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"Ask Out A Girl" Thread: 2014 Year of the Petite Brunette and Pissing On Dudes "Ask Out A Girl" Thread: 2014 Year of the Petite Brunette and Pissing On Dudes

09-14-2010 , 06:34 AM
henry ive always been curious what is your skin care regimen
09-14-2010 , 10:11 AM
Originally Posted by zzthe3rd
henry ive always been curious what is your skin care regimen
Really extensive. I had posted it previously in a skin care topic but search doesn't bring it up only the more minimal shaving stuff. If you are actually interested I'll type it all out again but if it is just for lol you spend that much time and money on product then I won't bother.
09-14-2010 , 10:30 AM
thats a good point.

i had already spent the day evening with her the night before when she was hurt. i also skipped dinner to take care of her. i also went over there for an hour to fix her bandages.

there was also much much more to that talk we ended up having that made it an emo meltdown, more than just her reactions to the fact that i wanted to go out.
09-14-2010 , 12:24 PM
semi grunch of the last few posts, but when you're in a relationship, altruism is pretty much the name of the game imo. i think it's ******ed to ever expect your bf/gf to completely change their plans just so they can lay around on the couch with you. you're supposed to want the other to do whatever they want to do, not to sit there and look after you like a butler. that's totally ****ing selfish and irrational, which is the antithesis of a healthy relationship. like unless you were really sick and dying and needed a nurse, expecting someone that you care about to change their plans without having them offer to do so sounds awful to me.

Based on this, it's probably reasonable for Yeota to say something like "I'm staying here and taking care of you instead of going out", but if she doesn't truly need someone to wait on her hand and foot, then her answer should be "Well I know you don't want to do that and you wanted to go drinking tonight, I'll be fine. Staying here would be boring, go have fun." and she can stop being such a queen for 3 hours until Yeota gets back, preferably after calling it an early night.
09-14-2010 , 12:30 PM
Originally Posted by thebigeasy59
Based on this, it's probably reasonable for Yeota to say something like "I'm staying here and taking care of you instead of going out", but if she doesn't truly need someone to wait on her hand and foot, then her answer should be "Well I know you don't want to do that and you wanted to go drinking tonight, I'll be fine. Staying here would be boring, go have fun." and she can stop being such a queen for 3 hours until Yeota gets back, preferably after calling it an early night.
If she says that, 100% guaranteed yeota says "no it's ok, I'll stay here with you"
09-14-2010 , 12:58 PM
both of you are right probably.

she mentioned during that that she didnt want to be like that, but obviously when she said that i wanted to stay (too bad i bet a keg on it). she was then telling me to go but i couldnt leave at that point.
09-14-2010 , 01:00 PM
it's just concerning because it's something you should want to do, not feel like you have to do. esp this "early" (yes i know it's been 9 mos) in a relationship. that's why henry, el d, et. al are being critical.
09-14-2010 , 01:09 PM
i understand the perspective. i had already stayed in with her the night before and gone out of my way. it was also like my 4th day back at school with all my other friends, and the culture is to go out after a day of band camp. i didnt want to neglect every one else who i hadnt seen all summer.

similarly at home in NOVA partying is different and rare, and i enjoy partying and hadnt really gotten a shot to do it yet because i had already spent 3/4 nights with her alone and the other night at a party with her.

i understand the perspective though just trying to defend my actions/explain my thought process.
09-14-2010 , 01:10 PM
Originally Posted by Henry17
Really extensive. I had posted it previously in a skin care topic but search doesn't bring it up only the more minimal shaving stuff. If you are actually interested I'll type it all out again but if it is just for lol you spend that much time and money on product then I won't bother.
no im actually interested. if you want to save time you can leave out the super super expensive stuff and just give a basic rundown.
09-14-2010 , 01:53 PM
Originally Posted by yeotaJMU
i understand the perspective. i had already stayed in with her the night before and gone out of my way. it was also like my 4th day back at school with all my other friends, and the culture is to go out after a day of band camp. i didnt want to neglect every one else who i hadnt seen all summer.

similarly at home in NOVA partying is different and rare, and i enjoy partying and hadnt really gotten a shot to do it yet because i had already spent 3/4 nights with her alone and the other night at a party with her.

i understand the perspective though just trying to defend my actions/explain my thought process.
i think people questioning your choices when they don't really know the dynamics of your relationship is laughable. i don't think there is a need to defend your actions.
09-14-2010 , 01:54 PM
Originally Posted by zzthe3rd
no im actually interested. if you want to save time you can leave out the super super expensive stuff and just give a basic rundown.
Nothing is actually super expensive but if you are use to drug store products then there will be a sticker shock.

Morning / Before Going Out

1) Wash with Men-u Ultra Healthy Face Wash
2) Apply Sharps Kid Glove Oil-free Pre-shave. I much prefer the Woody's pre-shave but I can't get it locally.
3) California North Pacific Foam Shaving Gel and a Merkur Vision. If I'm rushed for time I'll just use a Mach 3
4) Sharps Daily Prep Skin Tuner
5) Baxter of California After Shave Balm
6) Moisturize with Baxter of California Super Shape and MenScience Ultralight Eye Rescue Formula.

Before Bed

1) Wash with Men-u Ultra Healthy Face Wash
2) Sharps Daily Prep Skin Tuner
3) Urth Hydra Therapy Antioxidant Treatment

Twice a week scrub with MenScience Microfine Face Scrub between step 1 and 2 of the morning stuff.

Once a week mask with California North Grapeseed Clay mask after using a facial spa.

If I didn't sleep Menaji 911 eye rescue.

Anthony Logistic Hair Gel is by far the best hair gel I have ever used.

MenScience Microfine Face Scrub

This took me a long time to refine and it is specific to my skin so you might be better off with different products. If you are just looking to start I would say just get a set from Baxter of California of face wash, toner, moisturizer, shaving, and after shave. Baxter of California is the best value and very good product. A second option would be a set from Anthony Logistics which is also great overall but a little more expensive. Then as you get into the habit try different products and see what the results are.
09-14-2010 , 03:32 PM
Originally Posted by PhilJaff
i think people questioning your choices when they don't really know the dynamics of your relationship is laughable. i don't think there is a need to defend your actions.
Except that he posted details of the dynamics here and then asked for our thoughts. If we applied the logic of your post it would undermine the point of the entire thread. Also I know him and his gf irl, etc
09-14-2010 , 03:36 PM
well im not specifically talking about you karak, but a lot of posters explicitly stated that they don't know the whole story but....[insert criticism of choices here].

and that's what's laughable.
09-14-2010 , 03:37 PM
Originally Posted by PhilJaff
well im not specifically talking about you karak, but a lot of posters explicitly stated that they don't know the whole story but....[insert criticism of action here].

and that's what's laughable.
That's what leaves the whole thing open to give and take, wherein yeota can explain a mitigating factor that fills in the gap where readers don't know the whole story.

There's nothing wrong with these exchanges, and I doubt yeota himself would claim that anyone has been out of line in giving him different perspectives.
09-14-2010 , 03:38 PM
It's not laughable because he posted details then ASKED for comments previously. If we were only allowed to comment on things itt we have perfect knowledge on then I may as well lock it now
09-14-2010 , 07:42 PM
Originally Posted by PhilJaff
well im not specifically talking about you karak, but a lot of posters explicitly stated that they don't know the whole story but....[insert criticism of choices here].

and that's what's laughable.
He's a big boy, he can sift through the bull**** advice and find something that works for him.

edit - not to sound like a douche (even tho I'm gonna), but your COMMENTING about other peoples' comments is actually kinda lol-worthy iyam
09-14-2010 , 07:52 PM
whenever someone says "not to sound like a douche" im fairly confident they are about to sound like a douche
09-14-2010 , 08:00 PM
Anyone else get a very Patrick Bateman esque vibe when reading Henry17's skin care regimen?
09-14-2010 , 08:02 PM
Originally Posted by Karak
whenever someone says "not to sound like a douche" im fairly confident they are about to sound like a douche
Yeah, this crossed my mind too, but I don't rly give a **** how I come off most of the time. Dude was being ******-o, didn't wanna waste energy thinking too much on it.

edit - I just ended a sentence w/ a preposition -- Somewhere, LKJ's killing a puppy right now.
09-14-2010 , 09:04 PM
Originally Posted by Vintage00
Yeah, this crossed my mind too, but I don't rly give a **** how I come off most of the time. Dude was being ******-o, didn't wanna waste energy thinking too much on it.

edit - I just ended a sentence w/ a preposition -- Somewhere, LKJ's killing a puppy right now.
killing puppies?! im out
09-14-2010 , 11:09 PM
Ugh there's this girl that I have to see multiple times a day and she is mostly just weird, but also pretty ugly. Of course she now wants to **** me and drops super obvious hints, thinking that I just haven't caught on yet; no consideration of the fact that maybe I'm just not interested.

I oscillate between very frustrated (because she would be one of my last choices in life ever, why not someone better?) and feeling really sorry for her (cause I've been there). She always starts conversations with me and derogates mutual friends trying to ingratiate herself with me. It's pathetic.

Meanwhile, it's like day 5 and I like my new lifestyle quite a bit. I kind of struggle with motivation though - since I'm not trying to attract women, I kind of don't give a **** about a lot of things anymore.
09-14-2010 , 11:17 PM
Originally Posted by GoCubsGo
Meanwhile, it's like day 5 and I like my new lifestyle quite a bit. I kind of struggle with motivation though - since I'm not trying to attract women, I kind of don't give a **** about a lot of things anymore.
09-15-2010 , 01:06 AM
yeah that looks about right
09-15-2010 , 01:11 AM
Originally Posted by GoCubsGo
Ugh there's this girl that I have to see multiple times a day and she is mostly just weird, but also pretty ugly. Of course she now wants to **** me and drops super obvious hints, thinking that I just haven't caught on yet; no consideration of the fact that maybe I'm just not interested.

I oscillate between very frustrated (because she would be one of my last choices in life ever, why not someone better?) and feeling really sorry for her (cause I've been there). She always starts conversations with me and derogates mutual friends trying to ingratiate herself with me. It's pathetic.

Meanwhile, it's like day 5 and I like my new lifestyle quite a bit. I kind of struggle with motivation though - since I'm not trying to attract women, I kind of don't give a **** about a lot of things anymore.
It's always somewhat amusing to me when people post quasi-"ask a girl" questions (even tho you didn't really pose a question), when they know FULL AND WELL what the answer should be.
09-15-2010 , 02:25 AM
-girl always engages convo first.
-she talks 75 compared to my 25.
-she says she likes someone else and when I tell her to go tell him she pusses out.
-claims that because he likes someone else it'll never happen and she'll out wait the crush
-wants to know about my relationships/sex life/etc.
-she called a friend (who is friends with my sister) that she knew me.

