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Do you wear gym shorts underneath Sweatpants? Do you wear gym shorts underneath Sweatpants?
View Poll Results: Do you wear gym shorts under your sweatpants
39 41.94%
39 41.94%
15 16.13%

02-01-2010 , 02:01 AM
i thought it was completely standard to wear shorts under sweats.

and anyone who doesnt wear sweats either hasnt had a class before 11am...or your one of those weird "morning people" that i hate so much in my morning classes.
02-01-2010 , 02:40 AM
Originally Posted by CheckRaise
people that don't wear sweatpants, are you wearing jeans all the time even while you're doing nothing at home or do you wear something else (bball shorts?)
If I'm at home I either have jeans on, or if it is warm out I have normal shorts not. jeans are comfortable to me so I don't see the need to buy sweat pants I guess
02-02-2010 , 12:29 AM
Originally Posted by TheDelta
i thought it was completely standard to wear shorts under sweats.

and anyone who doesnt wear sweats either hasnt had a class before 11am...or your one of those weird "morning people" that i hate so much in my morning classes.
I am very much not a morning person. But if I don't shower and dress, I never wake up and just zombie through the day. Always wore jeans or shorts to class (never jean shorts, unfortunately).
02-02-2010 , 01:48 AM
Ya i could see that. I actually start out that way at the beginning of the semester, but as habits grow old and more drinking during the week occurs, showering time just kind of turns into sleep 20 more minutes time.
02-02-2010 , 12:00 PM
I don't think I've seen legit breakaways since like 8th grade. I voted yes because I only wear them when I go to the gym, so it's convenient and helps keep me warm.
02-02-2010 , 10:17 PM
I don't think I've ever worn sweatpants in my life. Jeans take about 15 seconds to throw on. If I go to the gym I just wear athletic shorts.
02-03-2010 , 10:34 PM
02-03-2010 , 10:58 PM
wtf? Sweatpants? Are we 10? You can make a case for wearing sweats while working out, practicing, etc.. But sweats to class, the store, anywhere in public really are simply unacceptable.
02-03-2010 , 11:44 PM
Originally Posted by OnceInALifetime
wtf? Sweatpants? Are we 10? You can make a case for wearing sweats while working out, practicing, etc.. But sweats to class, the store, anywhere in public really are simply unacceptable.
I'd put money on at least 25% of any given class I go to wearing sweatpants during the winter.
02-03-2010 , 11:46 PM
Originally Posted by fishmeout
I'd put money on at least 25% of any given class I go to wearing sweatpants during the winter.
I'd put money on 100% of those people having: a) crusty, blistered vaginas, b) smegma-lined penises.

There is no excuse for that sort of attire.
02-03-2010 , 11:58 PM
i find it easier to masturbate in class without shorts on underneath
02-04-2010 , 12:29 AM
Originally Posted by OnceInALifetime
I'd put money on 100% of those people having: a) crusty, blistered vaginas, b) smegma-lined penises.

There is no excuse for that sort of attire.

Last edited by CheckRaise; 02-04-2010 at 12:29 AM. Reason: but you are dumb
02-04-2010 , 04:37 AM
I'm shocked at the hating on sweatpants...I love them - super comfortable and very practical in cold weather.

I wore them probably about 30-35% of the time to class in the winter (UIUC) and like 75%+ of the time to workout.

I always wear shorts underneath sweats when I'm going somewhere outside my place - my junk is too noticeable otherwise.

Bonus: several times when I wore sweats with my Rose Bowl hoodie, I was asked if I was on the football team...score
02-04-2010 , 09:45 AM
Do your sweats say ILL INI on the cheecks?
02-04-2010 , 10:51 AM
You know the message you're sending out to the world with these sweat pants? You're telling the world: "I give up. I can't compete in normal society. I'm miserable, so I might as well be comfortable." lolz

but really, the only people that wear sweats are smokeshows with those ugg boots, the sports teams/future gym teachers, and people that are noticeably hungover

as for shorts under
02-04-2010 , 10:16 PM
Originally Posted by OnceInALifetime
I'd put money on 100% of those people having: a) crusty, blistered vaginas, b) smegma-lined penises.

There is no excuse for that sort of attire.
Are you the new Henry of student life or something? Do you wear a suit and tie to every lecture?
02-05-2010 , 12:02 AM
Originally Posted by fishmeout
Are you the new Henry of student life or something? Do you wear a suit and tie to every lecture?
Jeans and a hoody. Casual. There is a difference between casual and reprehensible. Suit = formal. Jeans = casual. Sweats = inexcusable.
02-05-2010 , 01:17 AM
Originally Posted by illini43
I'm shocked at the hating on sweatpants...I love them - super comfortable and very practical in cold weather.

I wore them probably about 30-35% of the time to class in the winter (UIUC) and like 75%+ of the time to workout.

I always wear shorts underneath sweats when I'm going somewhere outside my place - my junk is too noticeable otherwise.

Bonus: several times when I wore sweats with my Rose Bowl hoodie, I was asked if I was on the football team...score
hidden brag
