
i wouldn't call it laziness. pretty much working with what I've been given here.
half a brain? physical attraction has nothing to with socializing. can't believe i actually have to spell that out for you.
02-09-2011 , 04:25 PM
i'm in a protect my e-ego mood, so vintage, notice that i said i was trying to post not so much, and not not at all.
02-09-2011 , 04:25 PM
Originally Posted by crackedquads
She's not going to go out of her way to meet up with a stranger, alone, unless she's interested. Relationships end all the time (including hers), and if she is indeed meeting up with strange new GCG alone, you're money baby.
lol she flaked...can't say I'm surprised, and can't say I blame her if even I was sort of dreading this meeting. Woulda been easier if she never agreed in the first place though.
02-09-2011 , 04:38 PM
I'm studying abroad for one year after this summer and was at an information meeting two weeks ago and met the two other students that are going to the same university as me(2 girls). I have never meet anyone of them before this meeting.

Would it be weird of me to email (only have their mail which the student advisor gave to all three of us) them and ask if they wanna grab a drink and talk about the final application and what we have a head of us after the summer?

Obv not any dating/relationship motives in this just wondering if you guys thought it would be weird.
02-09-2011 , 04:39 PM
Originally Posted by scorcher863
half a brain? physical attraction has nothing to with socializing. can't believe i actually have to spell that out for you.
my point is that it's pretty socially hilarious to just assume that "every hot girl" is checking you out hardcore, and that it wouldn't really be surprising if there was an extreme lack of awareness of the situation if you've been socially isolated for 8 years.
02-09-2011 , 04:51 PM
Originally Posted by thebigeasy59
my point is that it's pretty socially hilarious to just assume that "every hot girl" is checking you out hardcore, and that it wouldn't really be surprising if there was an extreme lack of awareness of the situation if you've been socially isolated for 8 years.
ok. at least there's some logic behind your thoughts. but it's flawed, because i'm not making assumptions, i'm basing it on evidence; on very simple trends -- how many girls look my way, and how long, and how repetitive. and given that girls check out guys that they find attractive regularly, and that i am attractive (based on what ppl tell me, and self assessment) it only makes sense that they'd check me out.

anyway, i'm a loser for arguing with u over this, but i really have nothing going on in my life right now and am a nerd in my spare time so i can't really pass up a chance at an argument.
02-09-2011 , 05:22 PM
Originally Posted by ababb
I'm studying abroad for one year after this summer and was at an information meeting two weeks ago and met the two other students that are going to the same university as me(2 girls). I have never meet anyone of them before this meeting.

Would it be weird of me to email (only have their mail which the student advisor gave to all three of us) them and ask if they wanna grab a drink and talk about the final application and what we have a head of us after the summer?

Obv not any dating/relationship motives in this just wondering if you guys thought it would be weird.
I think this would be a pretty cool thing to do.
02-09-2011 , 06:07 PM
Originally Posted by poonis
Just want to apologize for the hubbub. I didn't think Cam would get that upset by the conversation. I figured he would just read it and tell me privately what he thought. Though, I told a different person about this site a few days ago, and he seems to enjoy it, so hopefully that makes up for it..

Won't be linking this thread no mo, fo sho tho... heh
The thing is, 2+2 is the major leagues of Internet forum posting, and sometimes you have to hone your skills in the minors for a bit before you're ready for the big show. Sometimes people don't have the talent yet and after they get that phone call it turns out they're not quite ready for the bright lights, the fans, and the media attention. When you make that phone call to someone, you gotta know if they're ready. And sometimes they are; I think you are, for example. Cam, it appears, was not.

Originally Posted by wsopmichael
fwiw, when a girl hugs me i grab her ass while im at it, just to make her know im not into being friends with her. I dont do this to all girls of course
During the day, right?
02-09-2011 , 06:08 PM
Originally Posted by scorcher863
ok. at least there's some logic behind your thoughts. but it's flawed, because i'm not making assumptions, i'm basing it on evidence; on very simple trends -- how many girls look my way, and how long, and how repetitive. and given that girls check out guys that they find attractive regularly, and that i am attractive (based on what ppl tell me, and self assessment) it only makes sense that they'd check me out.

anyway, i'm a loser for arguing with u over this, but i really have nothing going on in my life right now and am a nerd in my spare time so i can't really pass up a chance at an argument.
you didnt really refute anything he said though.. after 8 years of social isolation and minimal contact with girls it is just hard to believe that you have the ability to properly read women. I realise I basically just repeated what TBE said but he made it about as simple and clear as possible. The only way I could think to expand it is by saying that almost all the regs itt are more experienced than you and probably not a single one of us has a 100% accurate read rate.
02-09-2011 , 06:08 PM
KG coming over to my place tonight.
Planning to make a move and praying to not make a fool of myself.
02-09-2011 , 06:13 PM
What does the K stand for again? Im guessing G is girl?
