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"Ask Out A Girl" Thread: 2014 Year of the Petite Brunette and Pissing On Dudes "Ask Out A Girl" Thread: 2014 Year of the Petite Brunette and Pissing On Dudes

02-27-2010 , 02:00 AM
women drivers.
02-27-2010 , 02:02 AM
Originally Posted by yeotaJMU
what are you thinking? she is clearly not capable of a relaxed dating environment, are you just toying with her (thats cool if you are im just curious)? are you just going out as friends? are you fishing for me to tell you that i dont care if you hook up (i dont)?

shes just a psycho.
Originally Posted by yeotaJMU
karak- if you hook up with MF i will personally kick you in the ballsack 100 times.

she is pretty cute though. a little petite for my liking, and confirmed bat**** crazy.
yeah sounds about right karak
02-27-2010 , 02:33 AM
i picked the right karak to read.
02-27-2010 , 02:56 AM
Another Karak TR coming straight at ya boys. Here's the issue here: where did I go wrong? Did I mess up? Was I just ****ed from the beginning? Warning: I am drunk as I write this.

So my friend comes over and he and I head downtown to one of the main club scenes. We get in the club and I slam back 3-4 drinks (had been drinking at home too) and get pretty drunk.

We conceive a story: he has been dating a girl for 2 months now. They went on 6-7+ dates (and had sex every time). She asked him if it was ok if she went "water skiing" with her "Best friend forever." This is a guy she knew from 6th grade on and dated for 3 years in high school. They reconnected in college and she is going on vacation with him and his family. My friend said, "I don't know" and she flipped out. He doesn't know what to do. if you haven't caught on at this point, this entire story is fake.

We are walking through the club and I spot 2 girls who came in together: one is short, fat and relatively unattractive. The other is tall and smoking ****ing hot. I know I'm drunk, but this girl is an 8-9 minimum. Really gorgeous. I tell my friend we are approaching them as we are walking near and without hesitation I walk up saying "HEY litsen let's ask tehse girls what they think" and my friend goes "no no no dude don't do that oh come on **** are you serious?"

and i ask the girls if they will give me an opinion on something, they readily agree and i unload the whole story on them. my friend the entire time is "protesting" and "embarrassed"

we have a long ass convo with the girls. the hot, tall chick starts touching me on the shoulder and back the whole time she is talking to me. her fat friend quickly brings up the tall chick's boyfriend, and the tall chick tells me about her boyfriend. she tells me he is 33 (she's 24) and is in "sales" (which means he's poor). she is a staffer for a temp agency (lol).

we talk for a while, and the tall girl keeps touching me, but the fat chick is being a total bitch to me and my friend. all of a sudden the tall girl disappears to get a drink and the fat chic kwith her. i bail with my friend and tell him we'll run into them later.

my friend goes to the bathroom adn i "run into" the two girls again. we talk about my friends "situation" and then they split. the whole time the tall girl is talking to me she's dancing a little. there's a dance floor (sunken in) like 20 feet away

my buddy gets back and we approach the 2 girls. im talking to the tall chick and we are talking about where she is from (MA) and it turns into a discussion of red sox v yankees (she's a sox fan. im obv a yanks fan.) she is touching me, putting her arm around me, touching my back, leaning close in. i mean it's like a done deal. i look at the tall chick and go "let's go" and nod towards the dance floor. she says "i gotta finish my drink first" (no drinks allowed on the dance floor) and the fat chick goes "WE NEED TO GO TO THE BATHROOM BUT WE'LL DANCW ITH YOU GUYS WHEN WE GET BACK"

they come back and head to teh ance floor on their own. i tell my buddy we cant just follow them... we need to "run into" them again. so we enter the dance floor from the other side and "run into" them. i start dancing with them, but the fat chick is being a pain in the ass. i tell her my buddy needs someone to dance with him sohe gets over his girl issue (fat girl was of the opinion he needs to get over the girl), and she goes "oh i have a boyfriend i cant" i start to cozy up to teh tall chick adn she seems into dancing with me and the fat chick goes "SHE HAS A BOYFRIEND TOO SHE CANT DANCE EITHER. SHE AND I HAVE TO DANCE TOGETHER" and then the tall chick backs off and dances with the fat girl. i have no idea what to do at this point (really awkward moment) so i just bail with my friend.

where did i go wrong and what do i do better next time. go.
02-27-2010 , 03:00 AM
btw as if matters werent bad enough, my phone (in my pocket) just called MF. i heard her voicemail talking from my pocket and was like OH ****

i ended the call and quickly texted her "my phone called you without my consent. i definitely did NOT mean to call you just now."
02-27-2010 , 03:01 AM
you need your friend to jump on the grenade
02-27-2010 , 03:03 AM
Originally Posted by TurnUpTheSun
you need your friend to jump on the grenade
he tried and she all "I HAVE A BOYFRIEND BACK OFF"'d him

i wanted to be like girl whoever your boyfriend is he can't be nearly as good looking as my friend here because who would date you
02-27-2010 , 03:05 AM
LOL. Girls be girls sometimes, imo.
02-27-2010 , 03:32 AM
Need advice BADLY--

We'll call this girl "B". I've thought she was cute since meeting her freshman year when we had a class together. We are well socially connected so I run into her a reasonable amount and we've always had semi-flirty banter. She's conservative, I've historically been kind of a player (again not really but by her standards probably).

Anyways, I've turned over a new leaf. I'm ready to actually date someone. I've never really asked her out or hung out one on one with her (a) because she's really well connected to me if I got shot down and (b) she's hard to read. I was like 90% sure but never 100% until tonight.

About 1230 tonight I get a text from a number I don't recognize saying I should come to bar XXXX. I was already there so I reply to that effect and ask who it is. I see her smile about 15ft away from me, reply, and I get a text 5 seconds later so I know it was B.

The problem? She's with C, a random 6 I chatted up last week after she approached me and was REALLY into me. So the whole night I'm juggling these two, C is still REALLY into me, and I'm trying to be friendly while making my intentions semi-known to B. At this point I'm 99% sure that B likes me.

Fortunately, I ended the night a semi-hero as B thought she lost her jacket, I went to look for it and found it. Ship it. But more generally, how to proceed here with 2 friends that both like me?
02-27-2010 , 03:33 AM
just go after B

C is only going to help you (uninetntionally on her part)

date B, but if she and C are together in a social situation, make them compete for your attention. let C win a little, but dont piss B off. it's a delicate balancing act, but im confident you can pull it off.
02-27-2010 , 03:42 AM
wouldnt be surprised if B texted you tomorrow or monday a standard "nice seeing you" or something. forget C exists. C only exists to make your life harder.
02-27-2010 , 03:51 AM
lol that's too mean i dlete it
02-27-2010 , 04:27 AM
like karak said use them together to your advantage. maybe B never really liked you until C started talking about you.

Originally Posted by GoodGame

anyways i'm hanging out with the girl i like tonight (the one who had a huge defense wall up). prob going to dinner with some of my friends and then going somewhere to drink. i'm 100% not getting laid but i'll update later anyways
this went really well. i actually went to her house and just hungout there for a couple of hours. she lives with her parents so i had to meet them. that part kinda sucked but it went better than any other time i've met parents. oh she finally asked me what i do for a living. that was awkward i was like gahh i hate this question but i'm surprised you made it this long without asking. i told her i play poker online but it's not how u see on tv or in movies, it feels like a real job. i told her i hate talking about it because most ppl are to dumb to understand and think i have an addiction when really it's the opposite i'm to lazy when it comes to playing. she didn't ask any follow up questions which was weird, i think she didn't want to look dumb.

but ya we have plans to hang out on sunday. gameplan is to get lunch together and take my nephew to this pretty cool park. it has like a huge "fort" that kids can play on. i'm pretty sure we're like one or two dates away from being in a relationship so i prob won't have any other TR's to contribute, although i haven't posted much lately anyways

Last edited by GoodGame; 02-27-2010 at 04:52 AM. Reason: added the poker convo part
02-27-2010 , 04:39 AM
Originally Posted by GoodGame
like karak said use them together to your advantage. maybe B never really liked you until C started talking about you.

this went really well. i actually went to her house and just hungout there for a couple of hours. she lives with her parents so i had to meet them. that part kinda sucked but it went better than any other time i've met parents. we're hanging out on sunday.

gameplan is to get lunch together and take my nephew to this pretty cool park. it has like a huge "fort" that kids can play on. i'm pretty sure we're like one or two dates away from being in a relationship so i prob won't have any other TR's to contribute, although i haven't posted much lately anyways
good to hear man, congrats
02-27-2010 , 06:09 AM
Originally Posted by Karak
Another Karak TR coming straight at ya boys. Here's the issue here: where did I go wrong? Did I mess up? Was I just ****ed from the beginning? Warning: I am drunk as I write this.

So my friend comes over and he and I head downtown to one of the main club scenes. We get in the club and I slam back 3-4 drinks (had been drinking at home too) and get pretty drunk.

We conceive a story: he has been dating a girl for 2 months now. They went on 6-7+ dates (and had sex every time). She asked him if it was ok if she went "water skiing" with her "Best friend forever." This is a guy she knew from 6th grade on and dated for 3 years in high school. They reconnected in college and she is going on vacation with him and his family. My friend said, "I don't know" and she flipped out. He doesn't know what to do. if you haven't caught on at this point, this entire story is fake.

We are walking through the club and I spot 2 girls who came in together: one is short, fat and relatively unattractive. The other is tall and smoking ****ing hot. I know I'm drunk, but this girl is an 8-9 minimum. Really gorgeous. I tell my friend we are approaching them as we are walking near and without hesitation I walk up saying "HEY litsen let's ask tehse girls what they think" and my friend goes "no no no dude don't do that oh come on **** are you serious?"

and i ask the girls if they will give me an opinion on something, they readily agree and i unload the whole story on them. my friend the entire time is "protesting" and "embarrassed"

we have a long ass convo with the girls. the hot, tall chick starts touching me on the shoulder and back the whole time she is talking to me. her fat friend quickly brings up the tall chick's boyfriend, and the tall chick tells me about her boyfriend. she tells me he is 33 (she's 24) and is in "sales" (which means he's poor). she is a staffer for a temp agency (lol).

we talk for a while, and the tall girl keeps touching me, but the fat chick is being a total bitch to me and my friend. all of a sudden the tall girl disappears to get a drink and the fat chic kwith her. i bail with my friend and tell him we'll run into them later.

my friend goes to the bathroom adn i "run into" the two girls again. we talk about my friends "situation" and then they split. the whole time the tall girl is talking to me she's dancing a little. there's a dance floor (sunken in) like 20 feet away

my buddy gets back and we approach the 2 girls. im talking to the tall chick and we are talking about where she is from (MA) and it turns into a discussion of red sox v yankees (she's a sox fan. im obv a yanks fan.) she is touching me, putting her arm around me, touching my back, leaning close in. i mean it's like a done deal. i look at the tall chick and go "let's go" and nod towards the dance floor. she says "i gotta finish my drink first" (no drinks allowed on the dance floor) and the fat chick goes "WE NEED TO GO TO THE BATHROOM BUT WE'LL DANCW ITH YOU GUYS WHEN WE GET BACK"

they come back and head to teh ance floor on their own. i tell my buddy we cant just follow them... we need to "run into" them again. so we enter the dance floor from the other side and "run into" them. i start dancing with them, but the fat chick is being a pain in the ass. i tell her my buddy needs someone to dance with him sohe gets over his girl issue (fat girl was of the opinion he needs to get over the girl), and she goes "oh i have a boyfriend i cant" i start to cozy up to teh tall chick adn she seems into dancing with me and the fat chick goes "SHE HAS A BOYFRIEND TOO SHE CANT DANCE EITHER. SHE AND I HAVE TO DANCE TOGETHER" and then the tall chick backs off and dances with the fat girl. i have no idea what to do at this point (really awkward moment) so i just bail with my friend.

where did i go wrong and what do i do better next time. go.
ime there's a key to approaching attractive girl + ugly girl. when you first make contact, ugly girl will doubtlessly start generating negativity when male eyes and attention shift to her immediate right. that's why if there's a cute girl + ugly girl, or semi-group situation, make small talk with the ugly girl. believe me they'll either have a sense of flattery (o wow i'm usually batting 8th or 9th and now i'm leadoff)... or she'll just be negative anyway, in which case idk what else to do.

but after 15 mins or whenever and you're meshing with smalltalk, start shifting attention and questions to attractive girl. ideally ugly girl will feel less ignored/PO'd/bitchy, but even if she sees you start focusing in on the main event (attractive girl), it's hard for her to all of a sudden generate negative, dodgy energy without coming across as a moody c***.

my ex had like 3 different bff's (she was attractive, her 3 stooges were not) and i'm very confident in this logic

other than that sounds like you played it pretty standard, sometimes the designated vibe-killers are just unbeatable
02-27-2010 , 10:38 AM
update: So the girl and I have gone on two dates thus far and last night I asked her if she wanted to hang at my place and she said she would love to. So she gets here and we talk for a little and then end up watching a movie ( Requiem for a dream) and then after the movie we start to get busy and are making out and eventually hook-up. I was the aggressor and she fed off that and told me it was a turn on. It was a good night overall. Also, what are the rules, if any, for TR's? I was gonna type a more detailed TR but didn't know if anyone would care to read it and if it would be too graphic lol.
02-27-2010 , 11:03 AM
Originally Posted by socalsucka
update: So the girl and I have gone on two dates thus far and last night I asked her if she wanted to hang at my place and she said she would love to. So she gets here and we talk for a little and then end up watching a movie ( Requiem for a dream) and then after the movie we start to get busy and are making out and eventually hook-up. I was the aggressor and she fed off that and told me it was a turn on. It was a good night overall. Also, what are the rules, if any, for TR's? I was gonna type a more detailed TR but didn't know if anyone would care to read it and if it would be too graphic lol.
Haha...Requiem for a Dream, talk about a mood-setter. WTF.

Nice job closing the deal in any case.
02-27-2010 , 11:10 AM
Only because i'm australian and we have different meanings for words etc etc. When you say 'hook-up' do you mean secksy time or mouth to mouth action?
02-27-2010 , 12:49 PM
he said it went from making out to hooking up. err.. nice choice with the suicide movie btw.
02-27-2010 , 01:07 PM
Originally Posted by bonsaltron
ime there's a key to approaching attractive girl + ugly girl. when you first make contact, ugly girl will doubtlessly start generating negativity when male eyes and attention shift to her immediate right. that's why if there's a cute girl + ugly girl, or semi-group situation, make small talk with the ugly girl. believe me they'll either have a sense of flattery (o wow i'm usually batting 8th or 9th and now i'm leadoff)... or she'll just be negative anyway, in which case idk what else to do.

but after 15 mins or whenever and you're meshing with smalltalk, start shifting attention and questions to attractive girl. ideally ugly girl will feel less ignored/PO'd/bitchy, but even if she sees you start focusing in on the main event (attractive girl), it's hard for her to all of a sudden generate negative, dodgy energy without coming across as a moody c***.

my ex had like 3 different bff's (she was attractive, her 3 stooges were not) and i'm very confident in this logic

other than that sounds like you played it pretty standard, sometimes the designated vibe-killers are just unbeatable
This sounds really effective come to think of it. I can't believe I had never thought of this before.
02-27-2010 , 01:11 PM
It's what we did too, honestly. The attractive girl said maybe 4 words in the first 5-10 mins of convo. The fat friend was totally dominating everything. Eventually I roped the attractive girl in. Maybe I should have laid it on thick with the fat girl rather than just entertaining her conversation.
02-27-2010 , 01:21 PM
Woke up this morning and my friend (wingman from last night) had emailed me this video:

how AWFUL lol
02-27-2010 , 02:07 PM
Originally Posted by Karak
It's what we did too, honestly. The attractive girl said maybe 4 words in the first 5-10 mins of convo. The fat friend was totally dominating everything. Eventually I roped the attractive girl in. Maybe I should have laid it on thick with the fat girl rather than just entertaining her conversation.
It sounds like she was pretty determined to wreck you. Sometimes a mother hen is along that just isn't going to let you have your fun.
02-27-2010 , 03:26 PM
Originally Posted by Karak
It's what we did too, honestly. The attractive girl said maybe 4 words in the first 5-10 mins of convo. The fat friend was totally dominating everything. Eventually I roped the attractive girl in. Maybe I should have laid it on thick with the fat girl rather than just entertaining her conversation.
Sometimes the grenade just has it out to spoil all the fun. There's really not much you can do in that situation.
02-27-2010 , 04:17 PM
By the way, is there an optimal genre of movie I should push tonight when the girl comes over? I mean, dude's TR with Requiem for a Dream above shows that you can get some no matter what you pick if the girl comes over wanting it, but I just wondered if there's a direction to steer toward that's optimal if I don't really know the girl's tastes at all. Maybe comedy? I've got a pretty expansive collection of DVDs/Blu-rays with all eras and genres.

And yes, unlike the other girl I'm pretty damn sure this one will sit next to me since we'll be sharing a bottle of wine and all (I'll set some cheese out too), pretty much forces both of us to the couch in front of the coffee table.
