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"Ask Out A Girl" Thread: 2014 Year of the Petite Brunette and Pissing On Dudes "Ask Out A Girl" Thread: 2014 Year of the Petite Brunette and Pissing On Dudes

11-11-2010 , 02:29 PM

Think of it this way. What are the possible explanations for a guy trying to close with a girl he has had a few minutes of interaction that doesn't reflect badly on him?

If the initial interaction leads to an extended interaction then that that is different but just you are in line buying socks and you have ten minutes of conversation before you each go your separate ways how can asking for her number under a scenario like that be framed as a positive?


The problem most guys have when it comes to women is that they meet a girl -- fall for her pretty much indiscriminately if she so much as smiles at him -- then they devote a whole bunch of energy to chasing her. Eventually they meet someone else and do the same thing and they are off on a brand new direction. They would have a lot more success if they instead just started hundreds of little threads with different girls that they advanced whenever chance leads to crossing paths again. The obsession with closing actually leads to less success in the long-run.
11-11-2010 , 02:39 PM
Originally Posted by Henry17
Think of it this way. What are the possible explanations for a guy trying to close with a girl he has had a few minutes of interaction that doesn't reflect badly on him?
He met someone he found interesting, she had the same feeling and they want to meet again.

Originally Posted by Henry17
If the initial interaction leads to an extended interaction then that that is different but just you are in line buying socks and you have ten minutes of conversation before you each go your separate ways how can asking for her number under a scenario like that be framed as a positive?
What's your obsession with closing? Sometimes those conversations dont lead to anything, but it doesnt hurt to try.

Originally Posted by Henry17
The problem most guys have when it comes to women is that they meet a girl -- fall for her pretty much indiscriminately if she so much as smiles at him -- then they devote a whole bunch of energy to chasing her. Eventually they meet someone else and do the same thing and they are off on a brand new direction. They would have a lot more success if they instead just started hundreds of little threads with different girls that they advanced whenever chance leads to crossing paths again. The obsession with closing actually leads to less success in the long-run.
This is very true.
11-11-2010 , 02:50 PM
Originally Posted by Spurious
What's your obsession with closing? Sometimes those conversations dont lead to anything, but it doesnt hurt to try.
Because my understanding is that was the issue we disagree with. I said I have nothing against friendly chit-chat and then going your separate ways. I think that is useful because you had a pleasant exchange and now if you run into them again you have that as a starting point. If you never see them again then that is fine as well. My objection is with trying to go from stranger to number / date request in ten minutes. While there are a few rare exceptions for the most part there is no way to do that without it reflectivity negatively on the guy so guys shouldn't be doing it.
11-11-2010 , 04:12 PM
What girls are we talking about? Cause you guys may be thinking about different things.

For the girls that most people think are 10's:

(I don't think this girl is a 10, but this seems to be most guy's image, so we'll use that)

This girl is gonna get hit on all day and she deserves it. No sympathy. She is purposely dressing like that to get benefits, so she should be willing to incur the costs. Similarly, if I wore $1000 worth of clothes and accessories, I expect people to start conversations with me to try to eventually mooch off me. That's asking for it.

On the other hand, this girl

(was ****ing impossible to find a picture of an average looking girl just walking, so this will have to do)

will get hit on every 2 or 3 days maybe, and that's really not too much. Either way, I'm starting a conversation with either of these girls if I want to. In neither case do I feel bad.

Henry your perspective is skewed because you live in a world where women come up to you. Thus, you can't relate. There are guys that don't get approached by women all the time, and they need to initiate. You say go to clubs. But the music at clubs often sucks, entrance/drink fees are not worth it, kind of girls these places attract are not the kind of girls lots of guys want. So where do you meet girls? Workplace is one, but **** that. If a guy values his job, it's not worth compromising that over a girl.

So you can join clubs. But what if your hobbies don't easily translate into a club? Good luck meeting girls at a poker club. (Good luck meeting anyone that doesn't suck at a poker club, if there is such a thing.)

The PUA approach isn't ideal and I'm not advocating being a ****** like world series of poker michael, but there's nothing wrong with being social and chatting a girl up in a public place, even if she doesn't initiate. And if it goes well, I'm gonna try to get contact info to continue to the conversation. Otherwise I'm leaving it up to chance, just hoping to get lucky. Perhaps if I was a millionaire that could afford to be out and about every night that'd help me to run into these girls again, but even so, what if she isn't a club girl?

And it's laughable that your girlfriend drives an extra 20 minutes to avoid having to talk to people. Perhaps you'd say I can't relate. Except that there have been gay guys and trannies that hit on me every time I see them and it makes me feel sort of awkward. If given a choice, I'd avoid it, but lol at taking a 20 minute detour to avoid having to speak to someone for 30 seconds.
11-11-2010 , 04:17 PM
Is there really a need to call me a ****** lol? Its non of your business if i approach and creep on girls during the day.

Last edited by wsopmichael; 11-11-2010 at 04:19 PM. Reason: Karak is him calling me a retard a personal attact to you? In b4 infraction imo, or take the favourtism line
11-11-2010 , 04:18 PM
1st girl is so far away from a 10, it's even funny.

2nd girl is on antidepressants.

The rest of your post is pretty spot on though.
11-11-2010 , 04:20 PM
Last edited by wsopmichael; Today at 03:19 PM. Reason: Karak is him calling me a ****** a personal attact to you? In b4 infraction imo, or take the favourtism line
Shut the **** up.

Originally Posted by Spurious
1st girl is so far away from a 10, it's even funny.

2nd girl is on antidepressants.

The rest of your post is pretty spot on though.
Sigh.. maybe that's why I'm more attracted to the 2nd girl. +infinity on 1st girl not being close to a 10.
11-11-2010 , 04:22 PM
lol wp vintage
11-11-2010 , 04:22 PM
interesting. most of the time i hear some guy talking about a ten, it's just some trashy blonde with a good body, slutty clothes, and a busted face smeared with makeup. no offense to henry, but i am guessing he is attracted to girls like in the first picture, as these are the type of young girls that i see with older men.
11-11-2010 , 04:23 PM
Originally Posted by wsopmichael
Is there really a need to call me a ****** lol? Its non of your business if i approach and creep on girls during the day.

Originally Posted by Vintage00

Sigh.. maybe that's why I'm more attracted to the 2nd girl. +infinity on 1st girl not being close to a 10.
I hate those pictures. Dunno if she looks better in another picture, but the one posted is depressing.
11-11-2010 , 04:24 PM
I mean, I'll look at that girl a 2nd time if I see her, but I think it's more b/c society says that she's attractive, as opposed to my genuine interest. Kinda like when the ADD kid sees something shiny.

I find the girl that looks hot when she wakes up in the morning to be WAYYYYY more attractive.

also, in b4 karak says that blonde girl has a huge nose.

Last edited by Vintage00; 11-11-2010 at 04:25 PM. Reason: also, girls that sleep naked even when it's getting cold
11-11-2010 , 04:30 PM
Originally Posted by Vintage00
I mean, I'll look at that girl a 2nd time if I see her,
yesterday i was with a friend and this ridiculously hot (like gorgeous and classy, as opposed to the trashy fake look in picture 1) girl walks past in a place where there are never ever hot girls. we're both like wtf and do a total double take, like turn our entire bodies around. except there is a girl walking behind us in our direction...she just burst out laughing at how blatant we were. cracked me up.

***before henry ***** his pants and tells me that i'll never become a legend in my city, let it be known that i only did this cause i was wearing a hat and sunglasses and couldn't be recognized.

also, vintage are you implying that crc sleeps naked? if that's the case, i'd probably be having a few nocturnal emissions each night if i were you. still no poundtown, right?
11-11-2010 , 04:31 PM
Originally Posted by Spurious

But no one likes you. Why are you breathing?
11-11-2010 , 04:35 PM

Jesus, why didint i think of this 2 months ago
11-11-2010 , 04:38 PM
Originally Posted by wsopmichael

Jesus, why didint i think of this 2 months ago
cuz youre a ******?
11-11-2010 , 04:39 PM
Originally Posted by GoCubsGo
also, vintage are you implying that crc sleeps naked? if that's the case, i'd probably be having a few nocturnal emissions each night if i were you. still no poundtown, right?
Usually either naked or with a pair of my soccer shorts on. Idk why but chicks casually wearing/sleeping in one thing that's mine is kinda sexy imo


I'm gonna start referring to my dick as papa smurf pretty soon.

Originally Posted by zzthe3rd
cuz youre a ******?
lolllllll'ed at this hard. ONE HOUR LEFT OF MY ****ING AVATAR
11-11-2010 , 04:47 PM

When I say bars or clubs I mean any licenced venue. That could be a pub, a sports bar, a upscale billiards hall, a patio, a bar, a club, or a lounge. The music issue isn't really an excuse since other than a club proper none of these other venues have load music usually. People don't go to clubs until the last 2-3 hours of the night and most socializing happens in other type of venues. As for the expense issue -- if you don't even want to pay for your own cover and drinks then what do you plan to do with a girl you meet in line at the grocery store?
11-11-2010 , 04:50 PM
Originally Posted by zzthe3rd
cuz youre a ******?
Rofl walked right into that one
11-11-2010 , 04:53 PM
11-11-2010 , 04:55 PM
Originally Posted by wsopmichael
oh come on, you can't keep all those emotions bottled up inside you.

you'll get butt cancer
11-11-2010 , 05:03 PM

So youre a lawyer?
11-11-2010 , 05:06 PM
I'm as much of a lawyer as you are a PUA.
11-11-2010 , 05:15 PM
vintage what are your thoughts on dayprosecuting?
11-11-2010 , 05:25 PM
11-11-2010 , 05:26 PM
I'm pretty comfortable issuing an opening statement in preparation to take down the defendant.
