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"Ask Out A Girl" Thread: 2014 Year of the Petite Brunette and Pissing On Dudes "Ask Out A Girl" Thread: 2014 Year of the Petite Brunette and Pissing On Dudes

07-16-2015 , 04:59 PM
Does anyone ITT have experience with setting up a bar crawl or something similar? I just came from Prague, did one every night, and enjoyed it a lot. I live in a 200k+ population student city without a regularly-scheduled pub crawl. There is one as part of the college introduction week each year in August which is extremely popular, but that's it. Thinking about making a website and setting up a facebook to gauge enthousiasm. If it seems promising I would want to start with a ''try-out'' night one month or so after the introduction week.
07-17-2015 , 06:58 AM
I've helped to organise a few in Melbourne.

Pretty easy really.

- call up the bars you want to use, let then know what you are doing and go in and meet the manager who will be working on the day you do the crawl St least a week before so you know who to talk to
- get a couple extra bars on friendly terms so in case one is booked you have backup
- ideally you want a free shot for people on arrival but can be tricky to negotiate this first up. Most bars will happily do drink specials and free drinks depend on timing (what time you get there and how long you stay) and how busy they would be otherwise
- I usually call the bar on the day to remind them we coming in, make sure we've got a reserved area for example
- see if you can get some wristbands or lays or gloesticks or whatever to identify people

Apart from that not too bad. Feel free to pm if you have any questions

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07-17-2015 , 01:26 PM
I've never gone on a pub crawl where we have reserved spaces or whatever. It's just in one pub, pint (proper British pint, not that weird American size), on to the next. I've done this for the Circle Line pub crawl and the monopoly one.
07-17-2015 , 02:01 PM
What is considered a 'reserved area'? The first bar is usually exclusive to pub crawl members since there are free drinks for 1 hour+. Bars/pubs here are not big enough to reserve a part of the venue for 50 people, so from the second place on the group mingles with regular patrons.
07-17-2015 , 03:17 PM
Went out in the Raleigh/Durham NC area with gf and her friends last night. I was the only guy in a group of 12+ girls and it was awful. The area was cool and the people were nice/the bars were cheap. But 12 girls who are sort of, kind of friends in a night out was tense and sucked. However, experiencing a night out from the other perspective was informative, in terms of group thought when guys approached and how girls saw other guys in the bar.
07-17-2015 , 04:27 PM
Not sure where I'm at with this blonde sales chick from Boston. We met like 6 weeks ago at a young professionals happy hour and were chatting a bit. Bartender assumed we were together and asked if my drink was going on her tab so we had a joke about her being the sugar momma. We were the last two at the YP happy hour and she invited me to a 24hr breakfast place near both our places after. I picked up the check to keep dating options open, but we just hug at the end. Feel like I should take it slower physically when we're in these friend situations, and I'm not sure she'd be better as a date than a friend yet tbh(tho she does have a big ol' booty).

We were both out of town like a week. Invited her to a couple group things I was going to and she didn't show(and she hit me up once but I was temporarily busto and had nothing going on) so I ignored her but she reinitiated a couple times. Invited me to this meetup I was already going to, I proposed dinner before b/c I was to try this new bar's food so I guess we're kind of going on a date.

Can't tell if she's interested or just like a super extrovert who hits up a bunch of people and I'm somewhere in her friend rotation. Guess how tonight goes will be telling, I'll try being a little more flirty and see what happens.
07-17-2015 , 04:53 PM
Boston chicks are extremely extroverted, especially ones in sales. It's hyper-competitive here for everything, so that mentality leaks to other parts of their lives. See how good of a friend she is and tread lightly IMO. Fair chance she'll either be extremely loyal or extremely flaky.
07-17-2015 , 05:00 PM
Originally Posted by Burdzthewurd
Boston chicks are extremely extroverted, especially ones in sales. It's hyper-competitive here for everything, so that mentality leaks to other parts of their lives. See how good of a friend she is and tread lightly IMO. Fair chance she'll either be extremely loyal or extremely flaky.
Ya she talks a ton so its hard to gague interest and I usually like them a little more feminine personality wise(that could just be the Boston though) Plusses are she seems pretty cool, likes gambling and probably makes more than I do but not so much more that I have no shot.
07-17-2015 , 10:21 PM
Originally Posted by Enough Is Enough
What is considered a 'reserved area'? The first bar is usually exclusive to pub crawl members since there are free drinks for 1 hour+. Bars/pubs here are not big enough to reserve a part of the venue for 50 people, so from the second place on the group mingles with regular patrons.
Yeah usually just for the first bar so that there is a meeting point, assuming a lot of randoms will be there. Once you've got the group sorted it's not so important for following venues. Depending on the venue tho it can be nice to reserve a big table just so there is a "home base" for the people who don't like dancing/mingling as much or are more introverted. Depends on the venue tho obviously

I usually would call the follow up bars as well just to remind them we are coming and confirm specials etc

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07-17-2015 , 10:39 PM
Originally Posted by xdeuceswild81xx
Went out in the Raleigh/Durham NC area with gf and her friends last night. I was the only guy in a group of 12+ girls and it was awful. The area was cool and the people were nice/the bars were cheap. But 12 girls who are sort of, kind of friends in a night out was tense and sucked. However, experiencing a night out from the other perspective was informative, in terms of group thought when guys approached and how girls saw other guys in the bar.
I live in Raleigh. Where did you go out specifically?
07-17-2015 , 11:39 PM
Originally Posted by wetleg
I live in Raleigh. Where did you go out specifically?
The names are fuzzy, but one was a converted mechanic's garage into a bar with outdoor seating, another was a tap room only and the last was like a beach almost. It had outdoor seating on sand, so the bar was inside and through the back patio was the "beach".

edit: The two previous were Durham, the last one was Raleigh.
07-18-2015 , 01:30 AM
Originally Posted by xdeuceswild81xx
Went out in the Raleigh/Durham NC area with gf and her friends last night. I was the only guy in a group of 12+ girls and it was awful. The area was cool and the people were nice/the bars were cheap. But 12 girls who are sort of, kind of friends in a night out was tense and sucked. However, experiencing a night out from the other perspective was informative, in terms of group thought when guys approached and how girls saw other guys in the bar.
Kinda curious if you could expand on what you noticed other guys doing and the girls reactions.

Also fuzzys taco shop?
07-18-2015 , 01:38 AM
Originally Posted by Everest17
Jesus Christ just looked up Lindsey's insta...
Not attracted to her at all.

This chick on the other hand....

Last edited by wetleg; 07-18-2015 at 02:03 AM.
07-18-2015 , 01:39 AM
Originally Posted by xdeuceswild81xx
The names are fuzzy, but one was a converted mechanic's garage into a bar with outdoor seating, another was a tap room only and the last was like a beach almost. It had outdoor seating on sand, so the bar was inside and through the back patio was the "beach".

edit: The two previous were Durham, the last one was Raleigh.
I'm not too familiar with the nightlife in Durham but I think the one in Raleigh was in the downtown area. Haven't been there but I've passed by it.
07-18-2015 , 02:58 AM
I got sucker punched in the face and no one cares cause I'm white. Can't get in anywhere
07-18-2015 , 10:32 AM
Originally Posted by Burdzthewurd
Boston chicks are extremely extroverted, especially ones in sales. It's hyper-competitive here for everything, so that mentality leaks to other parts of their lives. See how good of a friend she is and tread lightly IMO. Fair chance she'll either be extremely loyal or extremely flaky.
Found out she has like 4 part time jobs cause she likes working/money. Also she's Jewish so I could be drawing slim as an atheist. Older blonde chick who was kinda hitting on me asked about her. She said "I can't tell who is into who but there's something going on"

I think your plan is a good one and one I'll go with.
07-18-2015 , 11:43 AM
I don't see how she would have time for you unless she dropped half of her life to be with you. If it translates into a hookup, cool, otherwise, you're SOL trying to date someone so unavailable/workaholic.
07-18-2015 , 01:23 PM
What kind of Jew is she? Each of the 3 major sects have atheists although I believe it's pretty rare among Orthodox Jews. But among Reform Jews especially, it's quite common. I'm super thankful that I date a Reform Jew. Her family knows I'm an atheist and they couldn't care less.
07-18-2015 , 03:21 PM
Originally Posted by cannabusto
What kind of Jew is she? Each of the 3 major sects have atheists although I believe it's pretty rare among Orthodox Jews. But among Reform Jews especially, it's quite common. I'm super thankful that I date a Reform Jew. Her family knows I'm an atheist and they couldn't care less.
Reform. She said she is "supposed to marry a Jewish guy"
07-18-2015 , 03:59 PM
well i learned the dentist is expensive as all hell lol. still gonna go through with getting my grill fixed though.

any of you ever grow your hair out? do you do any maintenance or just let it grow? im at that awkward phase where its so annoying, tempted to chop it off.
07-18-2015 , 05:30 PM
Tour of Tyler Seguins house on barstoolsports snap chat story right now.
07-18-2015 , 07:45 PM
Originally Posted by LazyTops5
Tour of Tyler Seguins house on barstoolsports snap chat story right now.
Nice call bro

Beauty lifestyle died at the lost and found closer and del zotto just crushing pizza
07-18-2015 , 08:49 PM
Originally Posted by wetleg
Not attracted to her at all.

This chick on the other hand....
100% agree to the first statement and wow to the second. She's stunning

Sent from my HTC_0P6B6 using 2+2 Forums
07-20-2015 , 04:29 AM
Really? Her body looks pretty good but her face is no where near being an 8 or 9 out of ten imo.
07-20-2015 , 09:04 AM
both are a yes on the only scale that matters
