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"Ask Out A Girl" Thread: 2014 Year of the Petite Brunette and Pissing On Dudes "Ask Out A Girl" Thread: 2014 Year of the Petite Brunette and Pissing On Dudes

08-25-2012 , 01:54 AM
Originally Posted by Spurious
Striking up the common "problem" is one of the worst things to do imo.
Everyone knows the bar is packed, this is such an obvious move.

Just dont bother to do anything right there unless you come up with something clever. If you've waited with them in line, you can use this as a common denominator to strike up a conversation later on, when things are a lot more relaxed.
I think clever openers are overrated. Just say anything. I'm kinda with Custer on this, you can just say something pretty noncommittal and see what happens. A lot of the time you will have a 1m or so conversation and then just move on, but it makes it so much easier to chat them up (or their friends) later.

PUA people try too hard to 'separate themselves from other guys' with a clever opener. Makes more sense to me to separate yourself with superior style and sense of humour.
08-25-2012 , 02:19 AM
Originally Posted by LazyTops5
Thought Id tell this thread what I did today

I went down to church and took a vow that Im forever getting paid, then I heard on the radio on my way home that life is a beach so Im forever getting laid
08-25-2012 , 03:02 AM
Originally Posted by The-fryke
I think clever openers are overrated. Just say anything. I'm kinda with Custer on this, you can just say something pretty noncommittal and see what happens. A lot of the time you will have a 1m or so conversation and then just move on, but it makes it so much easier to chat them up (or their friends) later.

PUA people try too hard to 'separate themselves from other guys' with a clever opener. Makes more sense to me to separate yourself with superior style and sense of humour.
Maybe clever wasnt the word I was looking for, but dont have the conversation 84 other people in the queue have and if the girls are attractive, they will have that conversation twice (once with you and once with the guys behind/in front of them).

Your last paragraph seems to agree with me though. I think the same thing, but talking about mundane things like the length of the queue doesnt seperate you at all.

I think saying nothing is superior to saying something stupid (ldo). Make sure they recognize you while in line and strike something about later.
08-25-2012 , 03:10 AM
I think you're both saying the same thing. Have an interesting conversation.
08-25-2012 , 03:28 AM
Just wanted to hear your read on this situation:

Was at a bar a couple days ago. I went to grab some drinks at the bar, and as I was waiting, a girl came next to me, and asked "Are you talking to anyone at the bar?"

I wasn't, and she explained how she gets bored of waiting for her drinks at the bar, so she likes to talk to someone, and asked if I would like to be that one. She asked if I was celebrating anything special, told that she was having a bit of a farewell party, asked what I study, etc. The standard stuff.

I got my can of mojito, and we parted.

She wanted the P, right?
08-25-2012 , 03:34 AM
Most likely
08-25-2012 , 03:59 AM
Not necessarily, I think what she said was genuine. She probably left out the part where she explains how she only talks to "attractive" guys.
08-25-2012 , 04:41 AM
Originally Posted by LazyTops5
Thought Id tell this thread what I did today

I went down to church and took a vow that Im forever getting paid, then I heard on the radio on my way home that life is a beach so Im forever getting laid

I don't even need to know what garbage that is from to thumbs down it.
08-25-2012 , 06:24 AM
Originally Posted by aarono2690
Stop worrying. I'd let her set something. Picnic sounds like dog****. Maybe girls like that but seems weird to me this early on.
Oh lol, really? I did wonder whether its a bit early. But, nice spot that overlooks our town, our mutually favourite music on the ipod, a few cans and snacks. Thought it sounded pretty good, does it really suck?
08-25-2012 , 06:42 AM
mfw a girl asks me if I want to go out for a drink
08-25-2012 , 06:58 AM
It depends on the girl but I would never take a girl on a picnic.
08-25-2012 , 10:13 AM
I don't get it. whats so wrong with the picnic?
08-25-2012 , 10:52 AM
I actually see two issues.

1) Surprise -- never go on a surprise date unless it involves a private jet. A surprise date sucks for the girl who has no idea how to dress.

2) Picnics -- It just isn't something the vast majority of girls would be interested in. Picnics further are not like on TV. Lastly, it doesn't make a girl feel sexy.
08-25-2012 , 10:59 AM
Originally Posted by Henry17
I actually see two issues.

1) Surprise -- never go on a surprise date unless it involves a private jet. A surprise date sucks for the girl who has no idea how to dress.

2) Picnics -- It just isn't something the vast majority of girls would be interested in. Picnics further are not like on TV. Lastly, it doesn't make a girl feel sexy.
She isn't the sort to particularly worry too much about how to dress, part of what makes her attractive for me. Sure, all girls will worry to an extent, but with her I really can't see "omg omg what will I wear?!?!" being any more than minute's decision prior to any 'date' we have, firstly since it's still very casual between us, and secondly because, well, we're 22 and 24 respectively. Surely you have a pretty good grasp of your fashion style by now and a choice of what to wear is no more than narrowing down between a few garments, all of which should look good on you anyway since you own them.

With regards to 2), really?! A picnic is surely quite a typically romantic thing which women, if romantically interested in the guy, will surely respond positively to? I'm not sure what you mean by "not like on TV", but in my head it's relaxing in a nice setting with some drinks and music- something that my friends and I, and I'm sure friendship groups everywhere, will very often do in the summer and is really enjoyable.

Not trying to be argumentative here, since I was the one who asked for advice, just explaining how I see the situation.

Last edited by joist; 08-25-2012 at 11:05 AM.
08-25-2012 , 11:22 AM
Originally Posted by joist
She isn't the sort to particularly worry too much about how to dress, part of what makes her attractive for me.
First, you are likely overestimating how much she doesn't care. Everyone cares simply because they don't want to show up at a formal function showing cleavage and thigh and you don't want to show up at club dressed like a nun. Even the makeup she does will be impacted by what she expects the day will involve. Even something like you are taking her to see her favorite band/DJ throw a concert is going to require different clothing than you are taking her to a nice restaurant for a tasting menu.

Second, you think a girl who doesn't care is a positive but it is a huge negative.

With regards to 2), really?! A picnic is surely quite a typically romantic thing which women, if romantically interested in the guy, will surely respond positively to?
I'm not sure why picnics are romantic. TV and Victorian literature tells us they are so I'll just agree that they are. The issue though is whether romance is the feeling you want to be going for on a third date? Romantic is something I consider for relationship activities but something I'd really try to avoid for dating.

I'm not sure what you mean by "not like on TV",
On TV there are no bugs, the temperature is perfect, the couple is still near the city but yet completely isolated, they don't forget anything, the ground is perfectly even so the wine never spills, and the basket is much lighter than it is in reality.

Not trying to be argumentative here, since I was the one who asked for advice, just explaining how I see the situation.
I don't know the girl so I could be completely wrong for this girl but I have a rule of never taking girls on dates where there is no temperature control.
08-25-2012 , 11:36 AM
Originally Posted by Henry17
First, you are likely overestimating how much she doesn't care. Everyone cares simply because they don't want to show up at a formal function showing cleavage and thigh and you don't want to show up at club dressed like a nun. Even the makeup she does will be impacted by what she expects the day will involve. Even something like you are taking her to see her favorite band/DJ throw a concert is going to require different clothing than you are taking her to a nice restaurant for a tasting menu.

Second, you think a girl who doesn't care is a positive but it is a huge negative.

I'm not sure why picnics are romantic. TV and Victorian literature tells us they are so I'll just agree that they are. The issue though is whether romance is the feeling you want to be going for on a third date? Romantic is something I consider for relationship activities but something I'd really try to avoid for dating.

On TV there are no bugs, the temperature is perfect, the couple is still near the city but yet completely isolated, they don't forget anything, the ground is perfectly even so the wine never spills, and the basket is much lighter than it is in reality.

I don't know the girl so I could be completely wrong for this girl but I have a rule of never taking girls on dates where there is no temperature control.
Fair points but with regards to the bolded, I don't mean she literally doesn't care. She just appears to care less than many girls I have met, while still looking incredibly good, probably better actually than girls who spend 3 hours getting ready.

Agree that I'm not sure whether it may be too typically 'romantic', that's something I wanted advice on here.

Not sure that the picnic hamper or whatever is an issue. I'm not talking full blown banquet, just a few drinks and some snacks. Obviously if you're planning a picnic then for it to be optimal you choose a place where you can set the blanket out flat. I'm not going to turn up at a random sloping hill and watch everything tumble down it. Temperature control of course I agree with but again, I've got a bit more nous than to plough on with the picnic idea if it's lashing with rain.

I do agree about the expectation of how to dress though. Might have to address that. Though after 2 dates of going for drinks, I can't imagine that she's expecting to be whisked off to a ball in a château.
08-25-2012 , 11:40 AM
Yeah I'm in the "picnic is a bad date" camp.
08-25-2012 , 02:00 PM
IME, although the few picnic dates I've had were a bit inconvenient as far as basket weight/bugs, whichever girl I was seeing on them were never more turned on than those particular dates, so I say if it's 3rd date+ and you've already made physical contact, go for it
08-25-2012 , 02:29 PM
Originally Posted by Jabonator

She wanted the P, right?

I've pretty much given up on trying to determine if a girl truly wants the D. I will just say it jokingly to anyone who has some short contact with a girl. There's literally no way to tell what her intentions were based off of that short contact.
08-25-2012 , 02:44 PM
A loaf of bread, a jug of wine, and thou
Beside me singing in the Wilderness –
Ah, wilderness we're in paradise now!
-dude who really loved picnics
08-25-2012 , 04:53 PM
Originally Posted by CCuster_911
Another way to start up a conversation if you dont think you can just strike up conversation and interject yourself is to bring up a common topic about the situation you are in. For example I have talked to a few girls before when the bar is packed and we are sort of waiting for a clearance to move to a different part of the bar. You can strike up and say something about how packed the bar is, whether funny or whatever, then after a couple lines introduce yourself. You dont have to continue talking to them you cna break away, but you planted a seed which is always good. later if you see them at the bar again(like ordering a drink or on the dancefloor) your conversation will start easier.

Other topics can be the bartender taking a long time to serve/a fight that happened earlier in the night/funny karaoke being sung/old school song played by DJ/etc.
This is why sports bars are awesome.

Originally Posted by Burdzthewurd
IME, although the few picnic dates I've had were a bit inconvenient as far as basket weight/bugs, whichever girl I was seeing on them were never more turned on than those particular dates, so I say if it's 3rd date+ and you've already made physical contact, go for it
I remember you bitching HARD about your last picnic date fwiw.

I'm a fan of picnic dates as long as you have a really solid spot staked out. A park where there will be lots of people is not a spot. Also, although this may be popular, I'm pretty heavily against it being a surprise date. Sure, some aspects of it can be a surprise (anything from menu to location to any extras), but making the whole thing seem like a big surprise is a little cheesy. You can still get the positive aspects that you're aiming for by surprising her by being clever/thoughtful in other ways.

I def don't default to "picnic date" though, not by any means.
08-25-2012 , 05:02 PM
I think picnic is a pretty good date for most girls.
I just cant see myself sitting on the ground. And picnics arent my cup of tea.
But obviously announce it beforehand to her.
08-25-2012 , 05:06 PM
Are you too good to sit on a blanket?
08-25-2012 , 05:17 PM
Random thought for joist:

Lets just assume that she would like a picnic and that everything would go smoothly. I think telling her the date is a surprise and then taking her on a picnic is going to be a huge disappointment for her. Its not that she doesn't like picnics, its just that telling her its a surprise is going to make her expect something much better imo.
08-25-2012 , 05:40 PM
Originally Posted by Vintage00
Are you too good to sit on a blanket?
I hate it, it's really uncomfortable.
