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Law School Transfer? Law School Transfer?

07-28-2009 , 11:41 AM
Usnwr says top 100 is tier 1, but they're the only ones who say it that way. Even my profs refer to my school as tier 2.
07-28-2009 , 12:07 PM
Originally Posted by HowardZinn
Cold hard truth =

T1 = top 14
T2 = 15-100
T3 = 101-150
T4 = 151 - last
whew, thanks so much for officially clearing that up.

loved "a people's history" btw
07-28-2009 , 12:28 PM
No prob.

Thanks, me too, lol.
07-28-2009 , 11:09 PM
Originally Posted by HowardZinn
Cold hard truth =

T1 = top 14
T2 = 15-100
T3 = 101-150
T4 = 151 - last

I'm a T2 fwiw.
Ok thanks....This also helps clear up an argument my friend and I had as he stated he went to a Tier 1 (San Diego) and I argued that there was no way that school was a T1. He cited the UNWR rankings in his argument but from what I have read on here and other places I didn't think the top 100 was all considered Tier 1 regardless of what UNWR said. I will be sure to send him a link to this thread. Thanks.
07-28-2009 , 11:20 PM
Originally Posted by agdci981
Ok thanks....This also helps clear up an argument my friend and I had as he stated he went to a Tier 1 (San Diego) and I argued that there was no way that school was a T1. He cited the UNWR rankings in his argument but from what I have read on here and other places I didn't think the top 100 was all considered Tier 1 regardless of what UNWR said. I will be sure to send him a link to this thread. Thanks.
a) that's not a very nice thing to say straight up to your friend even if you think it's true and

b) do you really expect him to be convinced by one post from some random guy on an internet forum. it doesn't exactly settle the matter iyam

edit: btw, i do think this is pretty odd and i'd be curious to hear why they actually say it this way, but i just checked out the actual USNWR site http://grad-schools.usnews.rankingsa...hools/rankings and if you go to "by tier" on the left, looks like they don't officially say tier 1 and tier 2. there's a category for "top 100," then "tier 3" then "tier 4," without the top 100 officially divided into two separate tiers. so in that sense i don't know that it's right to say USNWR calls top 100 tier 1.

Last edited by lolasthma; 07-28-2009 at 11:31 PM.
07-28-2009 , 11:54 PM
Originally Posted by lolasthma
a) that's not a very nice thing to say straight up to your friend even if you think it's true and

b) do you really expect him to be convinced by one post from some random guy on an internet forum. it doesn't exactly settle the matter iyam

edit: btw, i do think this is pretty odd and i'd be curious to hear why they actually say it this way, but i just checked out the actual USNWR site http://grad-schools.usnews.rankingsa...hools/rankings and if you go to "by tier" on the left, looks like they don't officially say tier 1 and tier 2. there's a category for "top 100," then "tier 3" then "tier 4," without the top 100 officially divided into two separate tiers. so in that sense i don't know that it's right to say USNWR calls top 100 tier 1.
I didn't just say it straight up to him. He was bragging that he went to a Tier 1 and I told him I didn't think San Diego was a Tier 1. That was pretty much it. And no, I don't really think this thread will convince him at all. I guess when I look at it in hindsight if it all pretty trivial. If he wants to think he goes to a Tier 1 then good for him. I just wanteed to kind of verify that my side of the argument wasn't completely wrong, which I feel like I got in this thread. So thanks.
08-09-2009 , 08:20 PM
Most biglaw firms would rather you do really well at a lesser school (unless it's a really, really poor school) than mediocre at a better school (unless it's a very top school). They see it as if it's not about where you go as much as how you do when you get there.

Originally Posted by HowardZinn
I'm a 3L at Chicago-Kent (#3 out of 6 in Chicago). My opinions are derived from the experiences of my peers in the Chicago market this summer. I would assume that my school, as a T2, is in a better situation in the Chicago market than Suffolk, as a T4, is in the Boston market. However, if you are representing to me that the two markets are not analogous, then I suppose I'll have to take your word for it. However, I must say that your recommendation goes against everything I've learned from navigating and helping numerous others naviigate the job market over the past 2 years, as well as extensive research I did studying law school admission and placement rates before attending school.
I graduated from Baylor Law within the last year, and because it's a big trial advocacy school I know that Kent also has a great trial ad program - congrats.
