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"Ask Out A Girl" Thread: 2014 Year of the Petite Brunette and Pissing On Dudes "Ask Out A Girl" Thread: 2014 Year of the Petite Brunette and Pissing On Dudes

07-30-2013 , 05:48 PM
Originally Posted by Colin_Piddle
You serious? It's 3 weeks and don't you earn 100k a year? I know you live in Melbourne which is not a cheap city but even still I think you will be fine lol. Have a blast, very jealous!
I mean I'll definitely be fine, but it went from a trip that was going to cost all up maybe 3k including flights to one that is going to cost minimum 6k, plus I got a little carried away when pimping my wardrobe so that's another big chunk of money.

Dont get me wrong, it will be awesome, just expensive
07-30-2013 , 05:50 PM
Originally Posted by Colin_Piddle
This chick is very immature, I had a chick who did this when I started hitting on other girls, I never had her number or anything so that was lucky. She is likely to be of the star sign "Cancer" or possibly "Scorpio". I would avoid any chick who is a cancer like the plague- A) They can't take criticism at all and B) They get insanely jealous if you so much as wink at another girl. I think star signs are relevant when it comes to looking for a relationship. You are best advised to go for chicks in the 3 stars that fit your alignment. Not everyone is like their star sign but it is a rough guide. Of course what they write on a day to day basis is a load of rubbish but the basic concepts can be very useful.

For example if a chick you are dating is a Capricorn it is a terrible idea to invite her out for group drinks as Capricorns are very secretive and private people and they don't feel comfortable doing this. For the other stars inviting out for group drinks is a +EV move.
cracking up in the library
07-30-2013 , 06:13 PM
Originally Posted by Colin_Piddle
This chick is very immature, I had a chick who did this when I started hitting on other girls, I never had her number or anything so that was lucky. She is likely to be of the star sign "Cancer" or possibly "Scorpio". I would avoid any chick who is a cancer like the plague- A) They can't take criticism at all and B) They get insanely jealous if you so much as wink at another girl. I think star signs are relevant when it comes to looking for a relationship. You are best advised to go for chicks in the 3 stars that fit your alignment. Not everyone is like their star sign but it is a rough guide. Of course what they write on a day to day basis is a load of rubbish but the basic concepts can be very useful.

For example if a chick you are dating is a Capricorn it is a terrible idea to invite her out for group drinks as Capricorns are very secretive and private people and they don't feel comfortable doing this. For the other stars inviting out for group drinks is a +EV move.
I think you've been spending too much time talking to strippers.
07-30-2013 , 06:16 PM
Thats fine Im not expecting many if any. Most people in this thread are smart enough to work out which girls to go out with and which girls to not so in that sense they are not that useful. They are more likely to to be helpful in the early courting stages.
07-30-2013 , 06:27 PM
Originally Posted by The-fryke
I mean I'll definitely be fine, but it went from a trip that was going to cost all up maybe 3k including flights to one that is going to cost minimum 6k, plus I got a little carried away when pimping my wardrobe so that's another big chunk of money.

Dont get me wrong, it will be awesome, just expensive
That is really low for three weeks. I assume hostels / crashing at people's places but even then I wouldn't be surprised if there was a lot of cost creep.
07-30-2013 , 06:34 PM
Originally Posted by MrGrumpy
I thought we were just close friends but obviously she was a bit too into it. Anyway, point is let her be crazy and get on with your life; some things you can't change. Treat her roommate/your friend like you would normally, be civil to the girl in question and the rest will follow.
Mirror image of a lot of posts in this thread.
07-30-2013 , 06:39 PM
Originally Posted by Henry17
That is really low for three weeks. I assume hostels / crashing at people's places but even then I wouldn't be surprised if there was a lot of cost creep.
3 weeks for, let us say, 4k including flights? I would have guessed $100/night at most of those places (and, as an aside, those are not the stops I'd have picked). That leaves plenty, surely? 6k seems perfectly reasonable.
07-30-2013 , 06:59 PM
On topic of holidays, I booked a holiday to Bali last week with 3 mates. Gonna be there for 9 days during December. Could not be keener.

It's my first proper holiday in like 2 years.
07-30-2013 , 08:15 PM
Originally Posted by Henry17
That is really low for three weeks. I assume hostels / crashing at people's places but even then I wouldn't be surprised if there was a lot of cost creep.
other than sanfran and LA you can have a fkn blast in all of those other cities for relatively cheap.

fryke - lemme know when youre in richmond im a stones throw away. denver is gonna be super sick and ive never even actually been but austin is IMO best city in america.
07-30-2013 , 08:23 PM
Sorry to bring this back up but just now checking thread.

Originally Posted by goofyballer
GG, my question earlier wasn't rhetorical, was that you and if so htf can you call anyone else a moocher?
I did say something about that. I assume my point was that while doing the party circuit before I was 21 I saw it was super standard for people to walk out with bottles if the party sucked or some type of altercation happened. These were the types of parties where no one was friends and everyone would all just ascend upon a house that was available. I wouldn't support doing it but I also have done it. Just like I don't support fighting but have done it.

The only specific night I can remember that may have shown up in a TR is one where we brought 30 racks, everyone played pong with it, then our group left on bad terms so my 3rd party friend who knew of the party handed me a bottle from an upstairs bedroom that wasn't his. This was ~3yrs ago.

The funniest story I have is a group of us driving out to the country to a party and half the party being full blown racists. So everyone just casually walked in and grabbed a bottle and left. That's the same night where tattoo'd girl told me I should have said "you're coming in the house to stay the night" instead of "you should stay over" lol. Again ~3yrs ago.

Originally Posted by GusJohnsonGOAT
I'm going to need way more context in order to write these girls off. You said it was 6 AM, so not sure where you expect them to buy alcohol at this time.
There were more girls than just those two. A group of girls and I went to the store and they bought a bottle. Then they drove to me to my house where I had a handle. We get back and all share the drinks although I stuck to my own handle. The bottle is killed and my handle is getting low so I go to my house and grab like 8 heinekens and a bag of wine. These 2 new girls are there now and start drinking. Which is fine even though we didn't say one word to each other. But then I noticed the way they were doing it. They'd wait until me and the other girls would be in a different room and they'd down stuff. Then one girl poured the last shot of the handle into a shot glass and told me to save it. I go to the bathroom and come back seeing one of the two girls taking it in a sly way. Bugged the **** out of me.

To add more context webcam girl was at the house the night I went with strangers and banged the random girl with the weirdly shaped body. So I never made it back to the house that night. She said it was just them and two other girls came and told them they were just there for the free alcohol. Now obviously idk if it's the same people but that was in the back of my mind.

Originally Posted by LaShawnda
how old is GG?
Originally Posted by Sciolist
I have never seen anyone take "excess" alcohol home after a party. I cannot imagine that person ever being invited back to anything ever again if they did.

The host goes to extra effort/discomfort by hosting. He almost always ends up with less alcohol in his house than when he started. Taking yours home again is incredibly rude.
Ya I've gone to parties with people who all have careers or are like in grad school and the host ends the night with a stocked liquor cabinet which is the way it should be.

I have no emotional attachment to money or objects which should be obvious by my summer TR's. Literally my last like 7 outings I've TR'd have been me spewing a **** ton of money on my friends. Those heinekens and wine I paid 2x for regular price because they were my brothers.
07-30-2013 , 08:28 PM
I'm not even considering the cost of going out. Just getting from all those places to all the other places. I'm not sure if Canada has eight cities worth visiting but lets say I did Halifax, Quebec City, Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto, Calgary, Whistler, Vancouver that alone would break $3000 in flights. Figure Australian to North America has to be at least $1500 -- likely $2000.

I would consider a super budget one night trip to Toronto/Montreal (driving) to cost $600 and that is really low key and doing basically nothing except moderate drinking and catching up with friends.
07-30-2013 , 08:32 PM
And to get to something worth posting about. I'm wifing up TB tonight. While she was gone she said something from her past came up that she didn't think she'd have to deal with again so she was up in her head while gone but had nothing to do with me afaik. Obviously going to have that discussion before.

But ya... I'm the happiest I've ever been so it seems like the healthiest time to enter into a committed relationship and share that with someone else. My concerns only being that this would hinder me continuing to expand my social circle. Also that I place a lot of value on accumulating memorable stories and not a ton of those happen while in relationships. But I think (at least hope) that I'm mature enough now that I can date someone exclusively, enjoy the benefits of having that relationship with someone you love, and not being totally destroyed mentally when it ends.

I wouldn't mind curving my drinking a little bit, getting consistent with lifting, and thinking about school and poker again. Maybe the consistency of a relationship will help promote that lifestyle.

We had a good run. Going on hiatus three away from the 40 club.

Last edited by GoodGame; 07-30-2013 at 08:42 PM.
07-30-2013 , 08:46 PM
We're gonna miss you mate.

That undertitle might have to change though.
07-30-2013 , 08:52 PM
Official prediction: GG single again in under 4 months

Last edited by goofyballer; 07-30-2013 at 08:53 PM. Reason: if not single, def bangs someone else
07-30-2013 , 09:00 PM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
Official prediction: GG single again in under 4 months

How do you know if a beer is skunked? Is it a 'you'll know' thing or more of a 'if you have to ask'
07-30-2013 , 09:04 PM
What is skunked?
07-30-2013 , 09:04 PM
Does it mean someone farted in your beer. haha
07-30-2013 , 09:08 PM
Think its when it has been sitting unrefrigerated for too long/under heat??
07-30-2013 , 09:08 PM
Went on my first date in awhile tonight with a girl that there's sort of been some mutual interest with. I think it went very well. It was a very casual comfortable vibe. I felt we really got to know each other and there was no awkwardness. Is too much of this a good thing? I'm worried it was too casual. There was very little physical contact, we didn't kiss etc. Mostly this is just because my confidence isn't quite there yet after not dating for sometime. Btw this girl is more relationship material so keep that in mind as well. I'm just wondering if I could be friendzoning myself by being too laid back even though things didn't start out that way.
07-30-2013 , 10:14 PM
Originally Posted by JRustle

How do you know if a beer is skunked? Is it a 'you'll know' thing or more of a 'if you have to ask'
It's usually something you can tell right away, though if the beer is ice cold it can be harder to tell.

I always used to think it was temperature change that caused it (buy cold beer at the store, drink later on when its warm, it'll be skunked) but its actually exposure to light that gives beer a bad tasting flavor.
07-30-2013 , 10:18 PM
Originally Posted by CitizenInsane
Went on my first date in awhile tonight with a girl that there's sort of been some mutual interest with. I think it went very well. It was a very casual comfortable vibe. I felt we really got to know each other and there was no awkwardness. Is too much of this a good thing? I'm worried it was too casual. There was very little physical contact, we didn't kiss etc. Mostly this is just because my confidence isn't quite there yet after not dating for sometime. Btw this girl is more relationship material so keep that in mind as well. I'm just wondering if I could be friendzoning myself by being too laid back even though things didn't start out that way.
Sounds like one of my first "dates".

I think common opinion would be to try to establish some kind of physical contact next time with her, and take things from there depending on her reaction. Easier said than done especially when you view her as relationship material since that seems to put more pressure on the situation vs just trying to get laid.
07-30-2013 , 10:19 PM
How long after you started seeing someone, considering everything is good and both individuals are interested, is it acceptable to establish you're a couple?

In the past I have never had to make that step myself so I'm not really sure. Is it something you actually ask or after a while both just assume you are?
07-30-2013 , 10:20 PM
Nah mate nothing wrong with that, as long as that is the way you normally are. Just don't be un-confident or standoffish, as its really unattractive.

Invite her on another date. Touch her naturally.
07-30-2013 , 10:21 PM
Originally Posted by MXdotCH
How long after you started seeing someone, considering everything is good and both individuals are interested, is it acceptable to establish you're a couple?

In the past I have never had to make that step myself so I'm not really sure. Is it something you actually ask or after a while both just assume you are?
when facebook says so, obv.

but seriously, it should be obvious if you're both keen so just mention it and she'll be like, 'Oh yeah, of course'
07-30-2013 , 10:24 PM
Originally Posted by MXdotCH
How long after you started seeing someone, considering everything is good and both individuals are interested, is it acceptable to establish you're a couple?

In the past I have never had to make that step myself so I'm not really sure. Is it something you actually ask or after a while both just assume you are?
This. Although one of the reasons Facebook sucks is the awkwardness of changing relationship status etc so I guess it can be more official then just assuming.

And to your first question, it totally depends. Everyone is different.

Edit: MX, putting an "average" time frame on it wouldn't really be helpful. Some people become exclusive fairly quickly while others are friends for a while then date, etc etc. Tons of variables.

Last edited by calmlikeabomb; 07-30-2013 at 10:27 PM. Reason: Haha otty beat me to it.
