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"Ask Out A Girl" Thread: 2014 Year of the Petite Brunette and Pissing On Dudes "Ask Out A Girl" Thread: 2014 Year of the Petite Brunette and Pissing On Dudes

07-04-2010 , 03:34 AM
the goodbye was short and sweet. and effective.
07-04-2010 , 03:38 AM
in rlated news aafdslkaoh GAWD that **** just hit me. hit a wall ****asdljasdporaselk.

goodnight moons.
07-04-2010 , 04:31 AM
vintage and os:

make sure you use protection
07-04-2010 , 05:08 AM

so on wednesday i got fed up with the groom's sister (GS) situation and sent her a total (bad moves used on purpose) i surrender text that was like "hey it doesnt seem like it's gunna work out for us to hang out and i gotta move out soon. let me know if anything is going down or else ill see you next time im in town."

no reply wednesday or thursday... dont really expect to ehar anything.

she texts me late friday and tells me i should come over to her house sat. and taht she is having some people over. i kinda write it off and dont really plan on going cause it seemed like a pity invite...

then today my phone dies while im out. i get home at 830 and turn it on and it blows up from texts from her asking me if im coming over and telling me i should come and then even listing all the things they were gunna do and why i should come (we are texting back and forth at this point). "you NEED to come! we'll have so much fun!"

so i head over. she's really flirty and funny. we talk for a lot of the night. i entertain the group for most of the evening with stories of vegas (lol it's funny people care about it but they constantly ask) and other stuff. it went pretty well. eventually she asks me when im moving, where ill be and when ill be back in town and if ill be visiting soon at all. then she is asking me where i am next year with pretty good detail... how often ill be coming home, etc.

all in all it went pretty well and im pretty sure she's interested. obv sick runbad that i go back down south tuesday, but ill work with this somehow.

07-04-2010 , 10:13 AM
Nice Karak. Sounds legit.
07-04-2010 , 11:55 AM
Karak I think she wanted a poke and you didn't provide!
07-04-2010 , 01:18 PM
lol not this girl

i mean i was at her parent's house, but i got to talk to a bunch of them. im a good conversationalist and i love telling stories more than anything, so having an audience of people wanting to hear them is great.

it was cute... at one point i was telling her bro and his wife and a couple others a story and she wasnt involved. and she quick runs over and says we need to start over again from the beginning because she likes hearing my stories etc.

i actually talked to her mom and her together for a while... her mom isn't the most worldly type (for those aware of the bridal party situation these are the parents who said they wouldnt come to their son's wedding reception if he served booze)... she didnt know what guinness was. however i was very subtly careful with my vegas stories, although im the type of guy who wont hold back and have a kind of "this is who i am and what i do and if you dont like it sry" attitude... but i still wasnt telling her about how i nearly got kicked out of studio 54... just about my friend who lost 6k blackout drunk (i really should tr this) and didnt know why.

parents of girls always like me, so it shouldnt be a problem. i have "high value" to parents too because of going to a top law school, etc. everyone assumes going to law school means ill be guaranteed wealthy and successful which is far from the truth, but that's society's perception so it's cool.

my gameplan is this:

ill be in touch with her texting and try to get her gchat/aim SN so we can talk there. im gunna try to get her to meet me halfway in DC in the next couple weeks for some sort of event on a saturday. coming down to visit or anything is obv out because a) that's weird when you arent dating someone or don't know them well and b) her parent's situation (although she's moving out soon)

we'll see how it goes. i really, really like what (admittedly little at this point) i know about this girl, and this is far from a BG situation where it was ok to pursue for fun... this one is definitely worth making the effort to look up and see how it goes down the road.
07-04-2010 , 11:32 PM
This thread almost makes me want to start dating just to have you guys get a laugh out of it.
07-04-2010 , 11:41 PM
Originally Posted by SoloAJ
This thread almost makes me want to start dating just to have you guys get a laugh out of it.
that's what i do. Os's TR tomorrow is good proof of that. It was fun as hell though.
07-05-2010 , 02:20 AM
Originally Posted by Spurious
Zugzwang's bans

1. zugzwang83 - contributing to the demise of the EPL 2009 thread, and quite frankly really horrible spammy/trolling posting in multiple sports and threads in a short time
2. zugzwang83 - Same as first
3. zugzwang83 - massive derailing of WC threads
4. zugzwang83 - Nazi-based namecalling
that ban list always gets a few laughs from me

You forgot zugzwang83 - 1 week for posting a picture of another poster and their kid without that poster's permission.

Last edited by Dyenimator; 07-05-2010 at 02:37 AM.
07-05-2010 , 03:06 AM
Originally Posted by Dyenimator
that ban list always gets a few laughs from me

You forgot zugzwang83 - 1 week for posting a picture of another poster and their kid without that poster's permission.
Yeah lol, I saw the ban yesterday, made me laugh.
07-05-2010 , 08:05 AM
SE mods are the best mods without question

iamawesomer - posted link to Tim Duncan hitting a three pointer against the Suns in the playoffs to send it to overtime
07-05-2010 , 01:45 PM
tuq is my bff dont know the rest of them so well
07-05-2010 , 02:26 PM
pretty much every time i come across one of his posts i check to see if we've finally been blessed with the option of ignoring mods.
07-05-2010 , 02:28 PM
i assume you dont mean me cause u <3 me
07-05-2010 , 02:49 PM
tuq obv
07-05-2010 , 04:33 PM
i love clarknasty and mebenhoe but jesus christ almighty, sethy and tuq are just terrible terrible terrible.
07-05-2010 , 05:12 PM
sethy is a nit but tuq is awesome if you are awesome, clark and meb obv great as well
07-05-2010 , 05:27 PM
Day two the plan was to go to the beach. The day we got there Grand Bend was pretty dead, but today was Canada Day and things pick up in a big way. There were really hot girls everywhere you turned and the beach was packed. We got a good spot right next to a few girls and we were all having a good time just joking back and forth. We didn't really pursue anything with these girls but it was fun just hanging out with them. While I was sitting down a little off to the side one very drunk girl and her friend saddle right next to me and start talking. They say they have a cottage and we should party together. It was so incredibly easy. I got their digits and they flirted a bit with the whole group and they left.

I have yet to mention our conversation starter the whole afternoon. One of my friends brought a Schneider's hot dog float that was basically a hot dog package. That friend probably asked about 25 girls easy if they wanted a free winder ride. Usually after a disgusted look my friend pointed to our float and they laughed and we were in. He was pretty shameless about doing this and enough times he didn't even get to bring up the float; they were too far and he was yelling and they couldn't see it and they would just look at us disgusted. Pure hilarity.

After some swimming in the lake with my cell phone I realize the phone number the girls gave was lost. Luckily the two girls come back to flirt some more, we re-claim the digits and solidify our plans for tonight. This time the drunk girl makes a pretty good connection with my one of my friends, as in holding hands in the water, pretty solid banter back and forth and a kiss goodbye on the lips. His game is a whole lot better than it was in high school.

We meet up at night with all their friends. Their all drunk and more than a few are bangable. There is also some guys but whatever. I had my eye on this one brunette, who was small and a bit shy but funny. We all find out their from DubTown and they know one of our mutual friends. He is a big characiture who they all knew so that was a pretty funny conversation. I also talk a little bit to the fat girl (who we will call Fatty) and another blonde ( who we will call HBD) who said that shorts were no different than pants so you might as well wear no pants at all ( she was wearing a bikini bottom and a white shirt).We had this section of the street closed off as we talked to them ( there was about 20 of us) and Fatty who organized the whole trip for them kept asking us if we wanted to go back to the cottage, what was our phone number, we can drive you its no problem etc. We separate from the girls and one of my friends said that the fat girl was hoping that the guy in the red shirt would come back ( I was wearing the red shirt) Of course they all gave me **** and said that I should hook up with the fatty because it would be funny. She was my C plan. If cute brunette and drunk blonde were not going to happen then I told myself I would try and get a BJ from the fatty.

The anticipation of going to this party for all of us was very high. About 6 of us went and we all knew we had a pretty high % of nailing some tight high school poon ( they just graduated). We go to our hotel and just start downing shots. At about 12midnight as this huge crowd walked down the main street after the fireworks ended my two rowdy and very proud Canadian friends thought it was a good idea to sing Oh Canada. We all joind in. It was sort of amazing. We are on the patio of our hotel while hundreds of people are surrounded by us and 6 guys start singing the national anthem word for word. Everybody is looking at us. Pretty much nobody joined in but just stared at us and laughed. In between songs we yell approvingly at random people wearing the Mens National Hockey jersey and pretty much ramble on about the name on the back of the jersey. Toews? Oh That Guys a Beauty. Oh YaaaaH! This went on for probably about 30 minutes until we got picked up by the fatty and some cute blonde girl. As we passed by the cops directing traffic she informed us later that she doesn't have a license and that its not her car. Also during the ride we play some pretty damn good tunes ( Night Moves iirc) and we are all pretty jacked up to go to this cottage.

I walk in and I notice there are a few more guys here than I expected. Only one guy and one girl were “paired off” as I could tell so this was at least an encouraging sign. First girl I talk to is the cute brunette that I was talking too earlier, and as I go up she utters the words “that guy is kind of cute” to her friend but not pointing at me. I look back and think she might be talking about my friend Paul. I open with something stupid and sort of get the vibe that the girl is in no way interested in talking to me. She is polite but things sputter out.

Second girl I talk to is Fatty. First of all lets be accurate: She is not a whale. More like a big boned chubby girl. She is also blonde and has a decent face if you ignore the double chin. She starts talking about how she played soccer her whole life and we have that in common. Then where I'm from and all that blah blah blah. She is obviously interested no matter what I said. My buddy who is wheeling the cute blonde asks me and the fatty if we want to play a drinking game. I say fine.

We actually don't get down to the drinking game. As I sit down the HBD from before shows up and sits down next to me and the fatty has to sit beside her and not me. I give all my attention to HBD. She starts telling me about how she loves lacrosse and the aggressiveness about it and I tell her that I play soccer but hate the crying and faking. I tell her about a few of the soccer fights I have been in. She puts her hand on my leg. I put mine on hers. Things are going great. She is drunk but for some reason I really enjoy talking to her. She then goes into how she thinks she wishes she was skinny and I tell her shes beautiful and she says I'm just saying that or whatever and I say well I think shes beautiful and she smiles and sort of leans in. Throughout the whole conversation fatty is interrupting and obv becoming jealous. She tells HBD to come and talk and this is where **** starts to happen. 30 minutes go by and I cant find either of them. I walk into this room and HBD is crying. This seals it; HBD is likely not hooking up. Eventually fatty comes out and explains that she has family problems. Now the part of how the girl telling me how her mom hates her because she is bigger than her becomes a little sad but I don't dwell on it.

I cant see my friends so I assume their hooking up somewhere. I ask fatty if she wants to go for a walk outside. As we take a few steps on her porch I can hear moaning from the bushes. I take the fatty by the hand ( I really wanted a BJ) and bring her over to the neighbours backyard where we are out of sight. We make out a little bit. I smack her humongous ass a few times. I try to take her top off but she won't do it. I make some corny joke about the stars ( which were actually kinda nice) and how it would be amazing if she blew me. She says she gives great head. She goes down and I can't for the life of me get hard. Probably because I find her repulsive. Anyhow she keeps it in her mouth for like 2-3 minutes and then starts to complain. She goes down again and my buddy comes by to check up on me and we both burst out laughing. In between me trying to get her to go down again, her making fun of me for keep bringing up the stars, her telling me how she has 11 kills and has been with every single guy at the party we get interrupted twice because HBD is apparently making a huge scene. Like screaming and throwing punches. Eventually I told her to go handle things inside and I went around the front where two of my buddies and the cute girl were all smoking weed. There was a screen door where we could see all the **** was going down and hear all the arguing. Eventually HBD girl gets asked to leave but she doesn't want to. Someone says something to her as she leaves and this pisses her off and now she is screaming outside. As she is looking at the screen door where the party is she just sort of gives up and says in a low voice “you just don't know how hard it is...”. After that we kind of look at each other for a short second. In that moment as I was looking on I wanted to give her a hug but I didn't. My moms a mental bitch too and I can sort of relate to hating your parents. The fatty then comes outside and tries to talk to her but she is just making things worse and I tell her to leave her alone. The cab comes shortly after and we leave.
07-05-2010 , 05:33 PM

Last edited by xukxuk; 07-05-2010 at 05:34 PM. Reason: tldr
07-05-2010 , 06:01 PM
Solid TR
07-05-2010 , 06:50 PM
Originally Posted by dkgojackets
sethy is a nit but tuq is awesome if you are awesome, clark and meb obv great as well
07-05-2010 , 06:56 PM
I have an awesome ban for using foul language in the O/8 forum like a million years ago, but the politards mods are boring so the rest of my bans are pretty meh.

New Project For Me, advice required:

Thoughts on how to work on a cashier at a fastfood place? Never managed to pick up a chick when she's on the clock, kinda like to cross that off the list. Super cute chick started working at this place I go to fairly often.
07-05-2010 , 07:53 PM
A+ TR ds
07-05-2010 , 08:32 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf

Thoughts on how to work on a cashier at a fastfood place? Never managed to pick up a chick when she's on the clock, kinda like to cross that off the list. Super cute chick started working at this place I go to fairly often.
i've always pretty much avoided this for the most part since there's not really a way for her to work a rejection without fear of getting fired for being impolite to a customer. cold opening would be terrible imo, but if you're a reg then i don';t think it's so bad since you can at least pick up some semblence of a read on how things are going
