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"Ask Out A Girl" Thread: 2014 Year of the Petite Brunette and Pissing On Dudes "Ask Out A Girl" Thread: 2014 Year of the Petite Brunette and Pissing On Dudes

06-23-2013 , 02:56 PM
cause i feel like posting, even though not that interesting.

wednesday night went cottaging with about 25 friends. ended up staying up till 8am. wasn't enough bed space so a bunch of us just slept on floors/couches. passed out in my sleeping bag/blanket with cuddle girl on the floor. there were lots of others around so nothing was going to happen but one hand was down her pants and she was also grabbing my junk. slept for a few hours, then went to the beach. next night was much more relaxed. had a bonfire till 4am then went back to the cottage and passed out. next morning she left for home, and i went back to my place.

she's coming down on friday to hang for the day, stay over, and chill for a final time before she leaves for europe on sunday. it better involve lots of banging or i'll be super butthurt. maybe she'll even stay sat too but i think she's planning to go home for family time.
06-23-2013 , 02:59 PM
Originally Posted by funkyfood
she was kinda cute--might call restaurant today and ask for her #.
I doubt they will give you her number.

You could leave yours but then chances are she never gets it.

Should have did it when there. I think if anything pick that restaurant again in the near future.
06-23-2013 , 03:54 PM
Originally Posted by pmuir10
Related post from a few pages back
Ah, cool. Any more detailed advice on how to escalate smoothly, both physically and verbally?
06-23-2013 , 04:23 PM
Funky have you changed anything in the last few months. I vaguely remember you struggling (I could be wrong) as of a few months ago and now it seems you are casanova reborn.
06-23-2013 , 04:25 PM
Originally Posted by DiamondScheme
cause i feel like posting, even though not that interesting.

wednesday night went cottaging with about 25 friends. ended up staying up till 8am. wasn't enough bed space so a bunch of us just slept on floors/couches. passed out in my sleeping bag/blanket with cuddle girl on the floor. there were lots of others around so nothing was going to happen but one hand was down her pants and she was also grabbing my junk. slept for a few hours, then went to the beach. next night was much more relaxed. had a bonfire till 4am then went back to the cottage and passed out. next morning she left for home, and i went back to my place.

she's coming down on friday to hang for the day, stay over, and chill for a final time before she leaves for europe on sunday. it better involve lots of banging or i'll be super butthurt. maybe she'll even stay sat too but i think she's planning to go home for family time.
lol shes not sleeping w/ u

(hope im wrong tho )
06-23-2013 , 04:26 PM
Originally Posted by Henry17
I doubt they will give you her number.

You could leave yours but then chances are she never gets it.

Should have did it when there. I think if anything pick that restaurant again in the near future.
i'll just ask to speak to stephanie. if she's not in or busy, then i'll ask if i can leave my number for her. i'm sure it won't be a big deal.


i havent really changed much but i think i've become more confident and more aware when girls are flirting with me? i'm not sure. also, i tend to do much better in the summer when i get a little tan because i have blue eyes.
06-23-2013 , 04:33 PM
I am having such a brain dead day. I automatically went to a picture of you calling and asking whoever answers.

Been like this all day. ****ed up some simple errands and misunderstand things all day. Have n't even had a drink so can't blame it on that.
06-23-2013 , 04:35 PM
Originally Posted by DiamondScheme
wednesday night went cottaging with about 25 friends. ended up staying up till 8am.
06-23-2013 , 04:57 PM
06-23-2013 , 05:00 PM
I lol'd pretty hard
06-23-2013 , 05:22 PM
I love this thread.
06-23-2013 , 06:00 PM
06-23-2013 , 07:01 PM
Originally Posted by funkyfood
06-23-2013 , 07:01 PM
hahahahahah cottaging
06-23-2013 , 08:56 PM
I was texting the girl from friday night and she said to come around whenever, 'to keep her company'. haha looks like I made a good impression.
06-23-2013 , 08:57 PM
Cannot wait to get my own place.

What do you guys recommend? Apartment or house. Assuming rent is the same price at both places.
06-23-2013 , 09:17 PM
House, not even close
06-23-2013 , 09:29 PM
06-23-2013 , 09:30 PM
Would electricity, water, upkeep be more for a house?
06-23-2013 , 09:45 PM
i've had a house all to myself all summer. it's been awesome.
06-23-2013 , 09:56 PM
Draw some comparisons for me here people!!!
06-23-2013 , 10:35 PM
It depends on the specific property.

If we are talking equal levels then an apartment would always be my first choice.

The lower down the property level you go the more house starts to sound better but a nice appartment is always better than a nice house for a single guy.
06-23-2013 , 10:40 PM
Apt usually u can get better location. Easier upkeep. Ive always lived in high up apartments. Usually newer too.
06-23-2013 , 10:41 PM
house you have so many more options, basement, yard, extra rooms for people staying over, can grill out easier, probably a porch/patio to setup tables outside for drinking games, etc etc.

apartment can be decked out, don't get me wrong- but typically need better finances to pull that off. also your 'neighbors' are like across the hall or next bedroom over so noise is more of a problem.

house may cost more tho with the bills, but you might have ur own washer/dryer and parking etc so its negates some things
06-23-2013 , 10:45 PM
called waitress at restaurant. she said she was glad i called and said "sure why not" when i asked about a date, seemed very giggly. i think she's like 23 or so. we'll see what happens.
