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"Ask Out A Girl" Thread: 2014 Year of the Petite Brunette and Pissing On Dudes "Ask Out A Girl" Thread: 2014 Year of the Petite Brunette and Pissing On Dudes

02-16-2013 , 11:46 AM

I don't know where to even begin.

1) Referring to society as a homogeneous group is just wrong. Yes there are elements of society that judge women for being fine with their sexuality. This is an ignorant position and there are ignorant people out there. These people tend to have a lot of other ignorant ideas as well. **** them. There are plenty of people who don't hold those views. I don't nor do my friends. Most of the guys in this topic don't hold those views. In society as a whole the trend is strongly toward women being able to embrace sexuality although this will greatly vary depending on geography.

2) While I suspect it is likely frustration speaking you are basically stating that you see women and sex as just wanting a hole to stick it in. If that is how you feel I have great news -- escorts. If sex and being left alone is all you want this is by far the best choice for you. It is more economical than dating, you get what you want, the girl is on the same page, you can have a variety or the same girl.

3) You are way beyond normal introvert. I have had a lot of interaction with introverts I believe because they see me as a way to stop being so introverted. If you are being honest with your views you are way off being an introvert and full out hermit loner. Again I suspect you are not being fully honest even though you might believe that you are. You sound really frustrated and that is impacting your views of things. I think if you started to have some social success you would change your views quickly.
02-16-2013 , 11:54 AM
Originally Posted by Tien
I found the majority of profiles out there a complete bore to read. Also blocked like 200+ very undesirable females I just didn't want to see in the "new feeds", which was about 1/3 to half the site.
Which one are you using?

You years LavaLife was the market leader in Canada. I have no idea if that is still the case. PoF seemed to be taking a lot of market share.
02-16-2013 , 12:13 PM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
I'm introverted as well, you're just looking at this the wrong way. Have you ever been approached by someone (guy or girl, doesn't matter if it's in a romantic context) who was kind of socially awkward and you didn't want to talk to, and you're kinda sitting there like "jesus how do I get out of this conversation"? Cause if that's what you were thinking, instead of "oh, it's so sweet that this person had the courage to come up and talk to me and it's totally cool that they're really annoying", then you're just as guilty as these women that apparently annoy you.

You don't get brownie points for having the courage to walk up to someone and talk to them if you're using a crappy pickup line or are just awkward about it - the fact that women want to meet guys that are generally normal and confident and display other commonly attractive traits isn't some "lolwomen they're so annoying" thing, it's a human thing.

quote for excellent post and way to look at things.
02-16-2013 , 12:20 PM
Originally Posted by Henry17
That really isn't something that supports the value of females.
That is true. I just got a bit annoyed from that post.
02-16-2013 , 02:59 PM
Anybody seen BangWithFriends.Com?

like, dunno how funny/stupid this **** is.
02-16-2013 , 03:26 PM
Met a new girl a couple weeks ago at a pregame. She is really attractive, easily an objective 8, not even exaggerating (Just so cute and sexy great body). I just went up to her and a friend with a friend of mine and started talking to her. Things felt really natural, one of the most natural pick ups of my life. She was really into me...lots of great flirting and touching and such. We went to a bar after that and made out a bunch. I got her number obviously. Anyways so she invited me to her date party function (for her sorority) which happened last night. I had a great time for the most part, and im sure she did as well. Great night ended up bringing her back to my room...I get her clothes off and we're making out, things are starting to get pretty good, I think for sure I'm going to get it in at this point. As we're hooking up, she tells me that she likes to take things slow (biggest **** block ever). Whatever, I say "for sure, I'm not going to force you to do anything your uncomfortable with". So I finger her for a while (seem seemed to really be enjoying it, arching her back and stuff, breathing harder), and we continue making out a bunch. I expect that she'll at least touch my penis at some point but it never really happened, we just kinda eventually ended up cuddling naked and just talking for like an hour after we had hooked up for about an hour or so.

I guess my question is how do I progress things eventually. I've never had a girl that just didn't at least give me an hj or something. Also I'm 19 yrs old fwiw, so I get that this whole story may come off as semi-juvenille as I realize you guys are all most often used to having sex when you get a girl back in your room. I'm thinking this is more a product of me being young (and girls therefore just being more prude which is frustrating to no ends).

Last edited by TakingIt; 02-16-2013 at 03:35 PM.
02-16-2013 , 03:35 PM
Originally Posted by doomasiggy
Anybody seen BangWithFriends.Com?

like, dunno how funny/stupid this **** is.
ill 100% be doing this, just need to get wasted and have my friends encourage me first.
02-16-2013 , 03:41 PM
Originally Posted by TakingIt
Met a new girl a couple weeks ago at a pregame. She is really attractive, easily an objective 8, not even exaggerating (Just so cute and sexy great body). I just went up to her and a friend with a friend of mine and started talking to her. Things felt really natural, one of the most natural pick ups of my life. She was really into me...lots of great flirting and touching and such. We went to a bar after that and made out a bunch. I got her number obviously. Anyways so she invited me to her date party function (for her sorority) which happened last night. I had a great time for the most part, and im sure she did as well. Great night ended up bringing her back to my room...I get her clothes off and we're making out, things are starting to get pretty good, I think for sure I'm going to get it in at this point. As we're hooking up, she tells me that she likes to take things slow (biggest **** block ever). Whatever, I say "for sure, I'm not going to force you to do anything your uncomfortable with". So I finger her for a while (seem seemed to really be enjoying it, arching her back and stuff, breathing harder), and we continue making out a bunch. I expect that she'll at least touch my penis at some point but it never really happened, we just kinda eventually ended up cuddling naked and just talking for like an hour after we had hooked up for about an hour or so.

I guess my question is how do I progress things eventually. I've never had a girl that just didn't at least give me an hj or something. Also I'm 19 yrs old fwiw, so I get that this whole story may come off as semi-juvenille as I realize you guys are all most often used to having sex when you get a girl back in your room. I'm thinking this is more a product of me being young (and girls therefore just being more prude which is frustrating to no ends).
Dont sweat it, she has reservations. Are you sure she isnt a virgin or ever had a ONS?

If you dont **** up, you will end up there eventually.
02-16-2013 , 03:48 PM
Originally Posted by Spurious
Dont sweat it, she has reservations. Are you sure she isnt a virgin or ever had a ONS?

If you dont **** up, you will end up there eventually.
I really don't know that much about her. I think she had a boyfriend in high school so I would assume she's had sex before, also would be surprised if she doesn't have some experience with guys here in college just based on the fact that she's super attractive so I'm sure she gets approached a lot/ has opportunities.

But, thanks, I think I'll eventually get there as she really likes me...just frustrating as hell to get blue balled like that especially when I'm drunk and horny.
02-16-2013 , 04:30 PM
Originally Posted by JLBorloo
quote for excellent post and way to look at things.
Yeah I missed that post the first time. Pretty spot on and good advice.
02-16-2013 , 04:39 PM
Originally Posted by Henry17

I think I have solved this puzzle. You are not even close to intelligent, witty, or interesting. If that is what you are hoping for in a girl then you are trying to go way above you rank.
Let's say you're intelligent, witty, and interesting. To hope for such qualities in physically attractive females is often wishful thinking unless you're privy to a few social sets. Perhaps you are (I am) and that's what makes your advice so disingenuous: it's directed at someone who can't use it.

I suspect that aceman finds himself in club/bar settings replete with women who are not intelligent/witty/interesting and his inability to signal enough alpha vibes towards them makes things difficult for him.
02-16-2013 , 04:44 PM
It's quite hard to take you seriously when you say things like "I'm privy to the best social sets" and say "signal enough alpha vibes"
02-16-2013 , 04:44 PM
Originally Posted by Tien
Majority of guys out there are the most boring individuals to talk to.

I prefer talking with women on most subjects.
02-16-2013 , 04:45 PM
So in you world intelligent girls don't go to clubs?

Is this going to be some ******ed bull**** about how you need to meet all the smart girls are some stupid academic setting? If not I'm curious what social sets have a monopoly on intelligent, witty, and interesting girls?
02-16-2013 , 05:00 PM
Monopoly? Nice strawman.

Intelligent girls go to clubs. Intelligent girls who are physically attractive and available (for all but a small subset of club-going guys) are not commonly soused and horny at clubs. If you're expecting that being well-dressed, having confidence/being interesting and approachable will lead to success for guys that set the bar at this level, then I find it hard to take you seriously.
02-16-2013 , 05:01 PM
i have a hard time believing some people in this thread actually go out... you can definitely meet interesting intelligent girls at clubs/bars.
02-16-2013 , 05:01 PM
What do you feel is necessary then?
02-16-2013 , 05:38 PM
Originally Posted by YouFaiil
i have a hard time believing some people in this thread actually go out... you can definitely meet interesting intelligent girls at clubs/bars.
this depends on your area and venue itself. It isn't that hard to believe you cant find intelligent girls in some clubs.
02-16-2013 , 05:40 PM
More to the point, it's hard to believe you can find many intelligent people in certain clubs.
02-16-2013 , 06:29 PM
There are clubs where the majority of people in them male or female are idiots. Those are ****ty clubs and there is no reason to ever go to them unless that demographic has an appeal to you. These types of clubs are a real small segment of the total market. At good clubs you'll find a higher percentage of intelligent people than you would from a random sampling of society.
02-16-2013 , 06:29 PM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
I think a lot of people that aren't successful with women run into that - for me, it was a lot of typical "whyyyyy don't women like nice guys"
This doesn't have to be limited to girls only. The stnd "why always me" mentality and/or excuse (why am I not as lucky as XY, it is easy if you look like that etc.) could be found in most ppl's stories about themselves when they are not successful in some areas of life.

I always tried to distance myself from the "bad beat spammers" (kinda hard when some of your closest family members fall into this category). But it really fascinates me that some people just refuse to change their mind in this thread and still claim the same thing after multiple intelligent and well thought out answers that they received.

Although, it is your life and you do whatever you want- if you want to talk to people in clubs or any other venue, just do it, have fun and see what happens. In the beginning I found it pretty hard to talk to cute girls, but then I realized that if they say that they are not interested- no significant change happens.
But you always have the option not to go out, not talk to people and resume talking about how it would be different if you would look like Ryan Gosling, well you ****ing don' neither. Welcome to ****ing reality.
Whatever you decide good luck and have fun
02-16-2013 , 07:01 PM
Originally Posted by Henry17
There are clubs where the majority of people in them male or female are idiots. Those are ****ty clubs and there is no reason to ever go to them unless that demographic has an appeal to you. These types of clubs are a real small segment of the total market. At good clubs you'll find a higher percentage of intelligent people than you would from a random sampling of society.
I think it's a pretty large segment of the market, at least in terms of number of venues. I agree that they're easy to avoid though.
02-16-2013 , 10:04 PM
appropros of nothing, that girl i went out with just updated her pictures...these are more representative of what she looks like


Last edited by goofyballer; 02-17-2013 at 01:49 AM. Reason: image modification fail
02-17-2013 , 12:52 AM
Elbows tho
02-17-2013 , 01:02 AM
btw ill say this... when you live in 3rd world countries like jamaica, the attractive females are pretty much always highly educated, i honestly dont think there is much girls you can pass on the street down in my country who didn't go to the best high schools & eventually have their college degree who are deemed attractive

in poor countries people dont get by off of looks & attractive females are usually middle class+, atleast in my country which imo only adds to the frustration
