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Living with non gamblers... Living with non gamblers...

12-08-2011 , 12:05 AM
Originally Posted by BreakYaNeck
With my mom shes says one of two things ALWAYS

When I lose: "See your luck isnt going to be good forever. You should quit while your ahead and put the money in the bank." Obviously my response is "Lol ok mom whatever you say"

When I win: "When are you going to teach me how to play? You seem to make alot of money from poker." My response "Mom Im just lucky remember"

Yeah dude how docked is it?! And I get tired of people assuming that playing poker is "gambling" I get this massive speech off people that I tell I play poker, and they're like you know it's back. As their halfway through their ****ing bottle of vodka. Irony is a bitch.
12-11-2011 , 10:58 PM
My main group of friends at university is not from playing poker but everyone knows I do well without me having to tell them. The best thing is if they can see the results of you doing well (if you are) by how you behave or the things you have bought, without you talking about it. If they see you living comfortably from just poker then they will get it quite quickly. A few try to talk poker with me even though they don't play and don't know much about the game but that is just conversation and isn't that bad, if a bit cringey.

I don't know where you guys find these people, who as soon as they know you make money from poker want you to pay for everything. They don't seem that smart or those aren't the right sort of people to be friends with.
12-12-2011 , 02:27 PM
I find non-gamblers are refreshing company to keep around. Mostly because they provide the visual proof that gambling with an advantage will continue stay profitable for years to come. Even people with competent math skills seem to prefer to believe the odds are against you in the end.
12-16-2011 , 11:26 PM
Most people still view poker as simply gambling so I don't go into specifics or details with them. When I do tell them numbers, they either don't believe it or they tell me that I'm a really lucky guy and should stop while I'm ahead.

I've worked in a sales environment and many friends are in the same area so comparing how much money we have made is all fun and games. With these people, they tend to understand the variance of poker much better than the regular person since they know that you might have a huge money or you might blank and it's just the nature of the business.

When I'm not talking strategy, I prefer the company of non poker players. It gives me a sense of contrast and plus its funny to see how we view money differently.
