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"Ask Out A Girl" Thread: 2014 Year of the Petite Brunette and Pissing On Dudes "Ask Out A Girl" Thread: 2014 Year of the Petite Brunette and Pissing On Dudes

08-25-2013 , 09:43 PM
Ya i obviously said that fairly bluntly but I knew that was the reason, and you do like attention, more-so than the average poster. I like attention to though.

I did respond to your situation a little if you missed that.
08-25-2013 , 09:57 PM
all good custer. and i did see your reply, and a couple others which made me feel better about getting so pissed off at these guys running game on my date. i was feeling kind of beta for letting it get to me, but since asking people today, everyone seems to agree they were well out of line. i felt like i handled it terribly at the time but i guess it worked out okay. not worth tr'ing as it wasn't very eventful, she just came back to my place and we got mostly naked but no sex
08-25-2013 , 10:00 PM
The chat was tlaking about having a new Sl contest, with hints towards doing another Sl cribs. We have a couple people posting here that were not around back during the first two person cribs, and a couple in chat already said they would do a vid.

I would do one with zero expectation to win, but just for the rofls, can probably try to convince TCD to do one.

Any interest?

The winner last time(GG) got to choose his own undertitle, which seems like a good prize. I obviously dont have the ability to give them out, but im sure goofy/karak could set it up
08-25-2013 , 10:19 PM

Like myself, I'd bet some people read your post and really didn't know WTF they'd do in that situation so no use in responding. I've had dates get hit on before but never to that extent. I think you handled it fine, though it sounds like she could've done a better job getting rid of them.


Please say the old SL Cribs videos are on YouTube or something. I live in a super standard one bedroom apartment but I'd probably participate.
08-25-2013 , 11:00 PM
I would be in if we do a cribs video
08-25-2013 , 11:01 PM
zz3 who now posts under a gimmick(shouldnt be too hard to figure out which one is him), made his private

You can still view GoodGames here:

Also worth noting is that only comment on that video.

Last edited by CCuster_911; 08-25-2013 at 11:09 PM.
08-26-2013 , 12:05 AM
public now and also coming out of retirement to get the undertitle ive always chased after.

back on dat der single time and in a former frat house with 6 other broakim noahs.
08-26-2013 , 02:09 AM
What's a cribs video?
08-26-2013 , 03:48 AM
Originally Posted by GoCubsGo
i used to participate in the henry vs. thread discussions but that was before i understood that a large portion of henry's advice does not apply to 99% of the population. he is very articulate and makes great arguments but takes such radical positions that it's obvious to me he is often being disingenuous for effect. he is a good and valuable member of the thread but it can get out of hand when he takes one of his extremist stances and then 3 or 4 posters will all question him about it for 20 posts. and i think it can be problematic when he takes a hard stance like "going to classes is a waste of time" and then someone thinks that applies to them when it really doesn't so they don't go to class but then they get bad grades and lose their scholarship and fall into debt and that causes a ton more problems. so i think that his advice is often taken out of context and misapplied.

ordinarily i just skip over them but custer is right. i did want to hear some thoughts on the situation i ran into last night and was disappointed to see a bunch of chatter about going out alone that seemed silly to me.
He is prone to taking extreme stances on occasion, but overall, his advice seems pretty logical and consistent, and anyone who takes it at face value to their own detriment is probably too dumb to apply it anyway.

if i had to pick a weakness for henry though, he is incapable of not having the last word on something. something I'm guilty of as well.
08-26-2013 , 06:16 AM
Originally Posted by GoCubsGo
Sorry your situation didn't get attention. I saw one response to it and I went back looking for it and didn't see it so I assumed you regretted posting it and had deleted it.
So I went back and found your situation and I have a few comments.

1) I told you exactly what this girl would be like when you first mentioned her. It played out exactly as expected.

2) Under normal situations it is not your job to shut this down. The girl is the one who shuts it down. Your role is to be there as back up only if the guy doesn't take her rejection well. In this case it doesn't sound like she was shutting him down. You trying to do it would only make things much worse.

3) In this specific situation if you want to go out with girls like this and not have this happen you need to be able to dominate on the metrics that they care about. I've seen girls leave their date and go home with the new guy -- so many times that I can't even count them. There is nothing you can do there.

4) I find it funny that you criticize my advice without even realizing that the guy was getting traction with the girl who was on a date with you because that guy was doing what I keep telling people they should do. If you were signaling that betting on you was the better odds of fun he never would have been able to get traction and more than likely he never would have tried.

Last edited by Henry17; 08-26-2013 at 06:44 AM.
08-26-2013 , 06:20 AM
Originally Posted by jmakinmecrzy
if i had to pick a weakness for henry though, he is incapable of not having the last word on something. something I'm guilty of as well.
This was very much a consequences of not understanding trolling. I honestly thought people were posting authentically so I responded to every post. I've gotten a lot better at this in the last year or so.
08-26-2013 , 06:23 AM
Originally Posted by jmakinmecrzy
He is prone to taking extreme stances on occasion, but overall, his advice seems pretty logical and consistent, and anyone who takes it at face value to their own detriment is probably too dumb to apply it anyway.

if i had to pick a weakness for henry though, he is incapable of not having the last word on something. something I'm guilty of as well.
You aren't meant to copy exactly what Henry does, you're meant to read him as an example of how to make internally consistent plans for things you want to improve about yourself.
08-26-2013 , 06:51 AM
****. I responded to GCG then quoting my post for a second reply I edited and overwrote my first post instead.

Too lazy to post again but basically I've never said anything that was disingenuous advice and the advice applies to everyone who meets the basic minimums I set out. If you're below those minimums then it doesn't apply but claiming that only 1% of the population is over that bar is rationalizing. I'd say if we don't consider laziness or emotional baggage permanent traits the number is like in the 70% can or likely even more. There basically has to be something really wrong with you physically to not be able to pull it off.
08-26-2013 , 08:38 AM
lollll JRustle's video >>>>>>> GG's
08-26-2013 , 09:18 AM
Originally Posted by scrolls
lollll JRustle's video >>>>>>> GG's
Yeah, how the **** did he not win?
08-26-2013 , 09:36 AM
jrustles vid was definitely better but GG's was still solid
08-26-2013 , 10:07 AM
Originally Posted by Henry17
4) I find it funny that you criticize my advice without even realizing that the guy was getting traction with the girl who was on a date with you because that guy was doing what I keep telling people they should do. If you were signaling that betting on you was the better odds of fun he never would have been able to get traction and more than likely he never would have tried.
i think you're missing the point. my criticism (though i wouldn't really call it that. if someone is looking for what you advocate, your advice is probably spot on) with your advice is that it doesn't apply to most people, and i think this situation is a great example of why. when i met the girl i don't think i'd even showered that day, was out just to relax with a friend and didn't have any thoughts of even talking to any girls. the sunglasses i was wearing at the time were actually broken because i dropped them that morning and didn't have time to buy a new pair yet. these are all things that you would say would completely destroy any chance at success with women. now in your reply you will change it to say it will destroy any chance at success with women that aren't low hanging fruit. maybe she was, but that doesn't change the fact that i had a nice evening with her and got more or less what i wanted out of it. i think the people that are seeking your advice are unable to achieve even this modest level of success so that is where to start with them, rather than trying to train people to have a stable of models in their phonebook.

meanwhile there are the guys that tried to pick her up. you say they got traction with her, which they absolutely did, you're right about that. but the end result is that i went home with her and they went home to expensive male beauty products. there's also the guy that she went to dinner with earlier that night, which she showed me pictures of (he was much better looking than me), who had paid for a bill over 300 dollars -- champagne, tons of fish and tons of food. this sort of extravagance is a big part of your game if i'm not mistaken. having a flashy car sitting outside that the waitstaff will mention offhand, having 500 bills on the outside of your wallet, ordering expensive food and drinks. but after dinner she texted me to go out and that guy went home alone and took a massive dump.

i'm not saying all of your advice is ****, but it's not the only way to do things. i had a really nice time with the girl just by being myself, was just a fun, normal guy, made good conversation. i'm sure it helped that i dressed fairly well on our date, that i paid for her drinks, that i took her to a good venue that impressed her. these are things you also advise, and they do work.

the basics of what you advise are pretty accurate, but i think the extremes you take them to are misleading. this is a good case in point as it shows men doing what you advise and not succeeding, meanwhile someone doing some of the things you advise but also others which you condemn has success. but perhaps we define success differently. for me, success with women is having a good time with women that you are attracted to and you enjoy the company of. given your disapproval of low hanging fruit i get the sense having a woman around is more about status for you, that you enjoy the feeling of other people being impressed that you seduced a woman that is hard to get. there's nothing wrong with that, but it's not for everyone.

this will be my final post on the matter for now. going back and forth with you can be enjoyable but isn't worth my time (no offense, but i just don't have enough time to accomplish all the things i want to in a day). you have the last word, and the above is just my opinion. everyone reading this thread has to make up their own mind if they think it's worth it to pursue the lifestyle you advocate.
08-26-2013 , 11:58 AM
Originally Posted by Demiurge
Chances this girl contacts me in the future? She was at the bar I work at on Saturday, eyeing me for most of the night so I chatted her up briefly and she enthusiastically gave me her number.

Three months later...

08-26-2013 , 12:02 PM
Originally Posted by GoCubsGo
i think you're missing the point. my criticism (though i wouldn't really call it that. if someone is looking for what you advocate, your advice is probably spot on) with your advice is that it doesn't apply to most people, and i think this situation is a great example of why. when i met the girl i don't think i'd even showered that day, was out just to relax with a friend and didn't have any thoughts of even talking to any girls. the sunglasses i was wearing at the time were actually broken because i dropped them that morning and didn't have time to buy a new pair yet. these are all things that you would say would completely destroy any chance at success with women. now in your reply you will change it to say it will destroy any chance at success with women that aren't low hanging fruit. maybe she was, but that doesn't change the fact that i had a nice evening with her and got more or less what i wanted out of it. i think the people that are seeking your advice are unable to achieve even this modest level of success so that is where to start with them, rather than trying to train people to have a stable of models in their phonebook.
You yourself had a disclaimer about how attractive she was when you first mentioned her -- I don't remember the details but she was your type but your friend though she wasn't attractive. I'm not sure how that fits with the new details of all these other guys having interest but I'm quite certain I'm not remembering incorrectly. I also instantly identified what her behaviour would be like which we have now confirmed to be accurate. Of course this not the type of girls I'm giving advice for.

As for the success of the other participants I think you are greatly underestimating their potential. Enough have posted pictures that I know what most regulars look like and their personalities are generally fine. Being students impacts their financial resources but I don't really have any doubts about how they will after graduation. If you look at the handful who are no employed they certainly seem to have no issue picking up and getting laid. I think your assessment would be accurate for a large demographic of 2p2 but they don't tend to post in SL.

meanwhile there are the guys that tried to pick her up. you say they got traction with her, which they absolutely did, you're right about that. but the end result is that i went home with her and they went home to expensive male beauty products.
Before the additional details I did not know you went home with her since it wasn't in the original post. I automatically assumed you didn't. I've never been in this situation although I was somewhat close once and my response would have been to politely rap up the date and even if she was interested in sex I'd pass. Having sex is not the only thing that matters and odds are you can still salvage the night by going out by yourself after you part ways.

That being said it is fair to say this still still negatively impacted your evening in a fairly significant way. I think if guy's can avoid this happening they would prefer to avoid it happening and this is independent of whether the date concludes with sex or not. The two ways to avoid it is to set it up so that the girl is more interested in you than any potential competition and to signal to the competition that you're not someone they can beat. The question was how to prevent this from happening and that is the answer. Your rebuttal that you still had sex with her is completely irrelevant to the question you asked.

there's also the guy that she went to dinner with earlier that night, which she showed me pictures of (he was much better looking than me), who had paid for a bill over 300 dollars -- champagne, tons of fish and tons of food. this sort of extravagance is a big part of your game if i'm not mistaken. having a flashy car sitting outside that the waitstaff will mention offhand, having 500 bills on the outside of your wallet, ordering expensive food and drinks. but after dinner she texted me to go out and that guy went home alone and took a massive dump.
I think you've misunderstood. I've never said that all it takes is spending money to do well with women. If that was true every nerdy poker player would have been a stud during the boom. Plenty of guys use money incorrectly and they come off as complete chumps. I've made this point dozens of times. He is obviously doing something wrong.

i'm not saying all of your advice is ****, but it's not the only way to do things. i had a really nice time with the girl just by being myself,
I've never advocated for being anything but yourself. I have a very strong position against pretending to be something you are not. That doesn't mean that who someone is now is who they should be. The whole point is to transform oneself into a more desirable person.

for me, success with women is having a good time with women that you are attracted to and you enjoy the company of.
But did you really have a good time or is that what you're trying to present now? I find it hard to reconcile feeling rage towards the girl and this being a good date.

I would not have considered this a successful date because at the first natural opening I would have made an excuse to end the date. If we go back a step further I most likely would never have been on this date.

given your disapproval of low hanging fruit i get the sense having a woman around is more about status for you, that you enjoy the feeling of other people being impressed that you seduced a woman that is hard to get. there's nothing wrong with that, but it's not for everyone.
No. My disapproval of low-hanging fruit has nothing to so with women being status symbols but rather simple economics. Low-hanging fruit are what they are because they have characteristics that make them undesirable. Desirable girls are not low-hanging fruit because they don't have to be.

Also my issue against this is that people go after the low-hanging fruit and then they become complacent. It presumes a preference for better and that the low-hanging fruit is an imperfect substitution. If someone is actually happy with that type of girl then the criticism doesn't apply.
08-26-2013 , 12:19 PM
Originally Posted by scrolls
lollll JRustle's video >>>>>>> GG's
Originally Posted by Spurious
Yeah, how the **** did he not win?
Originally Posted by YouFaiil
jrustles vid was definitely better but GG's was still solid
I mean you can check the thread out here, dnot know how many people actually gave their opinions, but in terms of regs I am pretty sure it is very close(some might argue that zz had more "sl regs" then GG)

Direct Link to the votes:
08-26-2013 , 01:21 PM
Oh, I did vote back then, luckily I was of the same opinion back then.
08-26-2013 , 01:26 PM
thanks ccuster
08-26-2013 , 05:28 PM
It's weird, I actually agree with both Henry and GCG. I feel like GCG is pretty similar to me, but I think i't's important to always be trying to improve in the back of your mind.

For example, basically every girl I bang is between 4-7.5. Probably 90% fall within this range. And that's fine, because I'm a 6 and I don't have exemplary game or social status. I also genuinely enjoying having sex with girls who are 5's, so if it's something that makes me happy why change right?

On the other hand, I definitely find myself getting complacent. I will often approach a 6 at a bar instead of an 8, simply because that is in my comfort zone. Again, not terrible, but not something you want long term. I feel like it's all about finding a balance between doing what you enjoy and always trying to improve at the same time.

I think the main point I agree of of GCG's is that you can't go from unsuccessful nerd to Henry clone. You need to go through the Fryke phase first. IMO at least. I also find that Henry's stance against low hanging fruit is mainly for reputation, which I think is overrated, at least in terms of damage done to it. Girls are terrible at rating how attractive other girls are IME, especially if they like them. Like if you bang an 8's friend who is a 6, and you handle yourself well, you actually go UP in status IME, whereas I believe that Henry would suggest you go down. Obviously it doesn't help you bang the 8, but I feel like it can help her wingman for you down the track.

Perhaps I'm just weird in that pretty much every girl I've hooked up with still likes me, but I've made so many wingwomen/friends/FWB from hooking up with random girls. It's pretty much my go to for meeting friends.
08-26-2013 , 05:37 PM
My girl friends were asking me what kind of girls I like on Saturday. They were saying they've decided their going to try and find me girls. I have a bad feeling about this.

Also, some friends sent me a fb invite, that they're throwing a traffic light party later. Never been to one, don't know if it's really a thing. Sounds weird, at least.
08-26-2013 , 05:50 PM
Originally Posted by Jabonator
My girl friends were asking me what kind of girls I like on Saturday. They were saying they've decided their going to try and find me girls. I have a bad feeling about this.

Also, some friends sent me a fb invite, that they're throwing a traffic light party later. Never been to one, don't know if it's really a thing. Sounds weird, at least.
Traffic/stop light parties are awesome and you should go. Green - single, yellow - it's complicated, red - in a relationship. Ez game.
