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"Ask Out A Girl" Thread: 2014 Year of the Petite Brunette and Pissing On Dudes "Ask Out A Girl" Thread: 2014 Year of the Petite Brunette and Pissing On Dudes

07-08-2015 , 02:12 PM
It really is as easy as scrolls is saying. Basically handed to you on a silver platter.

Invite her to dance or play a drinking game or something.
07-08-2015 , 03:16 PM
Originally Posted by daaabatman
oh yea and if youre avatar is chance the rapper (or anyone really) juking then i commend you good sir
Confirmed Chance dancing to his song with Skrillex

Originally Posted by Michael888
Focus on having fun instead of trying to isolate her so early. Talk a little bit, BP partners, talk, shots, get into a group convo, dance, etc etc. You dont need to hold a 4 hour conversation. When **** is winding down or its getting later then you try to isolate. Since she smokes you can do it with weed, easiest way.
This. Plus touch her.

Probably try to makeout with her before the end but obv not infront of a bunch of ppl
07-09-2015 , 01:45 AM
Originally Posted by GoodGame
Confirmed Chance dancing to his song with Skrillex
It's not everyday I meet another poker player who listens to chance. Let alone know about his song with Skrillex and then on top of that know juking. Appreciate the advice tho. I'll try to execute and lyk what happens
07-09-2015 , 02:09 AM
Just got home from a fun first date with a girl from Tinder. We met at a Mexican Restaurant that is close to where I live and really popular. Got there and they said it was going to be an hour wait so decided to sit at the bar and get chips and salsa and drink margaritas.

The first thought that went through my head when she arrived is that she was much prettier in person than in her photos, which is rare but always a nice surprise. Didn't even notice until we had been sitting at the bar for almost an hour that she only had 1.5 arms. She said she was born that way and used to be really self-conscious about it but has now realized that it doesn't matter and said it hasn't held her back at all in life now. She actually had a really good attitude about it. Was pretty cool to see.

After about an hour, our pager finally rang and we got a table. Ordered more margaritas and food. Just chilled and talked for about an hour at the restaurant after finishing our food. She told me a lot of stories from her recent trip to Europe. Her friend dropped her off before the date and she said her plan was to take an uber home, but when it came time to leave her uber app "magically" wasn't working and she asked if I could drive her home. Obviously I agreed. As we were pulling into her apartment she invited me up to "see pictures of her Europe trip." Went up and looked at pictures on her phone and smashed. Afterwards I agreed to take two-step lessons with her that last a few weeks starting in August. Figured it would be fun and knowing at least basic dance moves couldn't hurt with girls in the future. Definitely plan to see her again.

Last edited by dab; 07-09-2015 at 02:10 AM. Reason: Spelling. Still a little buzzed
07-09-2015 , 06:46 AM
I really hope you're not doing it out of pity.
07-09-2015 , 06:47 AM
I think you're projecting there.
07-09-2015 , 09:01 AM
Definitely not, because the thing is, and I know this might sound bad, but I didn't and still don't really feel bad for her about it. I mean yeah obviously it sucks and given the choice you would choose two normal functioning arms but it honestly didn't seem to be something that bothered her much now. Besides the five minutes or so she explained how she was born that way and that she just likes to come out and own it once she gets comfortable with someone so they aren't wondering about it, it honestly wasn't even something I thought about the rest of the night. I'm doing it because she was a very attractive, fun girl who I enjoyed being around.
07-09-2015 , 09:34 AM
Originally Posted by daaabatman
It's not everyday I meet another poker player who listens to chance. Let alone know about his song with Skrillex and then on top of that know juking. Appreciate the advice tho. I'll try to execute and lyk what happens
Chance isn't nearly as underground as you want to think he is. I mean he has a song with Justin Bieber
07-09-2015 , 10:14 AM
Originally Posted by CCuster_911
Chance isn't nearly as underground as you want to think he is. I mean he has a song with Justin Bieber
You right def not as underground as before but I don't think most of the poker playing population listens to him
07-09-2015 , 10:19 AM
07-09-2015 , 11:28 AM
"And if I left this **** to chance I would've picked a name like Chance the Rapper"
07-09-2015 , 02:58 PM
^x2 makes no sense

Dab, well down sounds liek a good date and she was in it from the beginning

How big of a city do you live in?
07-09-2015 , 07:43 PM
I live in Austin so about 1.9 million in the metro area. Curious why you ask?
07-09-2015 , 08:01 PM
Just curious cause I think size of city plays a big role in tinder. When I was single I had chit success with it but im in a college town of 175k

Austin was fun when I was there. Def wanna check it out some more
07-09-2015 , 08:15 PM
How do you like Austin dab? I've never been there but from what I hear it's like my perfect city.
07-09-2015 , 08:53 PM
opinions on getting braces at 19-20 age range?

when i started to try to better myself earlier in the year by going to the gym/taking care of my body, etc. i got some decent results. i just recently started caring about what i look like and my teeth are certainly not straight. they're not hideous or anything, but getting braces would definitely make them look better. think it's worth it? know anyone who has tried invisalign?
07-09-2015 , 09:15 PM
Never tried invisalign but pretty sure its not covered by many insurances at least mine so idk i could be off. If you think braces will be a good investment then its better to get them over with younger imo
07-09-2015 , 09:19 PM
Depends on just how bad they are but you should go to a dentist/orthodontist no matter what to see what your options are. Dentist will probably give you a more honest opinion since an orthodontist will want your business so of course they'll say you need braces. Big difference in if you'd need braces for one year or three though. And obviously retainers would be ideal if possible.
07-09-2015 , 09:45 PM
I knew a female that got them from like 22-24 and her social life hit rock ****ing bottom. Felt bad especially since its some of her prime years but she bounced back. I imagine yours won't suffer as much since looks aren't as important for males and at 19 you don't have a lot to lose as you're low as **** on the totem pole

My dentist advertises the clear retainers or whatever that you keep getting new ones of and they gradually move your teeth.

Bad teeth are my biggest deal breaker, so you should probably bite the bullet now.
07-09-2015 , 10:42 PM
I think girls are more forgiving about teeth. +1 to scrollls post though
07-09-2015 , 10:47 PM
theyre really not that bad, so i don't think it'd take much more than a year. i'd have to consult with my dentist as suggested. i was kind of thinking along the lines of GG whereas I'm 19 now with a pretty low mate value (think i've been listening to too much Mating Grounds), so now is a good time.

I'd rather have something like a retainer or invisalign where is isn't so overt, but I guess only my dentist can help me with that. thanks all.
07-09-2015 , 10:59 PM
Imo get the braces ASAP and do everything possible to have them come off quickly. I had braces when I was a teen and I'm rly glad I did because nice straight teeth are important for better aesthetics and dental hygiene too id imagine. Helps build better confidence and think about it in a sense like what GG said. If the girl doesn't have great teeth it's a turn off and same thing vice versa.
07-09-2015 , 11:40 PM
Originally Posted by LazyTops5
Just curious cause I think size of city plays a big role in tinder. When I was single I had chit success with it but im in a college town of 175k

Austin was fun when I was there. Def wanna check it out some more
I agree that the size of the city probably plays a big role in the success of tinder. I just moved from Las Vegas and used it there with pretty good success, but I'm not sure that translates well to most other cities since most of the girls I met off tinder in Vegas were just visiting on vacation and down to party, etc way more than when they are at home. Austin is probably pretty close to a perfect city for tinder since you have both a huge university and a decent overall population with a lot of young professionals.

Originally Posted by scrolls
How do you like Austin dab? I've never been there but from what I hear it's like my perfect city.
I love Austin. I grew up here but moved away to Vegas after graduating from UT for poker. Did the whole live pro thing in Vegas for about four years and had a blast, but ended up moving back for a job opportunity I just couldn't pass up. Been back about two weeks and while I still miss certain things about Vegas, overall very happy to be back in Austin. Everything you've heard is true. Definitely visit if you ever get the chance.
07-09-2015 , 11:57 PM
Originally Posted by TheBirdman
Wtf? He said he enjoyed the date and thought she was very pretty, no idea where you are pulling this from.
I'm pulling it from the fact that half an arm would be a dealbreaker for the majority of guys. If I would go to the table after sitting at the bar for an hour it is because I really enjoy her company. At that point, romance is out. I don't think it's far-fetched to say some guys would go through out of pity.
07-10-2015 , 12:26 AM
It is super weird that he didn't know before the date. She should put that out there. But it wouldn't affect me. I actually had a friend who dated a one armed girl. Took me a whole super bowl party to notice.

Side story: I helped a ridiculously attractive blind girl at the mart once. I literally spazzed out and eventually handed her off to another worker. She asked for a weird cooking pan I'd never heard of. I took her to the aisle but I was like idk which one it is but if we had it it'd be here...

I thought maybe she had the eye sight where if she held stuff close to her face she could see because I grew up with a girl like that in elementary school. I can't remember how she responded but it was essentially translated to like uhhh I'm blind wtf do you expect me to do.

Went full potato because I wanted to hit on her but then was like what do I seem like to her, can my voice be attractive? 1min interaction I think about years later
