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"Ask Out A Girl" Thread: 2014 Year of the Petite Brunette and Pissing On Dudes "Ask Out A Girl" Thread: 2014 Year of the Petite Brunette and Pissing On Dudes

06-22-2013 , 09:35 AM
The ice cream is the classic bull**** excuse to transition from something public to something private.

I like how it was the girl using that technique rather than the guy.

Agree with CCuster that Macklemore (based on the three radio songs I know) is not sex music.
06-22-2013 , 09:49 AM
Originally Posted by CCuster_911
I could have sworn from reading that magnum ice creams was some crazy new condom from trojan.

I am pretty sure macklemore is not really music I want to listen to while preparing to have sex.
"I look incredible"

"This is ****ing awesome!"

How can it not be?
06-22-2013 , 12:53 PM
Originally Posted by MindFckr
I just put "X gon give it to ya" to the max and bang like there is no tomorrow... obv I call myself Mr.X and bark along to the song
Post of the year ainec.
06-22-2013 , 01:28 PM
Originally Posted by YouFaiil
"I look incredible"

"This is ****ing awesome!"

How can it not be?
whaddup i got a big c*ck
06-22-2013 , 01:47 PM
Broad question but I'm sure some people can provide some interesting insight: I'm very inexperienced with going on dates with girls who I haven't already made out with/had sex with. I typically have a pretty fun night but I fail to develop any kind of sexual tension, unless the girl makes the first step(s). I usually have some kind of story for most topics which often portray me in a fun/outgoing/interesting way but it seems that these stories don't really help to make a girl attracted. An example to illustrate: Sitting outside having some drinks with a girl and some mosquitoes bother her while leaving me alone. I tell her how I am at a friend's house every summer with a group of 6-8 people and that when we sleep only two of the girls have all the bites while leaving the others alone. I don't think much about what the girl might think when I tell such things, I guess I just like to tell stories (especially when I'm on the drunk side). Of course, in a nutshell there shouldn't be anything wrong with it, but I might be overdoing it over the course of the night.

So all of these random talking does nothing to "escalate" the situation. I really don't know what some standard things are to start the "tit for tat" process as some like to call it. Does it typically start verbally (complementing/sexual remarks etc.) or physically (moving closer/touching)? There are definitely girls out there who make the whole process way easier. For example a very cute girl unexpectedly asked me on the first "date" (like 4th time I've seen her) what I think about masturbating and how she finds it very relaxing. Of course, something like that helps to speed things up a lot, but I'm not sure it's ideal from a male perspective. Also, do you think it's possible to score on a date without ever actively trying to escalate? I have come to think it's not (unless super attractive, which I'm not), so I likely need to radically change my approach.
06-22-2013 , 02:07 PM
Originally Posted by CCuster_911
Uh dude, I went as macklemore for halloween last year.

I still dont understand how macklemore is good music to have sex to. I guess if you were gay and same love came on you can have sex while crying.
06-22-2013 , 02:13 PM
TR. So went out to clubs Friday. Feeling like **** after a Thursday night kickback where I drank way too much tequila. The game plan was to go to two neighboring clubs for different groups. One was webcam girl's 21st but I never made it to that. I felt a little out of it at the club. I was tired, hungover, and couldn't stomach drinks other than vodka redbulls. Ordered 4 of those $10 drinks in 30minute time. Danced a little with the group. I think I'm aesthetic though. Had a few girls at different points fully grab me while walking by. One said something about hey there sweetie. The girls I was with def noticed.

So we go to a bar next door and they all stop drinking so I talk to people while ordering drinks. I talk to this 5.5/10 29yo whose birthday is that night. She's with two 7.5's though. Idk why but even after the other girls are fully into me I just stick with the 5.5 to be nice. I always undershoot myself. We bull**** and within 10-15minutes we make out. They're all from Tahoe coming up here for the birthday weekend and then the giants game today in San Fran. They have comped hotel rooms since one works for hyatt and invite me to the game. But I'm an idiot and I'm going to go to work since I can't miss any more days.

Before I even got to that bar TB said her friends headed home for the night so should we meetup or not. I was feeling weird so I said yes. But now she's like ok I'm here. So I lie to the girls I'm with and say my friends are leaving and I have to cab it with them. We exchange numbers. Then I meet her near the front (someone already buying her a drink and another talking to her) and down my drink as fast as possible and say lets go somewhere else so the group doesn't see her.

We walk and end up going to this really nice new lounge that opened this month and caters to an older crowd. I was forsure the only young guy but the women were mixed. Very nice place though and we sat outside and talked. When heading back to the car we actually walked by the group of girls lol. I just turned my head and they didn't see me.

Spent like ~$110 and didn't even get drunk. I just kept going to expensive places. I'm feeling really good about myself though. I feel like I need to go to nicer places where there's more quality women so I can have more 8s under my belt. It's hard because that's not a priority at all for my friends.
06-22-2013 , 03:41 PM
Originally Posted by Van Gogh
Broad question but I'm sure some people can provide some interesting insight: I'm very inexperienced with going on dates with girls who I haven't already made out with/had sex with. I typically have a pretty fun night but I fail to develop any kind of sexual tension, unless the girl makes the first step(s). I usually have some kind of story for most topics which often portray me in a fun/outgoing/interesting way but it seems that these stories don't really help to make a girl attracted. An example to illustrate: Sitting outside having some drinks with a girl and some mosquitoes bother her while leaving me alone. I tell her how I am at a friend's house every summer with a group of 6-8 people and that when we sleep only two of the girls have all the bites while leaving the others alone. I don't think much about what the girl might think when I tell such things, I guess I just like to tell stories (especially when I'm on the drunk side). Of course, in a nutshell there shouldn't be anything wrong with it, but I might be overdoing it over the course of the night.

So all of these random talking does nothing to "escalate" the situation. I really don't know what some standard things are to start the "tit for tat" process as some like to call it. Does it typically start verbally (complementing/sexual remarks etc.) or physically (moving closer/touching)? There are definitely girls out there who make the whole process way easier. For example a very cute girl unexpectedly asked me on the first "date" (like 4th time I've seen her) what I think about masturbating and how she finds it very relaxing. Of course, something like that helps to speed things up a lot, but I'm not sure it's ideal from a male perspective. Also, do you think it's possible to score on a date without ever actively trying to escalate? I have come to think it's not (unless super attractive, which I'm not), so I likely need to radically change my approach.
Related post from a few pages back
06-22-2013 , 04:36 PM
If you dont follow GG on twitter, your life is a waste.
06-22-2013 , 04:53 PM
great question van gogh, i'm curious what others have to say. i feel like i could be aggro on dates.
06-22-2013 , 05:45 PM
Originally Posted by CCuster_911
Uh dude, I went as macklemore for halloween last year.

I still dont understand how macklemore is good music to have sex to. I guess if you were gay and same love came on you can have sex while crying.
Originally Posted by CCuster_911
If you dont follow GG on twitter, your life is a waste.
06-22-2013 , 05:55 PM
It's in his location, @livingpresident
06-22-2013 , 06:24 PM
i don't fully understand this pay for female friends thing but whatever. I treat friends the same way, male or female....but anyway, I always get a kick out of this.
Occasionally me and my fiance go to fancy places for dinner, for birthday, anniversary etc.

Anyway, we both split our finances basically 50/50 so there has been a couple of dinners where she is paying. And at places like this they always assume the guy is paying, always. So when they come by with the bill and hand it to me I look at it and look a little offended at the price and slide the bill to her. Always gets a weird look out out of the server lol...
06-22-2013 , 07:39 PM
Do you think that maybe there is a reason they assume the guy is paying?

Also why would you willingly want serving staff to think you are a weirdo?
06-22-2013 , 09:30 PM
Originally Posted by pepper50000
So when they come by with the bill and hand it to me I look at it and look a little offended at the price and slide the bill to her. Always gets a weird look out out of the server lol...
Haha you're gonna cop **** from the other guys about doing this cause it doesn't make you look awesome but it's hilarious.
06-22-2013 , 09:44 PM
So when they come by with the bill and hand it to me I look at it and look a little offended at the price and slide the bill to her.
06-22-2013 , 10:26 PM
oh and I should mention a great part of the story. I'm 28, shes 27 and between the two of us we do pretty well financially. But we both look really young. Maybe 20-22ish. So I don't think the waiter staff in this place ever see a 22 year old woman pay for a 22 year old guy. It's actually pretty incredible the disrepect you can get sometimes looking young when it comes to buying higher end stuff.

We were looking at jewerly one day for her birthday and the guy basically said something about how some of the higher end stuff (2-4K it was a lower end jewelry store so I guess 4K might not sound that high end but for this store it was) might be too expensive for us. Incredible that someone would assume that but we really do look like students.
06-22-2013 , 11:02 PM
Trolling the waiter is pretty much awesome if you're wifed up. Anybody that says any different is a huge nit.
06-23-2013 , 01:10 AM
Originally Posted by YouFaiil
It's in his location, @livingpresident
Ya that. Posted a still frame from a recent sex tape that shows a gnarely sex face
06-23-2013 , 06:08 AM
I got really lonely today just basically being by myself all day.

I assume this is normal after living with my ex for 18 months?
06-23-2013 , 06:27 AM
Def. I lived separately from an ex I was with for 7months and felt massively alone and depressed for over a year post break up. Just keep positive and keep busy. Eventually she'll never cross your mind and you'll be totally content at all times.
06-23-2013 , 06:27 AM
In the beginning yes.
Try to stay as busy as you can. Concentrate on things where your mind can be focused on that particular thing. Reading a good book, analyzing (I suppose you play poker), playing, lifting, doing a hobby that you enjoy (don't watch movies, that won't work, your mind will be still free to think about these things).
It might sound cheesy and cliche, but now you can get into new things you didn't even know you enjoy...for example when I was in your situation, I went to paintball, wall climbing, played footy, met a bunch of new people, started lifting, went traveled a lot, etc...This really does wonders. And with time(although I agree with Barbara Streisand that time won't change things.. you doing things will change things) you won't even think about being lonely and **** like that...
06-23-2013 , 06:36 AM
Yeah I understand that and I've been really good with it for this first week. Every night after work I had something organised with friends. I had cricket, soccer, drinks, night out, poker and golf, then a date.

But then today came, Sunday here in Australia and I had nothing planned. So I just played poker and computer games all day. And I was quiet all day which sucked. I'm not used to that.

I know I'm fine when I'm out with people it's just when I'm doing stuff by myself, my mind wanders.

Although I have gotten heaps heaps better in the past week. I'm barely even missing her now. I'm enjoying being single and having all this extra time and money ey which I can spend on myself.
06-23-2013 , 01:18 PM
Originally Posted by Otty_Botty
We made a late decision to go see the internship which was freaking hilarious. One of the best I've seen.
06-23-2013 , 01:40 PM
also, no girls going on right now, but confidence at extreme high: front desk lady at my building said some girl asked who i was and if i was single. i remember some girl looking at me in the lobby, but dont remember what she looked like. prob not a good idea to hook-up with someone in my building anyway.

yesterday, at dinner while waiting for my family to show up, a waitress came up to me and started talking. said her name was stephanie and i should ask to be seated in her section becasue she's the best waitress. we ended up being seated somewhere else, and she came up to me mid-meal and asked flirtatiously if the other waitress was treating me well. she was kinda cute--might call restaurant today and ask for her #.
