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Embarassing moments on campus Embarassing moments on campus

09-03-2009 , 03:17 PM
What are the most embarassing moments you have had while in school?
09-03-2009 , 03:34 PM
one morning after a night of heavy drinking i saw some guy in the bathroom and we started talking and we ended up talking for like 30 minutes and at the end i was like "i'm [my name] by the way, nice to meet you"

he goes: "dude, we hung out for like 2 hours last night"
09-03-2009 , 05:36 PM
for some reason i decided to get absolutely smashed in the kitchen but no one else was drinking. things were going well until i was in absolute zombie mode hitting on some chick in halls who was rly embarassed by me.

anyways, thats all irrelevant. i threw up in my bed and started stumbling down the hallway with vomit all over my back in my boxers at 4am heading to the shower. some other girl sees me and is like uh are u ok? meh whatever, kinda funny thinking what the **** she must have been thinking
09-03-2009 , 05:52 PM
ON campus?

my friend and I were sitting in class right in front of a projector that just kicked its fan on. We were drunk, and i was too drunk to be able to hear what the prof was talking about with a REALLY loud fan on behind me. I was annoyed and quietly asked my friend if he could hear what he was saying. he had no clue, but whispered to me that he thought we might smell like liquor. "WHAT? maybe we should leave." we left, as the class had apparently stopped anyway.

it was 8am.

and by "quiet" and "whispered"... you know what i mean.
09-03-2009 , 05:58 PM

four of us were walking to an on campus cafe while intoxicated. we ran into a girl that went to high school with me. She was with her parents. We were at least 200 yards away, and how i recognized her i have no clue. I yelled 'HEEEY' to her, she yelled hey back. i yell back, "you're going to love it here!"

"I already go here!"
09-04-2009 , 12:03 AM
I saw a black guy jerking off in a truck with the windows down
09-04-2009 , 12:37 AM
Originally Posted by ninersrule
I saw a black guy jerking off in a truck with the windows down
you are his slave chauffer
09-04-2009 , 01:14 AM
Originally Posted by MI101

four of us were walking to an on campus cafe while intoxicated. we ran into a girl that went to high school with me. She was with her parents. We were at least 200 yards away, and how i recognized her i have no clue. I yelled 'HEEEY' to her, she yelled hey back. i yell back, "you're going to love it here!"

"I already go here!"
man this is brutal i would have been so embarrassed that i would end my life on the spot
09-04-2009 , 01:15 AM
this thread sucks. can we get some stories of people actually legitimately embarrassed rather than "OMGOSH I FARTED AND SOEM GIRL MIGHT HAVE SMELLED IT"?
09-04-2009 , 02:19 AM
Originally Posted by gangip
one morning after a night of heavy drinking i saw some guy in the bathroom and we started talking and we ended up talking for like 30 minutes and at the end i was like "i'm [my name] by the way, nice to meet you"

he goes: "dude, we hung out for like 2 hours last night"
You know how I know your gay?
09-04-2009 , 02:59 AM
I posted this in oot a while back, but think it's relevant here...

I'm driving to school after I just smoked a fat bowl of dro at home. I hadn't smoked for a few days before that so I was really blazed. I'm late to class so as soon as I park my car I bolt out and start walking briskly to class. I reach in my pocket to make sure I locked my car and the keys weren't there so i jog back to the car and find the engine running lol. There was this chic passing by that saw me I think but I tried not to look at her and just kept walking.
09-04-2009 , 03:25 AM
Originally Posted by chondo
I posted this in oot a while back, but think it's relevant here...

I'm driving to school after I just smoked a fat bowl of dro at home. I hadn't smoked for a few days before that so I was really blazed. I'm late to class so as soon as I park my car I bolt out and start walking briskly to class. I reach in my pocket to make sure I locked my car and the keys weren't there so i jog back to the car and find the engine running lol. There was this chic passing by that saw me I think but I tried not to look at her and just kept walking.
ahhahaha you were that faded that u just got out of ur car and didnt turn it off. thats pretty funny.

but thats not embarassing at all
09-04-2009 , 03:50 AM
I have two great ones.

1. Roomate changes my ringtone to that gay rap song "Let your shoulder lean" and I'm sitting in this huge lecture hall with over 300 students wearing my glasses looking nerdy as all can be. I forget to turn my phone off and in the middle of class at full blast my ringtone starts going off. "I said a one two step and let yourrrr shoulda lean...let ya shoulda lean". Whole class stops and teacher tells me to turn off my phone while everyone is staring at me laughing. I was so embarassed I was turning bright red and getting all sweaty and then I could hear these hot girls a couple rows behind me singing the song laughing. I immediatly got up and left early.

rap song

2. So I had this political science class that was one night every week and the class was 3 hours long. So naturally I would get so baked before class that I pretty much had no idea what was going. The teachers method for checking attendance was to ask a question and everyone had to give an answer that no one else has said before. Example, he would ask what is your favorite animal. Person 1: "Crocodile", person 2 "tiger", person 3 "monkey", person 4 "rhino"....etc. The class had about 200 or so people and he would make about 60 people every night of the class answer the question. So my strategy was to always have about 4 different things in my head so I wouldn't mess up if someone picked what I was thinking.

Anyways, I come to this one class baked out of my mind and he is starting to check attendance. He asks us, "What are you going to be for Halloween?" I immediately think "okay, Batman, Superman, Jesus". The class is going around saying answers and no one has taken any of my picks, so I'm thinking I'll be ok. As soon as it gets to the 5 or so people in front of me the answers go almost rapid fire, "Batman, Jesus, the Hulk, pirate, Jesus" and it gets to me. I'm so ***** stoned that I can't even think of an answer and I'm just sitting there trying to think of something but my mind is drawing blanks. I say, "Uh, I don't know. They stole my answers." The Professor starts laughing at me and then goes off on this long winded speech about how pathetic I am and how I am cheapening everyones education with my unimaginative thinking, while the whole class is staring at me with my eyes blood shot as all can be thinking to myself "wtf is going on".

Last edited by kzyk85376; 09-04-2009 at 03:57 AM. Reason: added song
09-04-2009 , 05:13 AM
loool getting fkd up in class is good
09-04-2009 , 06:31 AM
going to molecular biology, entering the aula and notice that it's filled with little children and instead of the female prof, it was a dude and there was a slideshow with some childrens drawings
i didn't know wtf was going on so i left after ten minutes, while leaving my bench made an incredibly loud screaching noise and the dude stopped talking and all those kids turned around staring at me, i look to the side and there's a whole bunch of parents as well apparently
i started laughing and walked out
09-04-2009 , 12:04 PM
Standard freshman drinking a ton story.


I fell asleep naked in the dorm bathroom underneath the partition dividing the two bathroom stalls. My roommates found me about 25 minutes after I fell asleep and I had puked up the Taco Tuesday dinner all over the floor.

They said it took them an hour to clean it all up, clean me up, and they emptied their bottle of cologne in the bathroom while neighbors walked in and laughed.


For my 21st birthday we went out drinking (ldo), and I blacked out after about an hour or two. When I woke up the next morning and went to the bathroom my boxers had kind of a skid-mark in them...I figured I did something stupid like **** my pants and was all "FML WTF".

Then I saw the pictures online of my friend's dog licking peanut butter out of my *******...not sure if that's better or worse than ****ting my pants.

I actually just un-tagged the pics from facebook (I imagine future employers would view them negatively), but i'll try and find them to put some up

This is when my friends shamed me and shoved a pickle into my mouth until i puked up blue curacao all over my face/bed

Meh, not really NSFW but spoilered anyway


Last edited by springsteen87; 09-04-2009 at 12:13 PM.
09-04-2009 , 02:45 PM
this thread was horribad until ^^
09-04-2009 , 08:08 PM
09-05-2009 , 02:34 PM
So I am a busboy at this Sorority; which means like you do the girls' dishes and you get to eat for free and meet a TON of hot women. Well I am running a little late so I scarf down this really grade-D Chinese food they had for lunch and am walking briskly to class. I get to t he Math/Physics hall and hustle up the stairs, class is on the 3rd floor. I don't feel to hot and on like the 2nd floor stairwell I just start giving it up. Puke is everywhere and like these stairs are really open and have railings on both sides and the puke starts to flow over the side and rain down. I hear people below go "WTF!". Nobody saw me puke though so I hustle to class, throw in some gum, and take the back stairwell out of the hall.

2nd story involves me being all hungover and walking to class and like its cold and chilly out and I'm walking/drinking coffee. In the main road in front of like 300 people I just start giving it up on University Ave. I had people cheering for me. Not really embarrassing but funny none the less.
09-05-2009 , 04:11 PM
end of semester, i had been up for about 40 hours on adderall/caffeine working on a bunch of **** and haven't had any food in 10-12 hours...went to go do a presentation that was worth a big chunk of my final grade, about 10 minutes in i starting feeling weird and all the sudden i get really light headed and start sweating profusely. i figure it will go away but a minute later my vision starts fading and decide its time to gtfo out because i've experienced this before (this is a good description of wat happened Vasovagal Syncope) and i know it will end in me being temporarily blind (everything literally goes completely black) so i stumble over to the corner and then using the wall as my guide i make it to the door and stumble/crawl down the hallway to a bathroom

make it to the bathroom still with zero vision and lay down on the floor (ya gross i know) for ~10 minutes all the while i'm still sweating like crazy and eventually i regain my vision and start feeling a little better so i go outside and lay in the grass wait for the class to end because i'm too embarrassed to go back in there.

5 minutes after the class is scheduled to get out i walk back in to get my backpack and laptop, the professor is still there and asks me wtf happened and if i'm alright i tell her i've been sick for the past couple days and that i went and threw up. she says she can't give me a real grade because i only made it halfway through the presentation and that i can come in the next day to finish it, i ask what my grade would be if i didn't and its a D so i think **** it and tell her to give me that grade, even with the D i'd still pass the class and i really didn't feel like facing the class again after that

Last edited by CheckRaise; 09-05-2009 at 04:18 PM.
09-05-2009 , 05:20 PM
I got pretty hammered after a long night of drinking and ended going back to my dorm with a girl. We were both smashed and pretty much passed out after a little bit. In the morning I wake up with a wet feeling all over my bed and myself. The girl had no idea so I just blamed the urination on her and she was completely embarassed and feeling bad. I still feel bad to this day knowing it was me the whole time that did it.
09-06-2009 , 12:06 AM
During hell week, I smelled like puke/alcohol/raw fish/ so many other disgusting foods I had to eat, I pulled an all nighter for my accounting midterm. Roll into class, sit down at the end and then people start doing that loud sniffing noise acting like they don't smell something bad but obviously they do. So all the people around me start doing this and then they put my eyes squarely on me. I give them a nod like yea it's me, wtf can I do (also not allowed to shower during hell week). So they all move away as they wont sit next to me and there aren't enough seats for the students that won't sit next to me. So the professor tells me to come to her office later to take the test.
09-06-2009 , 11:44 AM
Freshman year I'm playing poker intensely and travelling when school starts. I'm in Europe for the first couple weeks of school, and when I get back I kind of **** around even more and end up not going to class for the first time until the middle of October. One class I was registered for was an American Studies class called "Wilderness in American Culture" or something.

So school is almost 2 months in and I haven't attended a class but I decide to go to class one day after drinking. I arrive 20 minutes late, and the class has about 12 people in it, all sitting in a circle in this science lab. I grab a desk and pull it up to the circle amidst some amazingly weird looks. About as soon as I grab a pen out of my backpack, the professor says "William, what do YOU think the significance of this painting is." On the projector is a painting of a Daniel Boon looking mother ****er, pointing out over some huge canyon. My reply was probably the single most amazing thing I've ever said. "Uh... he looks... uh... scared because he's in the wilderness...?"

"Talk to me after class."
09-06-2009 , 04:38 PM
The following happened in my... junior year I think.

I used to ride my bike to class every day. I lived off campus. I'm running late as usual, so I pedal my way there. It's cold outside, and I have jeans and a jacket on, but this still gets me sweaty by the time I get there.

It's like a 20 person class and it's a bit cramped, so I walk in and take a seat in between two chicks. I immediately smell something horrible... it smells like ****. I could see the girls around me reacting to it too. I'm trying to locate the smell... and I realize it's coming from me. I had stepped square in dog **** on my way to class. Everyone had to know the smell came from me since I came in late and the smell followed me in.

I excuse myself, go to the bathroom and start furiously scrubbing off my shoes with soap and water. Pretty sure I got most of it clean. Get back to class. Yep, **** smell is still there. Some of it had gotten ON my jeans, and I missed that.

At this point I decided "**** it. I don't care." and stayed in class the rest of the time. No one looked at me quite the same after that. Must have thought I **** my pants or something.
09-06-2009 , 07:46 PM
After a night of heavy boozing i was expecting to wake up not all too sure where i was but for some unknown reason i was getting wet. I recognised my bed covers pretty quickly but it took me a second to realise i was outside my halls, in the pissing rain, in my clothes with odd shoes.. at 9am with small groups of people standing around before class laughing. not good
