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"Ask Out A Girl" Thread: 2014 Year of the Petite Brunette and Pissing On Dudes "Ask Out A Girl" Thread: 2014 Year of the Petite Brunette and Pissing On Dudes

02-12-2010 , 12:58 PM
Why wouldn't you call it post? I suppose you want us to call it mail or something silly

Little update on my situation with C. Saw girl C in a class today where we had to decide groups of 2 - 5 for projects. She was already sitting next to friends in the corner but I got a seat a few seats away. I signalled to her that we should go do the same topic so we get in the same group. We tried to get into the same group but some silly french girl wanted to do the same topic that we wanted to do so we gave up and went our separate ways. I got stuck with the kid who never speaks in the corner and some new canadian girl lol.

On the way out of class together she apologised for not getting in the same group as me. I was like no worries. She then said she'd have to spend 45 minutes waiting for the bus or walk home. I suggested we go to happy hour for a drink but she didn't want to. I don't really know her well enough to tell if shes the sort to go have a drink in a probably crowded bar. Somewhere in the conversation she has invited me to live with her and a group of friends next year if my application to study for a year abroad in America or Canada fails. She decided to walk home so we hugged and she left.

I think I'm putting C on the cooler for the moment, if there's a possibility of me living with her next year I'm definitely going slowly if at all. Time to go after that wounded gazelle A imo.
02-12-2010 , 01:01 PM
Somewhere in the conversation she has invited me to live with her and a group of friends next year if my application to study for a year abroad in America or Canada fails.
this does not look good imo
02-12-2010 , 01:03 PM
lol gl

that reminded me of a story. Probably early... 4th (of 4.5) year of college? This was just before I started dating my most recent ex. There was another girl I was interested in at the same time, and I used to drive her home from class (we had one class at this satellite building far from the main campus) after school every day along with another couple girls. The other 2 girls I usually drive had their own ride, so I was just taking this one girl I was interested in. I was thinking about asking her out sometime soonish.

As we stop at campus she goes, "So... I don't have anything to do for lunch."
"Oh, yeah?"
"Yeah. Are you doing anything for lunch right now?"
Here's the thing you guys need to understand. I had to take a **** like you couldn't believe. Like I was holding it back with all my might at the very moment I was talking to her. I'm taking one of the explosive, violent horrible ones you dread. This was just awful. I couldn't think straight, and I didn't know what to say.
"Yeah. I'm going to go home and made a sandwich for myself to eat."
"Oh... ok... bye."

And that was the end of that.
02-12-2010 , 01:07 PM
Originally Posted by Flyingbanana
I suggested we go to happy hour for a drink but she didn't want to.
wtf is her problem lol
02-12-2010 , 01:08 PM
Originally Posted by LT22
this does not look good imo
Yeah that's what I thought, that's why I'm not going to do much in that direction now probably.

Perhaps I should introduce girl D to the thread soon.
02-12-2010 , 01:09 PM
Originally Posted by Karak
"Yeah. I'm going to go home and made a sandwich for myself to eat."
haha yea you might come off a little weird after saying that. def been in that situation tho
02-12-2010 , 01:54 PM
Originally Posted by Karak
lol gl

that reminded me of a story. Probably early... 4th (of 4.5) year of college? This was just before I started dating my most recent ex. There was another girl I was interested in at the same time, and I used to drive her home from class (we had one class at this satellite building far from the main campus) after school every day along with another couple girls. The other 2 girls I usually drive had their own ride, so I was just taking this one girl I was interested in. I was thinking about asking her out sometime soonish.

As we stop at campus she goes, "So... I don't have anything to do for lunch."
"Oh, yeah?"
"Yeah. Are you doing anything for lunch right now?"
Here's the thing you guys need to understand. I had to take a **** like you couldn't believe. Like I was holding it back with all my might at the very moment I was talking to her. I'm taking one of the explosive, violent horrible ones you dread. This was just awful. I couldn't think straight, and I didn't know what to say.
"Yeah. I'm going to go home and made a sandwich for myself to eat."
"Oh... ok... bye."

And that was the end of that.
Meh, I'd roll the dice on going somewhere w/ her then insta going to the bathroom and trying to get it out quick, or at least being able to laugh at yourself if all else fails. Funny story though!
02-12-2010 , 02:03 PM
I mean I realize you had to poop, but come up with something for god sakes. drop her off and say that you gotta make a phone call or take a shower and say that you'll pick her up in 15 minutes.
02-12-2010 , 03:13 PM
Well somehow this thread exploded when I wasn't looking, but I'm in now. Play on.
02-12-2010 , 03:24 PM
Originally Posted by Stinger88
or at least being able to laugh at yourself if all else fails.
if all else fails....i don't know if i could just laugh it off that easily
02-12-2010 , 03:41 PM
Originally Posted by thebigeasy59
I mean I realize you had to poop, but come up with something for god sakes. drop her off and say that you gotta make a phone call or take a shower and say that you'll pick her up in 15 minutes.
Can you think straight when you are holding back an explosive **** with the last thread of your willpower? Because I can't.

Either way, I started dating a more attractive girl 2 weeks later, so it's fine, haha.

This story is also like 3 years in the past too. I was still an arrogant SOB back then, but I was fat and not as aloof with women.
02-12-2010 , 04:31 PM
Originally Posted by WonThyme
Well, it can't have gone any more perfect so far!

Popped to the reception about 1pm to see if she'd picked it up. She hadn't. I send her a text that was probably about as subtle as a brick along the lines of "oh I was just getting post and saw xxxx on the list, I presume that's you!"

About an hour later I get a text, and i quote - "It's amazing! :-) I literally sat there dumbstuck! :-) I can't believe you xxx <3"
And her Fb status is now, '...has been reminded through the post why she loves Valentine's time so much".

Perfect! She knows it's a subtle Valentines thing, she loved it and didnt find it creepy, and I'm not going to reply to her text, instead just wait to see her tonight

Ok, off to pre drinks! Whether I report back at around 3am tommorow morning depends on just how well it goes tonight.
02-12-2010 , 04:37 PM
won thyme dealerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
02-12-2010 , 05:31 PM
Originally Posted by Flyingbanana
Somewhere in the conversation she has invited me to live with her and a group of friends next year if my application to study for a year abroad in America or Canada fails. She decided to walk home so we hugged and she left.

I think I'm putting C on the cooler for the moment, if there's a possibility of me living with her next year I'm definitely going slowly if at all.
From personal experience I'll say this:
If you're going to live with this girl, don't ever do anything with her. ****ing a girl that you're on a lease with is such a cluster****. I can't even begin to explain how bad things can get. Just DON'T DO IT! and if you do please don't move in with her...

Originally Posted by WonThyme
Ok, off to pre drinks! Whether I report back at around 3am tommorow morning depends on just how well it goes tonight.
This shold be a lock GL SIR!!
02-12-2010 , 06:11 PM
Originally Posted by Dankenstein
From personal experience I'll say this:
If you're going to live with this girl, don't ever do anything with her. ****ing a girl that you're on a lease with is such a cluster****. I can't even begin to explain how bad things can get. Just DON'T DO IT! and if you do please don't move in with her...
talking from experience? sounds like there should be a story here.
02-12-2010 , 06:47 PM
Ok. When I transferred to my current university, I didn't know anyone and needed to find a place to stay within a month. I have a dog so it needed to be a place that allows large breed dogs (My dog is 65lbs for what it's worth).

Anyway, I met some people through I found one girl who had a 2/2 apartment right next to the campus. She had a big dog which got along great with my dog, and the apartment complex had really good reviews and ratings. It was a good setup. So I moved in with her.

The girl was about 2 years younger than me, and an easy 9. Honestly one of the hottest girls I have met in my life. It turned out that later she ended up getting recruited by some modeling firm, but not a whole lot came of it in the end.

We started living together and things were going well at first. I was obviously very attracted to her, but a bit hesitant to get involved. Eventually we did get involved, and dated for a little bit. After a while, things just didn't work out and it really was impossible for us to live together. Unfortunately, when you're both contractually bound by a LEASE it makes things pretty difficult. Luckily, we were able to work out a deal with our apartment complex about a MONTH AFTER WE BROKE UP to move into individual single units within the complex. But the last month that we lived together was unnecessarily terrible. Could you imagine living with an ex right after you broke up ? Obviously we both needed space, following the breakup and since we couldn't get that things degraded REALLY fast and got pretty bad. Also, another thing about dating someone you're living with is that living with another person in itself is a big relationship killer if you haven't been together with each other for very long. I'm pretty confident that if we didn't have to see each other all the time like a married couple or whatever things might have been a bit better.
02-12-2010 , 06:49 PM
blah blah blah pics?
02-12-2010 , 06:57 PM
There is no way I'm putting pictures up of her. I wouldn't disrespect her like that. In fact, I saw her the other day, and we agreed to go to the dogpark together soon. Obviously very little will probably come of it, but I wouldn't mind being friends again or whatever and she is definitely not completely out of my life not that that would really make much of a difference. The only reason why I feel comfortable posting the story is because there is a certain degree of anonymity here.

Also, the only reason why how attractive she is is relevant is that if anyone else is going to live with a female they better make damn sure that they aren't attracted to her at all. I thought I could keep it in check at first, but I quickly degraded into really wanting to **** the **** out of my roommate.
02-12-2010 , 07:04 PM
I visited a girl over the summer who was subleasing from some guy she knew. He said it was fine for me to come and crash there for a couple days. She was living there for 6ish months or so. He was letting her sublease for next to nothing, so I assumed he was trying to get with her. Indeed he was, and indeed he failed, constantly. She had no interest in him what-so-ever.

While I was visiting her, she and I hooked up. He was not pleased. In fact the rest of the weekend I stayed there he wouldn't respond to me any time I tried to initiate conversation. I'm nearly certain he doesn't know matter-of-factly that she and I hooked up (he was actually not at the house at the time), but the 3/4s empty bottle of liquor + the way she and I interacted the rest of the weekend had to tip him off. I left early cause I couldn't stand the awkwardness.

That's a huge point of not living with a girl you like or dated. When she comes home with other dudes, can you imagine sitting through that? Listening to or being aware that your ex is banging another dude 20 feet from you in the same house would honestly be the most savage thing ever.
02-12-2010 , 07:15 PM
i live in a house with 6 girls and a guy. the guy clearly has a thing for one of the girls lol.
02-12-2010 , 07:16 PM
Originally Posted by Karak
That's a huge point of not living with a girl you like or dated. When she comes home with other dudes, can you imagine sitting through that? Listening to or being aware that your ex is banging another dude 20 feet from you in the same house would honestly be the most savage thing ever.
This X1million. like a week after we broke up she started hooking up with a guy she works with. I left for like a week and when I came back I found his ****ing motorcycle helmet in my living room. I was so pissed off. The whole thing was irrational, but I was so incredibly mad/upset it was unbelievable. Luckily they were both at work when I got home. Otherwise I definitely might have flipped on them. Like I said above you need space after you break up and when you're both on a lease together getting that space is next to impossible.
02-12-2010 , 07:27 PM
How about this for creepo stalker ex? The ex of D (first girl from the beginning of the semester who i hooked up with for a little bit but then cut it off with) adds on facebook every guy she is tagged in a photo with. I'm not kidding. If you are tagged in a photo with her, he friends you on facebook with no explanation.

I usually as a rule untag every photo of me as soon as it hits FB, but we (D and I) decided the next time I'm tagged in a photo with her, I'm gunna let it stay up. No one else he adds has the balls to say anything, but I fully plan on responding to his friend add with a message that says "HOLY **** DUDE DO YOU REALIZE HOW CREEPY WHAT YOU ARE DOING IS? FRIEND REQUEST: DEEEEEEENIED."

Removing him from FB is awk. She removed a lot of his access to her profile, and he responded by posting on the walls of all her friends and her sister. Nothing threatening, just stuff like "hey! haven't heard from you in a while. how are you? :-)" and he was texting her sister.

D assures me this guy has the personality of a kitten and is completely passive and harmless (and honestly I believe her), but holy **** dude. do you really think this will work out? yeah you dated her for 4+ years, but you've been done for over a year now. leave it alone bro. she ain't coming back.

Last edited by Karak; 02-12-2010 at 07:43 PM.
02-12-2010 , 07:30 PM
WOW... There are no words....

The guy is really just torturing himself
02-12-2010 , 07:33 PM
Originally Posted by gringo_grinder
if all else fails....i don't know if i could just laugh it off that easily
By 'all else failing' I meant him being in the bathroom for 15-20 minutes, not ****ting his pants, knew I shoulda made that clear lol
02-12-2010 , 07:44 PM
Originally Posted by Stinger88
By 'all else failing' I meant him being in the bathroom for 15-20 minutes, not ****ting his pants, knew I shoulda made that clear lol
i cant even begin to explain to you how imminent the evacuation was. i really had like 2 minutes tops. you cannot expect any man to think rationally in that situation.
